WordPress:Importing from Movable Type to WordPress

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Introduction and Synopsis[ ]

导言和大纲[ ]

So you want to see what it is about WordPress:WordPress that makes it Movable Type's equal? This guide will help you with all the information you need to migrate your weblog from Movable Type (MT) or TypePad to WordPress (WP). We will use MT's exporter to export all the entries and comments in your MT blog and then import them using WP's import-mt.php importer. Finally, we will look at some issues concerning the preservation of links to articles (permalinks) after the import, and other issues that you may have. This guide will leave you feeling good, warm, and hopefully looking forward to a new life full with open source goodness. If you are a TypePad user, then read "TypePad" wherever this guide talks about "Movable Type". The process of exporting entries from a TypePad blog will be different, and you should contact the TypePad support folks if you are in doubt.

你想要知道 WordPress哪一方面,与Movable Type对等? 这个指南会使你了解,将网络日志从Movable Type(MT)导向WordPress(WP)的所有相关信息。我们会使用MT的导出器,将你的MT博客中的所有文章和评论导出,然后使用WP的import-mt.php 导入器导入。最后,我们会处理导入后,文章(permalinks)链接的保存问题,以及其它你遇到的相关问题。这个指南会使你感到温暖,舒心,茅塞顿开,开始重新享受 开放源码 带来的便利。如果你是TypePad用户,当这个指南谈到"Movable 类型"的时候,请阅读"TypePad" 。从TypePad博客中导出文章的过程不同,如果你有什么疑问,你可以联系TypePad的支持人员。

Overview[ ]

概述[ ]

To begin with, the following are assumed: 首先,假定你了解下面内容:

  • You have already installed WordPress on your server, so if you have not, please do so before continuing.
  • 你可能已经在服务器上安装了WordPress,如你还没有安装,请先安装。
  • "admin" is the login you use to login as the administrator of the WordPress blog.
  • "admin"是你用来作为管理员登录到WordPress博客。
  • "mtuserX" is the name of author X, in the MovableType blog.
  • "mtuserX"是MovableType博客中,作者X的姓名。

The steps involved in the migration are as follows:


  1. Exporting from Movable Type
  • 从Movable Type导出
  1. Editing the WordPress importer
  1. 编辑WordPress importer
  1. Importing into WordPress
  1. 导入WordPress
  1. Tying up loose ends, if any
  1. 如果有零碎内容,将这些内容结合在一起

Exporting from MovableType[ ]

从MovableType中导出[ ]

