WordPress:Settings Miscellaneous SubPanel

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Settings → Miscellaneous[ ]

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WordPress has so many features, that some of them defy categorization. The file upload, links update tracking, and support for custom "hacks" features can be controlled from this SubPanel.


640px|right|Settings Miscellaneous SubPanel

640px|right|设置Miscellaneous 子面板

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Miscellaneous Settings[ ]

Miscellaneous 设置[ ]

Default settings used for during the media upload process when writing a post.


  • 在这个文件夹中储存上传的内容 – 使用 管理 > > 写文章 上传功能,在你想要上传文件的位置,输入这个文件夹(目录)。你必须将文件夹relative 输入到WordPress 地址 (URI) 文件夹。WordPress提议了wp-content/uploads的上传目录。使用这个提议,或者将这个目录更改为你选择的 relative path 。如果你的If your wp-content 文件夹是 可写的, 当你使用 管理 > > 写文章 上传功能,第一次上传的时候,WordPress会自动地为你创建这个文件夹。
  • Full URL path to files (optional) - Enter a URL path to your uploaded files. This is optional only if the setting 'Store uploads in this folder' remains at its default value of wp-content/uploads. Otherwise it must include the full path to the upload file directory that a browser would see.
:*文件 (可选择的)的完整的URL路径 –为你上传的文件输入URL路径。只要设置'在这个文件夹中储存上传的内容'仍然保持默认的wp-content/uploads值,路径就是可选择的。否则,必须要包含浏览器能够阅读的上传文件目录的完整路径。
  • Organize my uploads into month- and year-based folders - Check this box if you wish to organize your uploads into folders based on the year and the month of the upload. Assuming that you have specified wp-content/uploads as your upload storage folder, if you check this box, a file uploaded in February of 2009 would be placed into the wp-content/uploads/2009/02 folder. Note: At the time of the actual upload, WordPress will automatically create the folders, such as wp-content/uploads/2009 and wp-content/uploads/2009/02, as long as your wp-content folder is writeable.
  • 按月组织上传的内容,按年归档的文件夹 - 如果你像按月组织你上传的内容,并且将内容放入按年组织的文件夹中,请选中这个框。假如你将wp-content/uploads 规定为你存储上传内容的文件夹,如果你选中这个框,在2009年2月份,上传的文件,就会被放入wp-content/uploads/2009/02 文件夹。注:文件真正上传的时候,WordPress会自动地创建文件夹,例如 、 wp-content/uploads/2009wp-content/uploads/2009/02, 只要你的wp-content 文件夹是 可写的即可。

Image sizes
The sizes listed below determine the maximum dimensions to use when inserting an image into the body of a post.


  • Thumbnail size - Enter the Width and Height
  • Thumbnail 尺寸 –输入宽度高度
  • Crop thumbnail to exact dimensions (normally thumbnails are proportional) - check box
  • 将 thumbnail 修剪为确切的尺寸 ( thumbnails是成比例的) – 复选框

  • Medium size - Enter the Max Width and Max Height
  • 中等大小 –输入最大的宽度最大的高度
Track Links' Update Times


Check this checkbox to activate WordPress' link tracking feature. Blogs owners can report to some central location when they have updated their site. WordPress can do this automatically for you (see WordPress:Update Services). WordPress can then compare your links, (Administration > Manage > Links) with this central location to determine if any of your links have been recently updated.
选中这个复选框,激活WordPress的链接追踪功能。博客用户更新了博客之后,可以向一些中心区域报告。WordPress可以自动地为你执行报告 (请看看 更新服务)。 WordPress 可以在这个中心区域比较你的链接 (管理 > 管理 > 链接) ,查看你的链接是否更新了。

<!—过时的 然后 WordPress可以制作一个关于最近更新的链接的通知 (请看看管理 > 链接 > 链接类别 面板)。

Use legacy my-hacks.php file support

;使用legacy my-hacks.php文件支持

Check the box to use the file, my-hacks.php, to modify the content or presentation of your blog. It is designated in this SubPanel as "legacy support" because this functionality has been replaced by WordPress' support for WordPress:Plugins. However, my-hacks.php is still used by many people for small Hacks. If you want to use this file, you must enable support for it here by checking the checkbox.

:选中这个框,使用文件,my-hacks.php,更改你的博客的内容或者外观。在子面板中规定为"legacy 支持"因为这个功能已经被WordPress的插件支持所取代。然而,仍然有许多人使用my-hacks.php ,用作较小的Hacks。如果你想要使用这个文件,你必须在这里通常选中复选框,提供文件支持。

Save Changes[ ]

保存更改[ ]

Click the Save Changes button to ensure any changes you have made to your Settings are saved to your database. Once you click the button, a confirmation text box will appear at the top of the page telling you your settings have been saved.


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