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PayPal注册[ ]


点击右上角的“Sign Up”,新开一页面,选择自己的帐户类型Personal Account(个人帐户), Premier Account(Premier帐户),还是 Business Account(企业帐户),然后,选择国籍,我们是中国人,当然选China,然后进入帐户详细资料填写页面:


            First Name 名
            Last Name 姓
            Street Address 市内地址
            City 城市
            State/Province/ Region*  省
            Postal Code* 邮政编码
            Country 国家
            Country of which you are a citizen 国籍
            Home Telephone (country code first) 家庭电话,中国为86开头
            Work Telephone* (country code first) 工作电话,中国为86开头
            Email Address (this will be your login name) 电子邮箱,也是你登陆PayPal的用户名
            Confirm Email Address  确认电子邮箱
            Your password must be at least 8 characters and is case sensitive.密码至少输入8位字符,区分大小写。
            Create password 密码(8位以上)
            Confirm Password 确认密码
            Select Security Question 1 密码提示问题1   Answer 1 答案1
            Select Security Question 2 密码 提示问题2   Answer 2 答案2
            If you forget your password,we will ask you for the answers to your security questions.
            As a security measure, please enter the characters you see in the box on the left into the box on the right. 
              (The characters are not case sensitive.) Help?  
            Would you like this to be a Premier Account? Yes No 是否成为高级会员,建议选no
            Get all of our premium features for a low fee of just 1.9% + 30¢ (blended rate) on incoming payments.
            Click here to indicate that you have read and agree to the terms of use. 
              Please note that in order to send, receive, or withdraw money with PayPal, 
              you will need to register and confirm a credit or debit card.  
              打勾表示同意以上规则,否则不能注册*Optional field *表示可选项 其他未必填项


发送后会,下一页会要求输入Master卡或Visa卡的资料,如你没有,可在这里打住不继续。过一会儿您的邮箱会收到确认信,将其中链接打开,再输入密码即可确认成功。  等您申请好卡后可登录进账号,进入左下角Add credit card填写信息即可激活账号。


没有激活的PayPal可以收款或转给其他帐号,限额是100美元。如果想激活PayPal需要有一张国际信用卡,可以到招商银行或中国银行申请,有关细节请查看其他帖子。 激活步骤如下:

  1. 在My Account -> Profile -> Credit Cards -> Add填写信用卡资料
  2. PayPal需要向你的信用卡扣1.95美元,点击确认。扣的1.95美元等你的帐号激活了第一次消费以后会返回到你的Paypal帐户。
  3. 等银行帐单,在交易摘要中有4位数字验证码(paypal前面的4位数字),如果有网上银行也可以到网上银行查看。在My Account -> Profile -> Credit Cards中选取信用卡然后点Complete Expanded Use Enrollment:然后填入那4位注册码,提交后就OK了。






Paypal对哪些行为是要强制关闭的[ ]


Closing Accounts and Limiting Account Access 帐户的关闭及冻结

In general. In addition to the rights laid out in section 7.2 of the User Agreement, PayPal, at its sole discretion, also reserves the right to limit access to sending money or making withdrawals from an account for any one of the events listed below. 通常地,除了《用户协议》7.2部分所罗列的权利之外,某一个PAYPAL账户若出现如下列举的任何情况之一,PAYPAL亦有权依据自身之判断,冻结其使用汇款及抽款的功能。

If your Account Access is Limited. If the dispute covers only a specific transaction, we will only limit access to funds related to that particular transaction. 如果您的账户被冻结,若争议仅限于某一项交易,我方将仅仅对与该项交易有关的金额给予冻结。

If your account access has been limited, you will be notified by e-mail and requested to provide information relevant to your account. PayPal will investigate the matter promptly. 如果您的账户已被冻结,PAYPAL将通过电子邮件通知您,并要求您提供与您账户相关的信息材料。我方会迅速地对事件展开调查。

If the investigation is in your favor, we will restore access to your account. If the investigation is not in your favor, PayPal may return funds to the sender and restore access to the remainder of your account, continue to limit your account access for up to 180 days as is necessary to protect PayPal against the risk of reversals, or may close your account by giving you notice and mailing a check for any funds in your account (minus funds that are in dispute) to the address that you have provided. 如若调查结果对贵方有利,我方将恢复您的账户。 如若调查结果于贵方不利,PAYPAL会将钱返还给汇款人,并将贵方账户中的余额解冻。PAYPAL为防范撤款风险,将继续冻结贵方账户180天,或者会关闭您的账户,然后通知贵方。并且将贵方账户中的全部钱款(减去有争议的金额)写支票邮寄到您所提供的地址。