  1. Login to your MovableType blog. You will see a screen that looks like Figure 1.
  1. 登录到你的MovableType博客,你会看到与图1相似的界面。
  1. From the main menu, click on the "Configuration" link for the blog whose entries you want to export, as shown by the red arrow in Figure 1.
  1. 在主菜单上,点击你想要从中导出文章的博客的"配置"链接,如图1中的红色箭头。
  1. That link should bring you to a page similar to that shown in Figure 2. Click the "Import/Export" button on the left menu, as shown by the red arrow in Figure 2.
  1. 配置链接会带你进入与图2中显示的页面相似的页面。如图2中的红色箭头显示,点击左边菜单上的"输入/输出"按钮。
  1. On the page that ensues, Click the "Export Entries from <your weblog's name>" link as shown by the red arrow in Figure 3. Don't worry, the comments are exported too.
  1. 在随后的页面上,点击如图3中红色箭头显示的链接"导出文章 <你的博客名>"。不要担心,评论也被导出。
  1. Now you should see readable text, split over several lines, in your browser. If the text is one long, running line, and if you are using any version of Internet Explorer, then you have a problem. Internet Explorer sometimes treats plaintext as html. To avoid this problem do one of the following:
  1. 现在你应该在浏览器上,能够看到可读的文本。如果文本一直延续,有很多行,而且你使用了任何版本的Internet Explorer,那么你就会遇到麻烦。Internet Explorer有时候将纯文本当作html。要避免这个问题,请执行以下的一个操作:
  • Use a Gecko-based browser, such as Netscape, Mozilla, or FireFox. Save the page you see in your browser, with all the entries in text, as a text file with the name "import.txt", on your computer.
  • 使用Gecko为基础的浏览器,如Netscape, Mozilla, 或者 FireFox。将你所看到的文章保存到你的浏览器上,所有文章都保存到你的电脑上,名称为"import.txt"的文本文件中。
  • If you do not want to use another browser, then in Internet Explorer, copy all the text you see in the browser, open WordPad, or Notepad (a simple text editor), but definitely not MS Word, and paste the text in. Then save the file in the text editor with the name "import.txt".
  • 如果你不想要使用其它的浏览器,那么在Internet Explorer中,复制你在浏览器中看到的所有文本,打开WordPad,或者Notepad(一个简单的文本编辑器),但是不要打开MS WordPress,并且将文本粘贴到这个简单的编辑器。然后将文件以文件名"import.txt",保存到文本编辑器中。
  • WordPress uses UTF-8 as the default encoding. So if your MT blog uses ISO 8859-1 or Latin - 1 to encode posts, convert the posts to UTF-8 before importing, to ensure that all characters display properly.
  • WordPress使用UTF-8作为默认编码。因此,如果你的MT博客使用ISO 8859-1或者Latin – 1给文章编码,导出之前,将文章转变为UTF-8,确定所有字符都正确地显示了。
    • 在*nix和OSX,你可以使用http://www.gnu.org/software/libiconv/documentation/libiconv/iconv.1.html iconv]问题,转换你的import.txt文件:$ iconv -f ISO-8859-1 -t UTF-8 import.txt > import_new.txt
    • You can also use one of many scripts available online.
    • 你也使用在线[1]之一。
    • Optionally, you could also set an Option (Option -> Reading -> Character Encoding) in WordPress to set the Charset for the WP weblog to ISO 8859-1 before importing the posts.
    • 导入文章之前,你也可以在WordPress中设置选项(选项 -> 阅读 -> 字符编码),将WP博客字符集设置为ISO 8859-1。

Editing import-mt.php[ ]

编辑 import-mt.php[ ]

1. Open the file "import-mt.php" in your favourite text editor. You will find it in the directory "wp-admin/import/" in your WordPress installation . For this, you have to download it first.


2. On line number 2 of import-mt.php, find %%%define('MTEXPORT', );%%% and change that to %%%define('MTEXPORT', 'import.txt');%%%

2.在import-mt.php的第2行,找到%%%define('MTEXPORT', );%%%并且更改为%%%define('MTEXPORT', 'import.txt');%%%

3. Save import-mt.php and upload it to the "wp-admin" directory on your server, overwriting the existing "import-mt.php".


4. Upload the "import.txt" file you had saved earlier after the export to the "wp-admin" directory on your server.


Importing Entries into WordPress[ ]

向WordPress导入文章[ ]

