Template Tags

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Template tags are used within your blog's WordPress:Templates to display information dynamically or otherwise customize your blog, providing the tools to make it as individual and interesting as you are. Below is a list of the general user tags available in WordPress, sorted by function-specific category.

For further information on template tags and templates in general, see the following:

If you have an interesting twist on the implementation of a template tag, you're encouraged to add to its documentation for the benefit of other WordPress users. However, first see WordPress:Contributing to WordPress for help and guidelines on editing Codex pages.

Note: Some template tags listed below are new to a specific version of WordPress and will be so noted (example: "Version 2.1"). This means that tag is not available in previous versions. Tags listed as "Deprecated" have been so from version 2.0 or earlier. Newer deprecated tags are marked with the version from when they were deprecated (i.e. "Deprecated in 2.1").

Author tags[ ]

Category tags[ ]

Comment tags[ ]

Date and Time tags[ ]

General tags[ ]

Geo tags[ ]

Geo features were moved to a plugin implementation with WordPress 1.5. Tags in parentheses are the plugin version.

Link tags[ ]

Links Manager tags[ ]

Permalink tags[ ]

Post tags[ ]

While in WordPress:The Loop, these values can be accessed through the $post object.

Tag tags[ ]

Trackback tags[ ]

External Resources[ ]