WordPress:Manage Blogroll SubPanel

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Write → Link[ ]

This Write Link SubPanel is used to add links, sometimes called a blogroll, to your blog. Links can enrich your blog by providing your user access to the other blogs, humor sites, search engines, sports teams, or chicken cacciatore recipies, you love so much!

Links can be organized by category, have internal references about your relationship to their destinations, be automatically associated with images, and can even be rated on a scale from zero to nine.

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写 → 链接[ ]

编写链接子面板是用来向你的博客添加链接的,有时候,称为友情链接。 链接通过使你的博客访问其它的博客,幽默的站点,搜索引擎,体育小组,或者烹制鸡肉的食谱,使得你的博客功能更加强大,你真的很喜爱这个功能!


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Write Link[ ]

The following fields define a link:

The name of the link is what is actually displayed on your site.
Web Address
This is where the link points. Sometimes called a URL, this is the destination, or the site, you want to go to when you click the link. Remember to add http:// at the beginning of your Web Address.
You may optionally enter a description of your link here. This will be shown when someone hovers over the link, or optionally below the link. How the Description is displayed on your site depends on which theme you use. The WordPress Default and Classic Themes (the two themes delivered with WordPress) display the Description when you hover over the link.

Action Section[ ]

The action section if placed to the right of the Write Link area. Most important is the button to Save your link.

写 链接[ ]


这指的是链接指向的位置。 有时候称为URI,这是站点的最终位置,当你点击链接的时候,就可以进入这个站点。 记住,在你网址的开头,添加http://
你可以在这里输入你的链接的描述。 当有人将鼠标悬浮在这个链接的上面或者下面的时候,这个链接的描述就会显示。 这个描述在你的站点上的显示方式,取决于你使用什么样的主题。 WordPress默认和经典主题(WordPress发行的两个主题)在你将鼠标悬浮在链接上的时候,显示描述。

Action 部分[ ]

如果放置到编写链接区的右边,会出现action部分。 最重要的是将你的链接保存的按钮。

Keep this link private[ ]

Do you want this link to be listed on your site or not?
  • [ ]: Uncheck the box, and the link will be visible (the default).
  • [X]: Check the box and the link will not be visible.

Save[ ]

Click the the Save button to save this link.

Related[ ]

Three related links are provided to give you quick access to related functions:

保密这个链接[ ]


  • [ ]: 不要选中框,就能够看到链接(默认)。
  • [X]: 选中框,链接不会显示(。

保存[ ]


相关的[ ]


Categories[ ]

Categories are displayed in a expanding/collapsing box that allows selection of one or more Categories in which to associate a link.
Hint: If the Categories dialog area is collapsed (closed), then click on the ( > ) to expand or show the Categories. Clicking on a ( v ) hides (collapses) the dialog.
In the list of Categories box, just check the box to the left of each Category to associate with the Link. By default, no Category is selected. Note: If no Link Category is specified, the Default Link Category will be assigned the Link when the Link is Saved.
Two links (represented by left-hanging tabs) to the left of the Categories box allow you to show "All Categories" or just the "Most Used" (the top 10 most-used Link Categories) to choose.
New Categories can also be added by clicking the Add New Category link, typing that Category Name in the box and clicking the Add button.

Advanced Options[ ]

类别[ ]


提示: 如果类别对话框是关(关闭的),那么可以点击( > )显示类别。 点击( v )隐藏对话框。
在类别框列表上,只要选中类别左边的框,与链接向联系。 默认情况下,不会选择任何类别。 注: 如果没有规定任何链接类别,保存链接的时候,默认链接类别会提供链接类别。



高级选项[ ]

Target[ ]

This expanding/collapsing box houses radio buttons that allow you to decide how the link's destination is displayed when someone clicks the link. Note: Specifying anything but none will cause validation problems for your blog. In this specific case, however, the validation problems will not cause problems for your viewers' web browsers.

