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默认用法[ ]


This entry was posted on 
<?php the_time('l, F jS, Y') ?> at 
<?php the_time() ?> and is filed 
under <?php the_category(', ') ?>. You 
can follow any responses to this entry 
through the <?php comments_rss_link('RSS 2.0'); ?> 


This entry was posted on Monday, February 12, 2003 at 11:32 and is filed underWordPress Lessons, 
Things to Know. You can follow any responses to  this entry though theRSS 2.0 feed.

该日志元数据用到了三个模板标签。其中 the_time() 标签被使用两次,分别用以显示不同结果。剩下两个标签从数据库中获取该日志的类别信息和以及RSS订阅链接地址。

the_time()模板标签接收多个参数,我们可以利用不同参数从数据库中抽取当前日志的时间和日期数据。上面的代码第一次使用the_time()模板标签时,标签的参数 l, F jS, Y将日志的时间格式显示为星期,月,日,年。第二次,标签没有使用参数,因此只返回了日志的发表时间。对此文章的“更改时间与日期”部分有详细介绍。

模板标签 the_category显示当前日志所属类别。该模板标签的显示结果可以是不同文本,也可以是图形或图形之间的符号,甚至可以用插件来显示分类图形。在上面的例子中,各分类之间用逗号隔开

最后使用的模板标签是comments_rss_link,该标签利用参数RSS 2.0来识别订阅类型。我们也可以自定义feed标签,改变网页显示订阅链接的方式,甚至可以显示订阅图标而不是简单的订阅字样。

更改日志元数据信息[ ]


I slaved away at the computer on <?php the_time('l, F jS, Y') ?> 
at the ridiculous time of <?php the_time() ?> when I could have 
been doing something much more productive.  I slapped this 
thing into the <?php the_category(' and ') ?> categories, just 
to make you think I have some organizational skills.  If you 
can really be bothered, you can keep track of what people 
have to say about my silly writings through the  
<?php comments_rss_link('RSS 2.0'); ?> feed, but I 
wouldn't bother.  No one else who reads this babble has 
anything worthwhile to say.


I slaved away at the computer on Monday, February 12, 2003 at the ridiculous time of 11:32. when I could have been doing something much more productive. I slapped this thing into the WordPress Lessons and Things to Know. categories, just to make you think I have some organizational skills. If you can really be bothered, you can keep track of what people have to say about my silly writings through the RSS 2.0 feed, but I wouldn't bother. No one else who reads this babble has anything worthwhile to say.




POSTED: <?php the_time('m/j/y g:i A') ?>
FILED AS: <?php the_category(', ') ?>
COMMENTS FEED: <?php comments_rss_link('RSS 2.0'); ?>


POSTED: 05/12/04 9:35 AM
FILED AS:News,Answers

更改时间和日期[ ]

更改日志元数据中时间和日期的方法很多,我们可以从中选择适合自己网站或是适合本地文化习俗的日期显示方式。例如在世界的大多数地方,日期显示方式不是月、日、年而是日、月、年。我们可以在日志元数据中更改模板标签 the_time(),设置参数使之显示“Monday, 21 February 2005”:

<?php the_time('1, jS F Y') ?>  

也有一些插件可以生成日志的最后修改时间,从而为日志元数据添加更多信息。Kaf Oseo's Post UpdatedNick Momrik's Last Modified就是两个可以提供日志最后修改时间的插件。在下面的例子中,我们利用PHP标签,通过不同方式来设置时间格式, 并将Nick Momrik的插件添加到mdv_last_modified():


This post was written on what I think was a Tuesday, but I know it was the 15th day in the month of February in the year of 2004,
though I messed  around with this on the 10th day of August in 2004, a not-so-busy Thursday when I had nothing better to do.

添加模板标签[ ]


我们还可以用 bloginfo来添加网站名称等基本信息,或者用previous_post() 和[ title="Template Tags/next post" href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Template_Tags/next_post next_post()]为访问者导航。使用WordPress之后版本的访问者在浏览某一分类下的日志时,我们可以利用“上一篇”和“下一篇”模板标签为他们显示存档日志。下面是模板标签在日志元数据中众多用法的几个示例。


POST TITLE: <?php the_title(); ?>
AUTHOR: <?php the_author(); ?>
POSTED: <?php the_time('jS F Y') ?>
FILED AS: <?php the_category(', ') ?>
COMMENT FEED: <?php comments_rss_link('RSS 2.0'); ?>
PREVIOUS: <?php previous_post('%', , 'yes', 'yes'); ?>
NEXT: <?php next_post('%', , 'yes', 'yes'); ?>





 You are reading the article, WordPress   Makes 
 Me   Smile, on our website, Talking   Blog. This
 article was written on May 15, 2004, in Seattle,
 Washington, and you can find similar articles in
 the WordPress and Blog categories, or more
 articles by Harriet   Smith, if you enjoyed this
 article. If you have any comments about this
 article, you can contact Harriet Smith by email,
 or leave a comment below. You can also follow
 comments made on this article via our RSS   2.0
 feed. If you would like to continue reading more,
 the previous article on our site is called Things 
 To   Do With WordPress and the next article is
 called Why   I Like WordPress. Thank you for
 visiting our site.


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