WordPress:Users Authors and Users SubPanel

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Users → Authors & Users[ ]

The Authors and Users SubPanel allows you to add, change, or delete, your site's users. In addition, you can search for users, and you can make bulk changes and deletions to a selected group of users.

用户 → 作者& 用户[ ]

作者和用户子面板能使你添加,更改或者删除你的站点的用户。 此外,你可以搜索用户,大量地更改和删除选择的用户组。

640px|right|Users Authors and Users SubPanel

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Manage Users[ ]

Search Users
At the top right of the User Table is a search box to help find users. Enter a string in the box and click the "Search users" box. Any User that contains the search string in the Username, Name, E-mail, or Website fields will be displayed, by Role. You can then add, change, and delete those users. A "No matching users were found! " message will be displayed if no Users can be found that match the search string you entered.

管理用户[ ]

;搜索用户: :在用户表格的顶右上方,有个搜索框,能够帮助你查找用户。 在框中输入字符串,并且点击"搜索用户"框。 任何用户名,姓名,电子邮件或者网站区中包含有这个字符串的用户,都会由角色显示。 你可以添加,更改,和删除这些用户。 如果没有发现任何用户匹配你输入的字符串,就会显示信息,"没有发现匹配的用户! "

Filter Users
Just above the User Table, are filter links to All Users, and to Users belonging to the various Roles. Clicking on one of those links, say Subscribers, will display all the Users assigned the Subscribe Role. Click on All Users to again display all the Users in the table.


在用户表格的上方,是链接到所有用户的过滤器链接,同时链接到不同角色的用户。 点击其中的一个链接,如订阅者,就会显示订阅角色的所有用户。 点击所有用户,会选择表格中的所有用户。

User Table[ ]

The second section of the Authors and Users SubPanel displays a table of all the users listed by Username order.

用户表格[ ]


Delete Users
At the top of the table is the Delete button. Any User that has the checkbox (left of Username) set, will be deleted when the Delete button is clicked. On clicking the Delete button, a Delete Users panel will display with a message "You have specified these users for deletion:" with a list of the Users you are deleting with the following question:

;删除用户: :在表格的顶上方是删除按钮。 任何设置复选框(用户名的左边)用户,当删除按钮点击后,就会被删除。 点击删除按钮后,删除用户面板会显示信息"你规定删除这些用户:" 删除一列用户的时候,你需要考虑这些问题:

What should be done with posts and links owned by this user?
  • Delete all posts and links - Check this radio button and click the Confirm Deletion button to delete the User(s) as well as any posts and links attributed to those User(s).
  • Attribute all posts and links to - Check this radio button, select a User from the adjacent drop-down box, and click the Confirm Deletion button to attribute all the posts and links for the Deleted User(s) to the User you selected in the pulldown box. Upon successful completion of the deletion process, a splash message box near the top of the panel will display "x user(s) deleted".
  • 删除所有文章和链接 –选中这个单选按钮并且点击确认删除按钮,删除用户,以及用户拥有的任何文章和链接。
  • 将所有文章和链接分配给 –选中这个单选按钮,并且从临近的下拉框中选择一个用户,点击确认删除按钮,将删除的用户所拥有的文章和链接,重新分配给你从下拉框中选择的用户。 成功操作了删除步骤之后,在面板的顶上方的附近会出现splash 信息,显示"x用户被删除了"。
Change User Role
To the right of the Delete button is a Change role to pull-down box. Select a Role, and all the Users that have the checkbox (left of Username) checked, will be changed to that Role upon clicking the Change button. Upon successful completion of the changes, a splash box with the message "Changed roles." will display.

;更改用户角色: :删除按钮的右边是个更改角色下拉框。 选择角色,所有复选框(用户名的左边)选中的用户,在更改按钮点击后,就会更改角色。 成功地更改后,带有"更改后的角色"的splash框,就会显示。

User Table
The table of Users contains the following columns:
  • [ ] check box - Check this box if this user is to be affected by the Delete or Change (role) functions. There is also a checkbox in the column header to the left of the text Username--click that checkbox to cause all Users to be checked.

;用户表格: 拥有下面栏的用户表格:

  • [ ] 复选框 –如果用户将要受到删除或者更改(角色)功能的影响,请使用这个框。 用户名文本的左边的栏标头上也有个复选框—点击这个复选框,会选中所有的用户。
  • Username - The login of the User. To edit a User, click on the Username link, the Profile and Personal Options SubPanel will then display for you to make the necessary changes. In addition to the Username, all users have a unique identification number which WordPress uses to identify users internally. To determine that User ID, hover the mouse over the Username link, and the User ID will be revealed as part of the URL in the browser status bar.
  • Name - The first and last names of the User.
  • E-mail - The User's e-mail address.
  • Role - The Role assigned to that User.
  • Posts - The number of Posts written by that User.
  • 用户名 –登录的用户。 要编辑一个用户,请点击用户名链接,基本资料和个人选项子面板就会为你显示,做出必要的更改。 除了用户名外,所有的用户都有个唯一的数字,WordPress使用这些数字在内部识别这些用户。 要识别用户 ID,请将鼠标悬浮到用户名链接的上方,浏览器的级别栏中会显示用户ID,作为URL的一部分。
  • 姓名 – 用户的姓名。
  • 电子邮件 –用户的电子邮件地址。
  • 角色 –用户的角色。
  • 文章 –用户所写的文章的数目。

Add New User[ ]

In this section, you may add a new Users to your blog. If the Anyone can register option is set in the Membership section of Administration > Settings > General, users can register themselves at http://your wordpress url/wp-register.php. Regardless of that setting, you can manually create new users here.

添加新的用户[ ]

在这个部分,你可以给你的博客添加新的用户。 如果任何人可以注册选项设置在管理 > 设置 > 成员资格部分,那么用户可以在http://your wordpress url/wp-register.php注册。 不管那个设置,你可以在这里动手创建新的用户。

  • Username (required) - Enter the username of the new user here. This will also be used as the Login name of the new user.
  • First Name - Enter the first name of the new user here.
  • Last Name - Enter the last name of the new user in this text box.
  • E-mail (required) - Enter a valid e-mail address of the new user here.
  • Website -: You may enter the new user's website URL in this text box.
  • Password (twice) - Enter a password for the new user twice here, once in each text box.
  • Role - Select the desired Role for this User from the drop-down box.
  • Add User - Clicking this important button to save the new user's information into WordPress' database. If you don't click this button, the user will not be added. A flash message at the top of the panel well advise you that the new user has been added.

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  • 用户名 (必须的) –在这里输入新用户的用户名。 这个名称也会用作新用户的登录名。
  • –在这里输入新用户的名。
  • –在这个文本框输入新用户的姓。
  • 电子邮件 (必须的) –在这里输入新用户的有效的电子邮件地址。
  • 网站 -: 你可以在这个文本框中输入新用户的网站的URL。
  • 密码(两次) –在这里两次输入新用户的密码,每个文本框输入一次。
  • 角色 –为下拉框中的这个用户选择想要的角色。
  • 添加用户 - 点击这个重要的按钮,将新用户的信息,保存到WordPress数据库。 如果你没有点击这个按钮,就不能够添加用户。 面板的顶上方会出现flash 信息,显示已经添加了新的用户。
