WordPress:Settings Reading SubPanel

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设置 → 阅读[ ]

设置阅读子面板中的选项虽然只有几个,但是仍然很重要。你可以决定是否让文章, 或者 "静态" 页面,显示为博客的首(主)页。你也可以确定更改主页上显示的文章 数目。此外,你可以调整syndication feed功能,确定怎样将站点上的信息发送到读者的网络浏览器或者其它的应用软件。

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阅读设置[ ]

Front page displays
Use this setting to determine if your posts or a "static" Page displays as your blog's front (main) page. This setting displays only if you have one or more WordPress:Pages defined. Please note static front page plugins and other 'posts display' control/restriction plugins may affect how these features work!
  • Your latest posts - Check to radio button so your latest posts are displayed on the blog's front page. Remember, the number of posts you display is controlled by the "Blog pages show at most" setting.
  • A static page (select below) - Check this radio button to cause a "static" Page to be displayed as your blog's front page. At the same time, choose the Page that will display your actual Posts. The Front page and Posts page cannot be the same value.
  • 你最新的文章 – 选中单选按钮,这样你最近写的文章,就会显示在博客的首页上。记住,你显示的文章的数目由"最多显示的博客网页"设置控制。
  • 静态的网页 (从下面选择) – 选中这个单选按钮,这样"静态的" 网页显示为你的博客首页。同时,选择真正显示你的文章的页面。首页和文章页面的参数值不能相同。
  • Front page - Select in the drop-down box the actual Page that you want displayed as your front page. If you do not select a choice here, then effectively your blog will show your posts on both the blog's front page and on the Posts page you specify. If you would like to create a static home page template file, do not name it home.php, otherwise you will encounter problems when you try to view the "blog"/"posts" section of your site. To get around this, just name it anything but home.php, for example, myhome.php
  • 首页 –从下拉框中选择你想要显示为首页的页面。如果你没有选择,你的博客会在博客的首页和你规定的文章页面上显示你的文章。如果你想要创建一个静态主页模板文件,不要命名为home.php,否则,你试着浏览站点的"博客"/"文章"的时候,会遇到麻烦。要避免这个问题,只要不要将文件命名为home.php即可,如,可以命名为myhome.php
  • Posts page - Select in the drop-down box the name of the Page that will now contain your Posts. If you do not select a Page here, your Posts will only be accessible via other navigation features such as category, calendar, or archive links.
  • 文章页面 –从下拉框中选择包含你的文章的页面名称。如果你没有选择,只有通过其它的导航功能,如类别,日历或者归档链接,才能够查看你的文章。
Blog pages show at most
  • [X] posts - Enter the number of posts to be displayed, per page, on your site.
Syndication feeds show the most recent
  • [X] posts - Enter the number the number of posts people will see when they download one of your site's feeds.
For each article in a feed, show
Determines whether or not the feed will include the full article or just a summary.
  • Full text - Click this radio button to include the full content of each post
  • Summary - Click this radio button include a summary of the post. This could save bandwidth.


  • [X] 文章 - 输入你的站点上每个网页显示的文章数目。
Syndication feeds显示最新的:
  • [X] 文章 - 显示访客下载你的站点上其中一个feeds时候,可以看到的文章数目。


  • 整个文本 –点击这个按钮,包含每篇文章的所有内容。
  • 摘要 – 点击这个单选按钮,包含文章的摘要。这样做,可以节省带宽。
Encoding for pages and feeds
Enter the character encoding to set the choice of languages in which you, the other authors, and your commenters, can write. The default (and safe choice) is "UTF-8" (see Unicode), as that encoding supports a wide variety of languages. If you wish to use some other character encoding (for example you have imported or will import articles written using a different character encoding) then specify that here. Caution should be used when changing this field as it may change the way information is displayed on your blog. For a more in depth article on character encoding see WordPress:Wikipedia:Character encoding.
输入字符编码,设置语言,使得你,其他作者和评论人员能够编写。默认(和安全的选择)是"UTF-8" (请看看Unicode),因为这种编码能够支持许多种不同的语言。如果你想要使用一些其它的字符编码(如,导入的文章或者将要导入的文章,使用不同的字符编码),请在这里规定这种编码。更改这个栏,应当谨慎,因为可能会更改你的博客上信息的显示方式。关于深入解说字符编码的文章,请看看Wikipedia:字符编码

Save Changes[ ]

Click the Save Changes button to ensure any changes you have made to your Settings are saved to your database. Once you click the button, a confirmation text box will appear at the top of the page telling you your settings have been saved.

Back to WordPress:Administration Panels.

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