WordPress:Template Tags/get category parents

跳转至: 导航、​ 搜索

描述[ ]


用法[ ]

%%% <?php echo(get_category_parents(category, display link, separator, nice name)); ?> %%%

例子[ ]

返回当前类别的母类别,链接是由'»'分开的 <?php echo(get_category_parents($cat, TRUE, ' &raquo; ')); ?> 会产生:

因特网 » 写博客» WordPress »

参数[ ]

(integer) 要返回母类别的类别ID的数字。如果没有设置这个ID数的话,默认为当前类别ID。
display link
(boolean) 创建一个链接,连接到显示的每个类别。
(string) 将各个类别分开的符号。
nice name
(boolean) 返回好听的类别名称或者不返回(默认是错误的)。

相关的[ ]

Description[ ]

描述[ ]

Displays a link to the category or categories a post belongs to. This tag must be used within WordPress:The Loop.

显示文章所属的类别的连接。必须在The Loop内,使用这个标签。

Usage[ ]

用法[ ]

%%% <?php the_category('separator', 'parents' ); ?> %%% %%% <?php the_category('separator', 'parents' ); ?> %%%

Examples[ ]

Separated by Space[ ]

例子[ ]

由空格分开[ ]

This usage lists categories with a space as the separator.


<p>Categories: <?php the_category(' '); ?></p>
<p>Categories: <?php the_category(' '); ?></p>
Categories: [[WordPress:#Examples|WordPress]] [[WordPress:#Examples|Computers]] [[WordPress:#Examples|Blogging]]
类别: [[WordPress:#Examples|WordPress]] [[WordPress:#Examples|电脑]] [[WordPress:#Examples|写博客]]

Separated by Comma[ ]

用逗号分开[ ]

Displays links to categories, each category separated by a comma (if more than one).


<p>This post is in: <?php the_category(', '); ?></p>

<p>This post is in: <?php the_category(', '); ?></p>

This post is in: [[WordPress:#Examples|WordPress]], [[WordPress:#Examples|Computers]], [[WordPress:#Examples|Blogging]]

This post is in: [[WordPress:#Examples|WordPress]], [[WordPress:#Examples|电脑]], [[WordPress:#Examples|写博客]]

Separated by Arrow[ ]

用箭头分开[ ]

Displays links to categories with an arrow (>) separating the categories. (Note: Take care when using this, since some viewers may interpret a category following a > as a subcategory of the one preceding it.)

用箭头显示类别链接(>)分开类别。(注: 使用这种方法的时候,应该注意,有的访客认为类别后面的> 是前面类别的子类别。)

<p>Categories: <?php the_category(' &gt; '); ?></p>

<p>Categories: <?php the_category(' &gt; '); ?></p>

Categories: [[WordPress:#Examples|WordPress]] > [[WordPress:#Examples|Computers]] > [[WordPress:#Examples|Blogging]]
类别: [[WordPress:#Examples|WordPress]] > [[WordPress:#Examples|电脑]] > [[WordPress:#Examples|写博客]]

Separated by a Bullet[ ]

用Bullet分开[ ]

Displays links to categories with a bullet (•) separating the categories.

使用bullet (•)分开类别,显示类别链接


Post Categories: <?php the_category(' &bull; '); ?>

%%% %%%

文章类别: <?php the_category(' &bull; '); ?>


Post Categories: [[WordPress:#Examples|WordPress]] • [[WordPress:#Examples|Computers]] • [[WordPress:#Examples|Blogging]]
文章类别: [[WordPress:#Examples|WordPress]] • [[WordPress:#Examples|电脑]] • [[WordPress:#Examples|写博客]]

Parameters[ ]

参数[ ]

(string) Text or character to display between each category link. The default is to place the links in an unordered list.

;分隔符: (string)链接类别之间显示的文本或者字符。默认是将链接放在无序列表上。

(string) How to display links that reside in child (sub) categories. Options are:
  • 'multiple' - Display separate links to parent and child categories, exhibiting "parent/child" relationship.
  • 'multiple' -分开显示母类别和子类别的链接,显示为"母/子"关系。
  • 'single' - Display link to child category only, with link text exhibiting "parent/child" relationship.
  • 'single' -只显示子类别链接,链接文本显示为"母/子"关系。
Note: Default is a link to the child category, with no relationship exhibited.


Related[ ]

the_category, the_category_rss, single_cat_title, category_description, wp_dropdown_categories, wp_list_categories, in_category, get_category_parents, get_the_category get_category_link,

模板:PHP Function Tag Footer

相关的[ ]


模板:PHP 函数标签页底文字