  1. Log into your WordPress installation as the user admin
  1. 作为用户admin登录到你安装的WordPress
  1. Visit the page http://example.com/wordpress/wp-admin/import-mt.php (Of course, please visit the corresponding page on your WordPress blog, this link is just an example).
  1. 访问网页http://example.com/wordpress/wp-admin/import-mt.php(当然,要访问你的WordPress博客上的相应的网页,这个链接只是个例子)。
  1. Click on the link that says "let's go!"
  1. 点击显示"let's go!"的链接
  1. On the next page, you will see all the authors in the Movable Type weblog, and for each of these authors, you can choose either an existing WordPress user from the dropdown list, or type a username for a new user to be created in WordPress. You can use this to "map" users on your Movable Type weblog to users in the WordPress weblog, if in case the names of the author(s) are different in your WordPress blog, and you want to change the authors' names. For example, the Movable Type user "mtuserX" might correspond to the "admin" user on your WordPress installation. If you do not wish to change the names of the MT authors, just leave the corresponding entries blank, and new WP authors will be created with the same name as the MT authors. Make the changes you desire, and when you are done, click the "Submit" button.
  1. 在下一个页面上,你将会看到Movable Type博客上的所有作者,在这些作者中,你可以从下拉列表上选择当前的WordPress用户,或者输入WordPress将要创建的新用户的用户名万一你的WordPress博客上的作者名不同,而且你想要更改作者名,。你可以将你的Movable Type博客上的用户与WordPress博客上的用户相"映射" 。例如,Movable Type用户"mtuserX" 可能与你安装的"管理"用户相对应。如果你不想更改MT作者,只要使得相应的文章保留为空白,与MT作者名相同的WP作者就会产生。更改你想要更改的内容,完成后,点击"递交"按钮。
  1. Now you will see a number of lines informing you of the progress of the import, as it happens. When it is all over, you will be asked to "Have Fun".
  1. 现在你会看到许多行,告诉你导入进程情况。导入结束后,你就"可以分享导出成功了"。
  1. Go ahead, have fun - the import of posts, comments, pingbacks and trackbacks is complete!
  1. 继续,玩得开心-文章,评论,pingbacks和trackbacks已经成功导入了!
  1. If any new authors were created in WordPress during the import process, according to your wishes, the password for those users/authors is changeme. You can use this password to log in as that user. Please change the password the first time you log in after the import, since everyone who's read this guide knows the password!
  1. 如果在导入过程中,WordPress中创建了任何新的作者,根据你的喜好,这些用户/作者的密码是changeme。你可以使用这个密码,作为那个用户,登录。导入后,你首次登录的时候,请更改密码,因为任何阅读了这个指南的人,都知道这个密码!

Odds and Ends[ ]

零碎的内容[ ]

Importing a Huge Number of Posts[ ]

导入许多文章[ ]

If you don't have administrative control of the server (root access), then Importing a Large Number of Posts has relevant links and help. This should be helpful if your import process dies before completing the import. The php installation on your webserver may have a low script timeout, or if the file is too large, your server may run out of memory. This is what's happening when you see a blank, white page, during the import, or your browser says "Done" before WordPress says "Have Fun!" after the import.


If you do have root access to the server, edit php.ini and increase the maximum memory setting. For a large import (e.g. 5MB), increase the script memory to 100MBs and restart apache. When the import is complete, restore the limit to what it was originally and restart apache again.


Preserving Permalinks[ ]

保留 Permalinks[ ]

Search Engines such as Google will still link to the old Movable Type generated URLs when linking to your articles. This is true of other websites too, that may have linked to your posts or articles. It is your best interests to preserve those links, to prevent visitors following those links from seeing a "404: article not found" error page. The following steps will help you preserve the links, depending on how the permalinks were configured on your Movable Type weblog.

搜索引擎,如Google链接到你的文章的时候,仍然会链接到旧的Movable Type产生的URLs。这也同样适用于其它链接到你的文章或者帖子的站点。你对保存这些链接很感兴趣,避免点击这些链接的访客会看到"404: 没有发现文章"错误页面。根据permalinks在你的Movable Type博客上的配置情况,下面的步骤会帮助你保存这些链接。

Using an MT Individual Entry Template for Redirection[ ]

为Redirection使用MT 单独文章模板[ ]

Alex King's solution provides a Movable Type template for individual entries, which you can use to generate pages that will redirect visitors to the corresponding WordPress pages. However, this method requires that you maintain the Movable Type installation, as also the pages generated by it, which will do the redirection.

Alex King的解决方法提供单篇文章的Movable Type模板,你可以使用这个模板创建网页,将访客导向相应的WordPress页面。然而,这种方法需要你维护安装的Movable Type,以及Movable Type创建的页面,这个页面起着导向功能。

Using .htaccess for redirection[ ]

为redirection使用 .htaccess[ ]

Matt's method uses the .htaccess file for redirection.


