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What is Nofollow?[ ]

Nofollow是什么?[ ]

Nofollow is an attribute that can be added to links to discourage WordPress:Comment Spam. It is used with the rel=" " attribute in a link.

Nofollow是个属性,可以添加到链接上,阻止评论垃圾广告Nofollowrel=" "属性一起用在链接中。

<a title="Article" href="http://example.com/article" rel="nofollow">
Article Example</a>
<a title="Article" href="http://example.com/article" rel="nofollow">

As described in the Google Blog:

Google 博客中所描述的:

From now on, when Google sees the attribute (rel="nofollow") on hyperlinks, those links won't get any credit when we rank websites in our search results.

从现在开始,当Google看到hyperlinks中有属性 (rel="nofollow") ,当我们在搜索结果中给网站排名的时候,这些链接不会得到任何排名。

By default, posting links generates no positive benefit for the poster in terms of PageRank (or other search engine value) the spammers will be dissuaded from wasting their time. Time will tell how well this works.


How Do I Use Nofollow?[ ]

我怎样使用Nofollow?[ ]

To use it, you modify your links like this:


<a href="http://wordpress.org/"
<a href="http://wordpress.org/"

WordPress 1.5 and above automatically assigns the nofollow attribute to all user-submitted links (comment data, commenter URI, etc).


Criticism[ ]

批评[ ]

Despite nofollow's Google backing, there is some very strong criticism from the overall blog community.


How Do I Disable Nofollow?[ ]

我怎样取消 Nofollow?[ ]

To disable nofollow, use one of the following plugins:


Ultimate List of Dofollow & Nofollow Plugins. This is a constantly maintained list of plugins to add nofollow and remove nofollow from various elements of Wordpress. The list also covers other blogging platforms such as Blogger, Moveable Type, Typepad and Drupal.

Comprehensive Reference for WordPress NoNofollow/Dofollow Plugins - A concise, current, and comprehensive reference for WordPress no-nofollow and dofollow plugins. Currently featuring 12 dofollow/no-nofollow plugins, this ultimate guide will help you choose the best plugin for your blog.

Dofollow & Nofollow 插件的根本列表。 这是不断维护的插件列表,用于从WordPress不同部分添加和移除nofollow。这个列表也包含了其它的写博客平台,如Blogger,Moveable Type, Typepad和Drupal。

WordPress NoNofollow/Dofollow 插件的综合参考 - A concise, current, and comprehensive reference for WordPress no-nofollow and dofollow 插件当前的简要综合参考。当前是12个 dofollow/no-nofollow 插件,这个指南会帮助你为你的博客选择最好的插件。