If you are later determined to be entitled to the funds in dispute, PayPal will make an additional payment of those funds to you. Any of the following events may lead to your account being limited: 假若之后证明您有权获得那部分有争议的款项,PAYPAL将会把那笔钱另外付给您。 若出现如下任何一种情况,都会导致您的账户被冻结:

Reports of unauthorized or unusual credit card use associated with the account including, but not limited to, notice by the card issuing bank. This includes notices made by you to your credit card company that a transaction was unauthorized or your account compromised, and is done in order to protect you from further unauthorized use of your card; 与您PAYPAL账户关联的信用卡一经发现未予授权或者有异常情况(包括但不限于发卡行通知,包含您通知您的信用卡公司有笔交易未授权或者您的账户受到威胁,以及做出通知以避免您的信用卡被进一步滥用)

Reports of unauthorized or unusual bank account use associated with the account; 发现您PAYPAL账户使用未授权或者情况异常的银行账号。

Abuse by a buyer of the reversal process provided by the buyer's issuing bank; 买方发卡行做出撤销处理导致买方投诉。

Consistent failure to pursue the Buyer Complaint Process described below before pursuing any alternate reversal process provided by the buyer's issuing bank; 多次通知Paypal进行拒付的买家。

Complaints received regarding non-shipment of merchandise, non-delivery of services, merchandise not as described, or problems with merchandise shipped; 收到如下投诉:未交货,未提供服务,商品与描述不符,或者商品到货后存在严重问题。

Initiation by a buyer of a reversal process through the buyer's issuing bank without first pursuing the Buyer Complaint process described below; 任何在没有通知Paypal的情况下先行向发卡行提出拒付请求的。

Receipt of potentially fraudulent funds; 收到有可能是赃款的汇款(编者语:一般异地交易;个人间转帐被封闭的适用此条,因此个人间转帐一般只适用于真实拍卖中,并提交可查询的运单和发票,而且不可以是经常性的);

Excessive disputes or reversals, or attempts to "double dip" by receiving funds in a dispute both from PayPal and through a reversal or a refund from the seller; 过分争议或者撤款,或者试图通过从PAYPAL借助撤款或者要求卖方退款方式重复取钱;

Refusal to cooperate in an investigation or provide confirmation of identity when requested; 当要求提供身份确认资料以便调查时,拒绝配合;

Initiation of transactions considered to be cash advances or assisting in cash advances(not including the use of the PayPal debit card); 加入或者交易被发现有套现或者协助套现的行为(不包含PAYPAL借记卡的使用);(编者语:注意!买卖Paypal余额的往往违反该条款)

Sending unsolicited email or posting referral links on websites where they are not permitted; 随意发送垃圾邮件或者在未经许可的网站上留下链接;

Opening multiple Personal accounts; 开多个个人账户;

The account has been used in or to facilitate fraudulent activity; 账户被用于欺诈行为或者协助欺诈行为;

Violations of this User Agreement; 触犯《用户守则》;

Name on the bank account associated with the PayPal account does not match the name on the PayPal account; 与PAYPAL账号连接的银行账户上的姓名和PAYPAL账号上的姓名不相符;

Return of an incoming Electronic Funds Transfer for insufficient funds in the bank account, incorrect bank routing number, or incorrect bank account number; 引入的电子货币转账时银行账户内资金不足,以及不正确的银行交换号(routing number),或者错误的银行账号。

Use of an anonymizing proxy; 使用代理服务器。

Participating in prohibited transactions and activities, including but not limited to multi-level marketing programs, gifting clubs and other pyramid schemes, and listing items for sale that have a delayed delivery date of 20 days or more after the transaction list, and other activities that are prohibited in Part II of this Agreement; 加入了禁止的交易及活动,包括但不仅限于:多层次市场运营、廉价赠予俱乐部和他金字塔式的营销计划(注:类似于我们所说的“传销”),以及在网上售卖商品时自交易之日起拖延交货达20天以上,以及其他本章程第二部分所禁止的活动。

Reports from credit agencies of a high level of risk; 从信用卡机构得知存在信用高风险。

Receipt by PayPal of excessive complaints regarding your account, business or service; and/or PAYPAL收到的投诉是关于您的商品交易或者(并且)服务。

Logging in from a country not included on PayPal's permitted countries list. 自PAYPAL许可国名单之外的国家登录。

PayPal will use reasonable efforts to investigate accounts that are subject to account access limitations and to reach a final decision on the limitations promptly. PAYPAL将竭尽可能地对冻结之账户进行调查,并迅速做出最终处理。

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