Create a Movable Type template like the following, have it output to redirect.php in your WP root directory:

创建如下的Movable Type模板,并且将模板输出到你的WP根目录的redirect.php中:

header('Content-type: text/plain');
<MTEntries lastn="999999">
Redirect Permanent /archives/<$MTEntryID$>.html http://www.example.org/archives/<$MTArchiveDate format="%Y/%m/%d"$>/
   <?php echo sanitize_title("<$MTEntryTitle$>"); ?>

header('Content-type: text/plain');
<MTEntries lastn="999999">
Redirect Permanent /archives/<$MTEntryID$>.html http://www.example.org/archives/<$MTArchiveDate format="%Y/%m/%d"$>/
   <?php echo sanitize_title("<$MTEntryTitle$>"); ?>

If your entry IDs in MovableType are padded with zeroes (0), then change the line above to


Redirect Permanent /archives/<$MTEntryID pad="1"$>.html http://www.example.org/archives/<$MTArchiveDate format="%Y/%m/%d"$>/
   <?php echo sanitize_title("<$MTEntryTitle$>"); ?>

Redirect Permanent /archives/<$MTEntryID pad="1"$>.html http://www.example.org/archives/<$MTArchiveDate format="%Y/%m/%d"$>/
   <?php echo sanitize_title("<$MTEntryTitle$>"); ?>

Also, if your used the "dirify" option, for example, when in MT, if you had:


  • Archive Type: Individual,
  • 归档类型:单篇,
  • Archive File Template: <MTEntryTitle dirify="1">.php,
  • 归档文件模板:<MTEntryTitle dirify="1">.php,
  • quotes in title etc,
  • 标题中的引号等等,

Use: 使用:

Redirect Permanent /archives/<MTEntryTitle dirify="1">.php 
 http://www.example.com/index.php?s=<$MTEntryTitle encode_url="1"$>
Redirect Permanent /archives/<MTEntryTitle dirify="1">.php 
 http://www.example.com/index.php?s=<$MTEntryTitle encode_url="1"$>

or if the extension for the pages were ".html", instead of the ".php" above, use:


Redirect Permanent /archives/<$MTEntryID$>.html 
 http://www.example.com/index.php?s=<$MTEntryTitle encode_url="1"$>
Redirect Permanent /archives/<$MTEntryID$>.html 
 http://www.example.com/index.php?s=<$MTEntryTitle encode_url="1"$>

Using .htaccess and mod_rewrite for redirection[ ]

为redirection使用.htaccess 和 mod_rewrite[ ]

Apache 1.3 and above have a module, called mod_rewrite, that allows URL to be seamlessly rewritten on the fly by the server. This can be used to preserve the previous permalinks from a MovableType installation. To use mod_rewrite, the module must be installed and the FollowSymLinks option must be enabled for your blog directory. If these two conditions are true, then it's as easy as creating a .htaccess file with the following lines in it:

Apache 1.3以及更高的版本,有个模,称为mod_rewrite,这个模,能够使得服务器不留痕迹地重写URL。可以使用这个模,保存安装MovableType时,先前的permalinks。要使用mod_rewrite,必须安装模,而且必须为你的博客目录激活了FollowSymLinks选项。如果这两个条件是真的,那么使用将下面的行置入其中,与创建.htaccess文件一样容易。

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule archives/0*(\d+).html /uri/to/blog/index.php?p=$1
RewriteRule index.rdf /uri/to/blog/index.php?feed=rdf
RewriteRule index.rss /uri/to/blog/index.php?feed=rss
RewriteRule index.xml /uri/to/blog/index.php?feed=rss2

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule archives/0*(\d+).html /uri/to/blog/index.php?p=$1
RewriteRule index.rdf /uri/to/blog/index.php?feed=rdf
RewriteRule index.rss /uri/to/blog/index.php?feed=rss
RewriteRule index.xml /uri/to/blog/index.php?feed=rss2
  • Note that this will also preserve RSS and RDF feeds that may be being used by third party sites.
  • 注意,这也能保存了第三方站点使用的RSS和RDF feeds。

Preserving the Numerical Post Ids[ ]

保存文章的Ids数字[ ]

If you are using WordPress 2.0 or newer, you will need to use Joshua Zader's solution: Mudita Journal: Importing from MT to WordPress

如果你正使用WordPress2.0或者更新的版本,你需要使用Joshua Zader的解决方法: Mudita 日记: 从 MT 向 WordPress导入

The information below largely pertains to older versions of WordPress.