  • _blank - The destination will open in a new window.
  • _top - If your site uses frames, this option could be handy. The destination will open in the current web browser window instead of the current web page frame. Don't bother with this option if you don't use frames, or if you don't know what frames are; neither the default Kubrick nor the classic theme use frames.
  • none - The default option. This will open the destination in the current window (or the current frame if your site uses frames).

Target[ ]

这个扩展的/压扁的框houses单选按钮,使你知道当有人点击链接的时候,网页是怎样显示的。 : 什么也不规定,会使得你的博客产生确认问题。 然而在这个特别的例子中,确认问题不会使你的访客的网络浏览器产生问题。

  • _blank –网站会在新的窗口中打开。
  • _top –如果你的站点使用框架,这个选项很有用。 网站会在当前的网络浏览器窗口而不是当前的网页框架中打开。 如果你不框架或者你不知道框架是什么,请不要使用这个选项;默认Kubrick和经典主题都不使用框架。
  • none – 默认选项 这个选项会使得站点在当前的窗口中打开(或者如果你的站点使用框架的话,会在当前的框架中打开)。

Link Relationship (XFN)[ ]

XFN stands for XHTML Friends Network. WordPress allows for the generation of XFN attributes automatically so you can show how you are related to the authors/owners of site to which you are linking. XFN tags are an effort to add meaning to the connections (links) on the world wide web, and are gaining in popularity. See [[WordPress:#XFN Relationship Definations|XFN Relationship Definitions]] for a list of available relationships.

When you add a new link in the link manager, you may specify in this section of the SubPanel the relationship you share in real life with the author of the page to which you're linking. This will automatically add a rel="X" attribute to the HTML code for the link (where X is the relationship you specify).

XFN relationships are optional for WordPress links. You can leave everything in this section blank and all your links will still work.

链接关系(XFN)[ ]

XFN代表XHTML朋友网络。 WordPress能够自动产生XFN属性,因此你可以显示你与你链接的站点的作者/所有者之间的关系。 XFN标签是用来添加网络上的链接的意义,而且越来越受欢迎。 请看看[[WordPress:#XFN Relationship Definations|XFN 关系定义]]上可得到的关系列表。

当你在链接管理器中添加新的链接的时候,你可能在子面板的这个部分规定,你与所链接的网站的作者在现实生活中的关系。 这会自动为链接的HTML代码添加rel="X"属性(X是你规定的关系)。

XFN关系,WordPress链接是可以选择的。 你可以将这个部分的所有项目保留空白,你的所有的链接仍然能够运行。

XFN Relationship Definitions[ ]

To specify your relationship, use the following.

Use this checkbox if the link is to another of your own websites. This relationship is exclusive of all others.
These radio buttons allow you to specify one of four different types of friendships:
  • acquaintance - Someone with whom you have exchanged greetings and not much (if any) more -- maybe a short conversation or two.
  • contact - Someone with whom you know how to get in touch.
  • friend - Someone you consider a friend. A compatriot, buddy, home(boy|girl) that you know.
  • none - Use this if you want to leave the friendship category blank.
Check the met checkbox if this is someone whom you have actually met in person.
These two checkboxes allow you to specify your professional relationship with the author of the link's site.
  • co-worker - Someone with whom you work or someone who works at the same organization as you.
  • colleague - Someone in the same field of study or activity.
Use these three radio buttons to specify how you relate geographically to the author of the link's site.
  • co-resident - Someone with whom you share a street address. A roommate. A Flatmate. A member of your family living in the same home.
  • neighbor - Someone who lives nearby, perhaps only at an adjacent street address or doorway.
  • none - Use this if you want to leave the geographical category blank.
Six radio buttons to specify your familial relationship.
  • child - Your genetic offspring. Or someone that you have adopted and take care of.
  • kin - A relative. Someone you consider part of your extended family.
  • parent - Your progenitor. Or someone who has adopted and takes care (or took care) of you.
  • sibling - Someone with whom you share a parent.
  • spouse - Someone to whom you are married.
  • none - Use this if you want to leave the family category blank.
Use these four checkboxes to define how you are "romantically" related to the author of the site.
  • muse - Someone who brings you inspiration.
  • crush - Someone on whom you have a crush.
  • date - Someone you are dating.
  • sweetheart - Someone with whom you are intimate and at least somewhat committed, possibly exclusively.

