WordPress:Settings Privacy SubPanel

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Settings → Privacy[ ]

The Privacy Settings control your blog's visibility to search engines such as Google and Technorati. You can decide if you would like your blog to be visible to everyone, including search engines (like Google, Sphere, Technorati) and archivers. If you don't want your blog available to the search engines you can block search engines, but allow normal visitors to see your site.

640px|right|Settings Privacy SubPanel

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设置 → 私密[ ]

私密设置控制了其它的搜索引擎,如Google和Technorati能不能看到你的博客。 你可以决定是否任何人都能够看到你的博客,包括搜索引擎(如Google,Sphere,Technorati)和archivers。 如果你不希望搜索引擎看到你的博客,你可以阻止搜索引擎,但是允许普通的访客查看你的站点。



Privacy Settings[ ]

Blog visibility
  • I would like my blog to be visible to everyone, including search engines (like Google, Sphere, Technorati) and archivers - Check this radion button so WordPress does not restrict search engines

私密设置[ ]


  • 我希望任何人都能够看到我的博客,包括搜索引擎(如Google,Sphere,Technorati)和archivers –选中这个按钮,这样WordPress就不会限制搜索引擎
  • I would like to block search engines, but allow normal visitors - check this for these results:
  • Causes "<meta name='robots' content='noindex,nofollow' />" to be generated into the <head> </head> section (if wp_head is used) of your site's source, causing search engine spiders to ignore your site.
  • Causes hits to robots.txt to send back:
User-agent: *
Disallow: /
  • 我希望阻止搜索引擎,但是运行普通的访客 – 选中这个按钮,结果是:
  • 导致"<meta name='robots' content='noindex,nofollow' />"产生到你的站点资源的<head> </head>部分(如果用到了wp_head),导致了搜索引擎spiders忽视了你的站点。
  • 导致hits to robots.txt发送回:
User-agent: *
不允许: /
Note: The above only works if WordPress is installed in the site root and no robots.txt exists.
  • Stops pings to ping-o-matic and any other RPC ping services specified. This works by having the function privacy_ping_filter() remove the sites to ping from the list. This filter is added by having add_filter('option_ping_sites','privacy_ping_filter'); in the default-filters. When the generic_ping function attempts to get the "ping_sites" option, this filter blocks it from returning anything.
注: WordPress安装在站点根目录而且不存在robots.txt,上述才能够运行。
  • 停止pings to ping-o-matic以及任何其他的RPC ping服务。 使得函数privacy_ping_filter()将站点从列表上移除,不能够ping,便可以做到这一点。 这个过滤器是在默认过滤器中放置add_filter('option_ping_sites','privacy_ping_filter');,添加的。 当generic_ping函数尝试得到"ping_sites"选项的时候,这个过滤器组织它返回任何内容。
  • Hides the Update Services option entirely on the Administration > Settings > Writing panel with the message "WordPress is not notifying any Update Services because of your blog's privacy settings."
  • 管理 > 设置 > 面板上通过显示信息"由于你的博客的私密设置,WordPress 不会通知任何的更新服务。",隐藏更新服务选项。

Save Changes[ ]

Click the Save Changes button to ensure any changes you have made to your Settings are saved to your database. Once you click the button, a confirmation text box will appear at the top of the page telling you your settings have been saved.

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保存更改[ ]

;点击保存更改按钮,确保你对你的设置所作的任何更改,都保存到了你的数据库中。 点击这个按钮后,网页的顶上方会出现一个确认框,告诉你,你的设置已经保存了。
