WordPress:Using FileZilla

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<!—仔细地编辑这个文件,系统中的其它文件链接了这个部分 -->

FileZilla is an open-source FTP-client and FTP-server developed for the Windows operating system by Tim Kosse (Germany) et al. It comes in both a Javascript and non-Javascript version.

FileZilla是个开放源码FTP-client而且Tim Kosse (Germany)以及其他人,为Windows操作系统发展FTP-client and FTP-server。FileZilla有Javascript版本也有非Javascript版本。

FileZilla may be used to manage your WordPress site by uploading and downloading files and images. This article will guide you through the process of installing and using Filezilla to manage your WordPress powered blog hosted on the server.


For more information about FileZilla, view the list of features at the project site.

更多的关于FileZilla的信息,请访问project 站点上的功能列表

Why would I want to download FileZilla?


It's fast, stable, easy to use, and free. FTP is a standard way to upload or download files between your local system and your web server, and FileZilla is an solid client for everyday FTP needs.


<math>Insert f[htWordPress:Italic text[[WordPress:--Rajjunrey 08:17, 15 August 2008 (UTC)Link title--Rajjunrey 08:17, 15 August 2008 (UTC)--Rajjunrey 08:17, 15 August 2008 (UTC)

Italic text]]tp://www.example.com link title]ormula here</math>

<math>插入 f[ht斜体文本[[WordPress:--Rajjunrey2008年8月15日 08:17(UTC)链接标题--Rajjunrey2008年8月15日,08:17(UTC)--Rajjunrey2008年8月15日,08:17(UTC)

斜体文本]]tp://www.example.com 链接标题]ormula 这里</math>

Connecting[ ]

连接[ ]

In the top left of the Initial Screen (Figure 1), click Site Manager, and the screen you last saw (the FTP details screen, Figure 3) will pop into view.

在初始界面的左上方(图1),点击站点管理器,你最后看到的界面(FTP详细信界面,图 3 )就会弹出。

This time though, click the Connect button on the bottom.


If all is well, then in the top window of Figure 1, you will have seen a series of messages, and in the large window, you will see a listing of the files will appear.


Troubleshooting[ ]

疑难解决[ ]

If you had a problem, then it is time to go troubleshooting!


Look at the top area (Figure 1) and check the messages.

看看顶上方的区域(图 1 )并且查看信息。

  1. If there was no attempt to connect, then the ftp address is wrong. All it needs is one character to be incorrect and it will fail. Click the red X, break the connection and click the Site Manager to check what you entered.
  1. 如果没有尝试连接,那么ftp地址就是错误的。只要错了一个字符,就连接不上。点击红色X,破坏连接,并且点击站点管理器,查看你输入了什么内容。
  1. If it says that the user does not exist, check the Site Manager setting and ensure that it reflects what your FTP account details provided by your host says, or use the webserver administration interface provided to you by your host to re-check the existence of the FTP account. You may want to ask your web host for some assistance, too.
  1. 如果显示用户不存在,请查看站点管理器设置,确认站点管理器反映了你的主机给你提供的FTP帐户的详细信息,或者使用你的主机向你提供的网络服务器管理界面,重新检查FTP帐户是否存在。你也可以向你的网络主机寻求一些帮助。
  1. If it says Incorrect Login, your password could be wrong -- again, check it carefully, and watch your case (capitals and small letters).
  2. If it says Could not retrieve directory listing you may need to change the Advanced setting for your connection in Site Manager, so that Passive transfer mode setting is set to Use passive mode.
  1. 如果显示错误登录,你的密码可能是错的—再一次地仔细检查密码,并且看看大小写是否正确(大写字母和小写字母)。
  1. 如果显示得不到目录列表,你可能需要为站点管理器中的连接,更改高级设置,这样Passive transfer mode setting设置为Use passive mode

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