下面的信息大多数是关于旧版本的WordPress。 If you want your imported posts in WordPress to have the same numerical post ids as in Movable Type, use Kathy's MT-Numeric-Id Importer. Note that this might not work very well, if you had "padded" numeric ids in Movable Type. However, a peek into the code, and a little familiarity with PHP should help you fix this, if required.

如果你希望WordPress中导入的文章与Movable Type中的文章ids相同,请使用Kathy的MT-Numeric-Id Importer。注意,如果你已经将Ids数字,"置入"Movable Type中,这可能不能够很好地运行。然而,只要扫视代码,稍微熟悉PHP,你就能够解决这个问题。

Another option is to use Dr. Bacchus' Solution for the same problem.

另一个选项是使用Dr. Bacchus的解决方法解决相同的问题。 See also: http://scott.yang.id.au/2004/06/wordpress-migration-notes/ 也看看:http://scott.yang.id.au/2004/06/wordpress-migration-notes/

Forcing Wordpress to Use the Movable Type Permalink Structure[ ]

迫使 Wordpress 使用Movable Type Permalink 结构[ ]

Allan Barizo provides a solution that forces Wordpress to use the same permalinks as Movable Type. However, since Movable Type does not always stick to a set number of characters in the entry_basename column, also known to WordPress users as a "slug" or %postname%," there are sometimes a few Page Not Found (404) errors. It is recommended that this method be used in conjunction with the strategies outlined above. It involves changing the permalink structure under "Options" to

Allan Barizo提供了一种解决方法,迫使WordPress使用相同的permalinks 作为 Movable Type。然而,因为Movable Type并不总是遵循entry_basename栏中固定数目的字符,WordPress用户认为是"slug" 或者 %postname%,",有时候没有发现一些网页(404)错误。建议将这个方法与上面列的策略一起使用。包括在"选项"下面将permalink结构,更改为


Since the %postname% in Wordpress substitutes dashes for spaces, it may be desirable to install the Underscore Permalinks Plugin. You may wish to defer this in case the solutions below do not work.

因为Wordpress中的%postname%将破折号替换为空格,更易于安装Underscore Permalinks 插件。防止下面的解决方法不能够运行,你可能想要推迟操作。

Generally, a SQL Query must be run on the wp_posts table in the WordPress MySQL database. This is because every Movable Type installation has a different %postname% length cutoff point. (The cutoff point in Movable Type can be seen under Settings, New Entry Defaults tab, Basename Length for the value). On the contrary, WordPress displays the whole URL. Before running this SQL query, replace "15" with the number of characters in the Basename Length field for the particular MT installation. Remember, to back up your MySQL database before performing this operation.

一般来说,SQL查询必须在WordPress MySQL数据库中的wp_posts表格上运行。因为安装的每个Movable Type都有不同的%postname%长度切断点。(在设置下面可以看到Movable Type中的切断点,新文章默认标签,参数值的Basename长度)。与此相反,WordPress显示整个URL。运行这个SQL查询之前,将"15"替换为Basename长度栏中的字符数目,以供安装MT。记住,执行这个操作之前,备份你的MySQL数据库。

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_name=SUBSTRING(post_name,1,15)
UPDATE wp_posts 设置post_name=SUBSTRING(post_name,1,15)

This query assumes that all of the posts in the database are imported from MovableType. Also note that any subsequent posts written or imported after running this query will follow the unlimited %postname% WordPress rule. In other words, this query will not have any effect on later post permalinks.