Descriptions of the XFN relationships were modified from those found at the XFN Getting Started page.

XFN关系定义[ ]


如果链接是接入到你自己的另一个网站,请使用这个复选框。 这个关系排除了其它所有的关系。
  • 相识 –你和这个人会打招呼,但是并不多—可能会简短地谈话。
  • 联系 – 你知道怎样与之联系的某个人。
  • 朋友 – 你认为是朋友的某个人。 你知道的一个同胞,密友,老乡(男孩|女孩)。
  • none –如果你希望将友情类别保留为空白,请使用这个选项。
  • co-worker –和你一起工作或者和你在一个机构中的某个人。
  • 同事 –与你在一个学习或者工作领域的某个人。
  • co-resident – 和你住在一条街道上的某个人。 室友。 同住一栋公寓的人。 和你住在一块的家庭成员。
  • 邻居 – 住在你附近的人,可能在临近的街道或者就住在你隔壁。
  • none –如果你希望将地理位置类别保留为空白,请使用这个选项。
  • child –你的子女。 或者你领养并且照顾的某个人。
  • kin – 亲戚。 你的大家庭中的某个人。
  • parent -你的上辈。 或者领养并且照顾你的某个人。
  • sibling - – 和你同父母的人。
  • spouse – 与你结婚的人。
  • none –如果你希望将家庭类别保留为空白,请使用这个选项。
  • muse –给你带来灵感的某个人。
  • crush -你暗恋的人。
  • date - 与你约会的人。
  • sweetheart - 和你关系亲密只要相互忠诚,比较排外的人。

关系的描述与XFN Getting Started网页上的描述不同。

An XFN Example[ ]

Suppose a friend of yours whom you have met in real life owns the site http://www.example.com/. When you add that site to your list of links, you can specify that the owner of that site is a friend, and that you have met in real life. The link that is created will be of the form <a href="http://www.example.com/" rel="friend met">Example</a>. This link works just the same as a normal link, but contains extra information about your relationship to the site.

Further XFN Reading[ ]

For more information about XFN relationships and examples concerning their use, see the Official XHTML Friends Network Website.

Advanced[ ]

The following controls allow more advanced manipulation of your links.

Image Address
You can specify a URL of an image to associate with the link.
RSS Address
RSS is a form of Syndication. If you are linking to a site with an RSS feed, you can enter the feed URL here. Again, what WordPress does with this depends on your theme's template files. Currently, neither the WordPress Default or Classic theme displays the RSS Address.
Notes to yourself concerning the link.
You may chose to rate a link from 0 to 9, where 0 implies that the link is unrated. What the rating system actually defines on your site is up to you to decide.

Back to WordPress:Administration Panels.

一个XFN例子[ ]

加入你在现实生活中的一位朋友,拥有站点http://www.example.com/。 当你将这个站点添加到你的链接列表上时,你可以规定这个站点的所有者是你的一位朋友,你在现实生活中,见过这个朋友。 创建的链接的形式是<a href="http://www.example.com/" rel="friend met">例子</a>。 这个链接的运行方式与普通链接的运行方式相同,但是包含了你与这个站点的作者关系。

深入XFN阅读[ ]

关系XFN的更多信息及用法的例子,请看看Official XHTML 朋友网络站点


你可以规定链接相关的图像的URL。 <!—保存这个选项,虽然2.5版本中,这个选项已经过时了,WordPress怎样处理一个图像,取决于链接的类别(请看看管理类别子面板)。 -->
RSS是Syndication的形式。 如果你链接到一个拥有RSS feed的站点,你可以在这里输入feed URL。 此外,WordPress对此的操作,也是取决于你的主题的模板文件。 当前,WordPress默认或者经典主题都不显示RSS地址。
你可以选择从0到9中的一个级别,0暗示链接没有级别。 站点上怎样规定级别系统,取决于你自己。

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