WordPress:Template Tags/trackback rdf

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描述[ ]

输出一篇文章的trackback RDF。必须在The Loop内使用这个标签。

This information is not displayed in a browser. Its use is partly intended for auto-detection of the trackback URI to a post, which can be "trackbacked" by some blogging and RDF tools. Include this tag in your template if you want to enable auto-discovery of the trackback URI for a post. Without it, people who wish to send a trackback to one of your posts will have to manually search for the trackback URI.

这个信息不在浏览器中显示。这个信息部分用来自动侦查一篇文章的trackback URI,可以由一些写博客和RDF工具"trackbacked"。如果你想要自动发现一篇文章的trackback URI,你可以将这个标签包含在你的模板中。没有这个标签,人们如果想要向你的某篇文章发送trackback,就要动手搜索trackback URI。

Usage[ ]

用法[ ]

%%% <?php trackback_rdf(); ?> %%%

%%% <?php trackback_rdf(); ?> %%%

Example[ ]

例子[ ]

Displays the RDF information before the end of WordPress:The Loop. You should wrap the tag in an HTML comment tag, to avoid issues with validation.

The Loop结束之前,显示RDF信息。你应该在一个HTML评论标签中包含这个标签,以避免确认问题。

<?php trackback_rdf(); ?>

<?php endforeach; else: ?>


<?php trackback_rdf(); ?>

<?php endforeach; else: ?>

Parameters[ ]

参数[ ]

This tag has no parameters. 这个标签没有参数。

Related[ ]

相关的[ ]

模板:Tag Trackback Tags

模板:No Param Tag Footer

模板:标签Trackback 标签