这个查询假定数据库中的所有文章从MovableType中导入。同时注意,运行这个查询之后,任何后来写的或者导入的文章,都会遵循无约束的%postname% WordPress规则。换句话说,这个查询对稍后发表的permalinks没有任何影响。

If the Movable Type blog is rather old, you may have upgraded Movable Type and changed it to use long URLs (more than 15 characters) for your entries. In this case, additional work may be needed. Let's assume that prior to September 1, 2005 your MT blog had a hard coded 15 character entry_basename limitation. You upgraded on September 1, 2005 and set the entry_basename limit to 50 characters. So an entry titled "This is a very long entry" written on August 30, 2005 had an entry_basename of "this_is_a_very" in Movable Type. (Movable Type will strip off the ending underscore.) This means that Page Not Found (404) errors when search engines provide these URLs. You may be able to fix many of these link errors by using phpMyAdmin to determine when the entry_basename size increased in your Movable Type MySQL database. Once you have determined the date then you can use SQL to fix all entries before this date to have the original 15 character limitation. Of course you don't want this change to affect those after this date. Example:

如果Movable Type博客时间非常旧,你可能需要升级Movable Type并且将其更改,使得其为文章使用更长的URLs(多于15个字符)。这时,可能需要额外的操作。假如在2005年9月1日之前,你的MT博客有个hard coded 15个字符 entry_basename 限制。你在2005年9月1日升级,并且将 entry_basename限制为50个字符。在2005年8月30日编写的,标题为"这是篇很长的文章" 的文章,拥有Movable Type "this_is_a_very" 的entry_basename。(Movable Type会去除结尾的下划线。) 这意味这搜索引擎提供这些URLs的时候,网页找不到(404)错误。通过使用phpMyAdmin,决定什么时候entry_basename 大小会在你的Movable Type MySQL数据库中增加,你可能会解决这些链接错误。确定好日期之后,你可以使用SQL在这个日期之前,处理好所有文章,拥有最初的15个字符的限制。当然,这个日期之后,你不希望这些变化会有影响。例如:

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_name=SUBSTRING(post_name,1,15)
WHERE post_date < '2005-09-01'
UPDATE wp_posts 设置post_name=SUBSTRING(post_name,1,15)
WHERE post_date < '2005-09-01'

There will likely still be inconsistencies. Some post_name values will contain a post_name ending in an underscore. This will cause page not found errors for these URLs. This SQL will clean up these posts, reducing but likely not eliminating this problem. 可能仍有不一致的情况。有的post_name参数值包含post_name的下划线结尾部分。这会致使这些URLs出现找不到网页的错误。这个SQL会整理这些文章,减少这个问题,但是可能不能清除这个问题。

UPDATE wp_posts 
SET post_name = SUBSTRING(post_name,1,(length(post_name) -1)) 
WHERE RIGHT(post_name,1) = '_'
UPDATE wp_posts 
SET post_name = SUBSTRING(post_name,1,(length(post_name) -1)) 
WHERE RIGHT(post_name,1) = '_'

The next step is to change all dashes in the post_name field in WordPress to underscores. This can be done with this command:

下一步是要将WordPress post_name栏中的所有破折号更改为下划线。可以使用这个命令操作:

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_name=REPLACE(post_name, '-', '_')
UPDATE wp_posts SET post_name=REPLACE(post_name, '-', '_')

Mark D. Hamill wrote a utility that may help show the posts where the permalink is inconsistent between Movable Type and WordPress. It was tested using Movable Type 3.3 and Wordpress 2.3. You will need to save the file with a .php extension and change some script variables to match your instance of MySQL. Of course it must be placed on your server and run from it with an appropriate URL. Once bad links are identified they can be changed using phpMyAdmin or a similar tool by carefully editing the post_name column for the appropriate rows in the wp_posts table. Rerun the utility until no link inconsistencies are found.

Mark D. Hamill 编写utility 能够帮助显示permalink在Movable Type和WordPress之间相一致的文章。已经使用Movable Type3.3和WordPress2.3进行了测试。你需要使用.php扩展名,保存文件并且更改一些脚本变数,以匹配你的MySQL。当然必须放在在你的服务器上,使用适当的URL运行。一旦识别了坏的链接,可以使用phpMyAdmin或者相似的工具更改,为wp_posts表格中的一些排,仔细地编辑post_name 栏。直到没有链接不一致情况,再运行utility。

Importing Tags[ ]

导入标签[ ]

If you created tags in your Movable Type blog and want to move them over, it is possible but tricky and possibly error prone.

如果你在你的Movable Type 博客中创建了标签而且想要要移除这些标签,这是可能的,但是较为麻烦,可能出错。

First, make sure that you have all post permalinks preserved as in Movable Type using the guidance above. In order to move tags for your blog entries, there must be a way to find a Movable Type entry in WordPress and this can only be done if they have something in common. Ensuring the same permalink between Movable Type and Wordpress allows tags in Movable Type to be associated in Wordpress.

首先,确定你保存了所有的文章的permalinks,就如使用上述的指南,处理Movable Type那样。为了移除你的博客文章中的标签,必须找到WordPress中的Movable Type文章,而且只有WordPress和Movable Type文章有相同点的时候,才能够执行这个操作。确保Movable Type和Wordpress中相同的permalink与Wordpress相关。

To actually move the tags, try a Movable Type tag import utility written by Mark D. Hamill. While it worked for him, it has not been extensively tested so send him feedback. It should be considered "Alphaware" so use it at your own risk and with the expectation that it might fail. Make sure you backup your database before trying to use this utility.

要真正的移除标签,尝试Mark D. Hamill写的Movable Type tag import utility。这能够为他服务,经过了广泛的测试,向他发送feedback。应该考虑"Alphaware",自己冒风险使用,因为可能删除不了标签。确定你尝试使用这个utility之前,备份了你的数据库。

Read the utility's instructions carefully before running it. It was tested using Movable Type 3.3 and Wordpress 2.3 and may not work for other versions. You will need to save the file with a .php extension and change some script variables to match your MySQL database. Of course it must be placed on your server and run from it with an appropriate URL. Guidance on running the utility can be found by invoking it. When ready to actually move over the tags, add a ?run=1 to the end of the URL.

运行utility之前,仔细地阅读指示说明。已经使用Movable Type 3.3和 Wordpress 2.3测试,而且在其它版本上可能不能够运行。你需要使用.php扩展名保存文件并且更改一些脚本变数,匹配你的MySQL数据库。当然,utility必须放置在你的服务器上,并且使用适当的URL运行。通过调用utility,可以找到运行utility的指南。当你真正准备移除标签的时候,将a ?run=1添加到URL的结尾部分。

User Experiences[ ]

用户经验[ ]

The following are a bunch of links to posts by users describing their MT to WP move. This might be handy to see if someone has faced the sinister problems you are facing (God Forbid!) :


  1. Carthik's notes, complete with links
  2. Dan Hersam on converting links
  3. PapaScott's Notes - a few gotchas
  4. BurningBird's List of Links
  5. Dr. Bacchus' Solution to Preserving Links
  6. David's tips for redirection
  7. Narendra's experience migrating from TypePad to WP (6/05)
  8. SquareFree Switching From Movable Type to WordPress
  9. Blau on issues when migrating a large site and the solution used
  10. Adam Stiles - Painless Switch from Typepad to WordPress
  11. Steven's experiences of moving from Movable Type 3.2 to WordPress 2.0

  1. Carthik的注释,由链接完成
  2. Dan Hersam关于转变链接
  3. PapaScott's Notes - a few gotchas
  4. BurningBird的链接列表
  5. Dr. Bacchus关于保存链接的解决方法
  6. David关于redirection的小贴士
  7. Narendra从TypePad转进WP1.5.1.2的经验 (6/05)
  8. SquareFree 从Movable Type切换到WordPress
  9. Blau on issues when migrating a large site and the solution used
  10. Adam Stiles - Painless Switch from Typepad to WordPress
  11. Steven关于从Movable Type3.2转进WordPress2.0的经验