WordPress:WPMU Site Wide Categories

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Note: Site wide tagging is introduced in WPMU version 1.3, so this approach might be considered obsolete.

注:站点wide tagging是在WPMU 1.3版本中引进的,因此这种方法可能已经过时了。

This solution uses a separate standard single-user wordpress install to read the sitewide feed plugin from MU.

这个解决方法使用单用户的WordPress,阅读来自MU的sitewide feed 插件。

Then using a category plugin, it makes tags.


Please help evolve this documentation


This documentation was gleamed from the thread at http://mu.wordpress.org/forums/topic.php?id=3247&replies=68 : I refactored it here to allow the instructions to evolve without incurring extra complexity.


  1. On your *wpmu install*, download and install the wpmu-sitewide-feed plugin, and get it working.
  1. 在你的*wpmu 安装*,下载并且安装wpmu-sitewide-feed插件,并且使得插件运行。
    1. http://www.itdamager.com/plugins/wpmu-sitewide-feed/
    1. http://www.itdamager.com/plugins/wpmu-sitewide-feed/
  1. Install a copy of Single User Wordpress somewhere handy. Dr. Mike put his in http://daria.be/tags
  1. 在合适的位置安装单用户WordPress的副本。Dr. Mike将他的副本放置在http://daria.be/tags
    1. As an aside, make sure you have this name blocked out from your WPMu install or otherwise you're going to have issues.
    1. 作为aside,确定在WPMu中封闭了这个名字,否则你将会遇到问题。
  1. Go through your Single User Wordpress install that you have setup for the tags and make the following changes:
  1. 检查你为标签设置的单用户WordPress并且做出以下更改:
    1. On Admin->Options->General
    1. 在管理->选项->总的
      1. uncheck 'Anyone can register' is unchecked

      1. 不要选中'任何人都可以注册'
    1. On Admin->Options->Reading:
    1. 在管理->选项->阅读:
      1. change the Syndication Feeds to Summary (Optional but suggested)
      1. 将Syndication Feeds更改为摘要(随意的,但是建议你这样做)
      1. Bump up the Show the Most Recent: to something like 25. (Again optional but what the hey)
      1. 增加最近显示的文章数目:如增加到25篇。(也是可选择的)
    1. On Admin->Options->Privacy
    1. 在管理->选项->私密
    1. Change Blog Visibility to 'I would like to block search engines, but allow normal visitors'
    1. 更改博客的可见性'我希望阻止搜索引擎,但是我运行一般的访客'
      1. VERY IMPORTANT! This way you're not sending out pings to the posts you're importing. Did I say how important it was to turn off those options?
      1. 非常重要 !你不向你导入的文章发送pings。我以前说明关闭这些选项多么重要吗?
    1. On Admin->Options->Discussion

    1. 在管理->选项->讨论

      1. VERY IMPORTANT! Turn off the first three options under 'Usual settings for an article':
      1. 非常重要!关闭'文章一般设置'下面的前三个选项:
      1. Turn off "Attempt to notify any Weblogs linked to from the article (slows down posting.)"
    1. 关闭"试图通知文章中链接的任何博客(降低发表文章的速度。)"
      1. Turn off "Allow link notifications from other Weblogs (pingbacks and trackbacks.)"
      1. 关闭"允许其它博客的链接通知(pingbacks and trackbacks。)"
      1. Turn off "Allow people to post comments on the article"
      1. 关闭"允许其他人在文章上发表评论"
      1. Turn on "Before a comment appears:An administrator must always approve the comment" (your install is not for original comment

      1. 打开"评论出现之前:管理员必须总是批准评论" (你安装的版本并不是服务于最初的评论
    1. On Admin->Options->Permalinks
    1. 在管理->选项->Permalinks
      1. Change Permalinks to 'Date and name based'
      1. 将Permalinks更改为'以日期和名称为基础'
  1. On the Single User Wordpress
  1. 在单一用户的Wordpress上
    1. Download and enable the tag-replace-post-link.php plugin: http://heftagaub.wordpress.com/2007/03/17/sitewide-tags-for-wpmu-without-core-changes/
    1. 下载并且激活tag-replace-post-link.php插件:http://heftagaub.wordpress.com/2007/03/17/sitewide-tags-for-wpmu-without-core-changes/
  1. On WPMU, Admin->SiteAdmin->Sitefeed
  1. 在WPMU,管理->SiteAdmin->Sitefeed
    1. Change Trigger Blog Id to such a high number that it does not refer to an active blog. Say 1000. (You will change it back after the first import.)
    1. 将Trigger Blog Id更改为如此高的数字,并不指代运行的博客。如1000。(第一次导入后,你应该将数字改回。)
  1. Download the reworked WP-Autoblog - http://wpmudev.org/project/wp-autoblog is a copy uploaded by someone.
  1. 下载reworked WP-Autoblog - http://wpmudev.org/project/wp-autoblog是某人上传的副本。
    1. No sign of the version by Dr. Mike, "that I'm going to stick up over in http://wpmudev.org once I get this finished." (http://daria.be/tags/wp-autoblog.phps is a 404 Not Found.)
    1. 没有Dr. Mike的版本符号,"完成后,我想要在 http://wpmudev.org 中声明。 " (http://daria.be/tags/wp-autoblog.phps是个404没有找到。)
  1. Install the wp-autoblog plugin
  1. 安装wp-autoblog插件
  1. Activate the wp-autoblog plugin
  1. 激活wp-autoblog插件
  1. Make sure you did remember to stop the pings as above. (Admin->Options->Discussion, above)
  1. 确定你真的记住了阻止以上的pings。 (管理->选项->讨论, 以上的)
  1. On your tag system install, go Dashboard -> Options -> WP Autoblog
  1. 在你安装的标签系统中,进入Dashboard -> 选项 -> WP Autoblog
    1. Enter the URL of your WPMuFeed into the basic settings box on the left. I also have chosen the Excerpt and give them credit options.
    1. 将你的WPMuFeed的URL输入到左边的基本的设置框中。我已经选择了摘录并且赋予摘录信用选项。
  1. Double check the pings are in fact turned off. :)
  1. 双选事实上已经关闭的pings。:)
  1. On the Single User Wordpress, Options->WP AutoBlog, Run Script Now. It should import all the posts from MU into the single user worpress.
  1. 在单一用户的WordPress上,选项->WP AutoBlog,现在运行脚本。将所有来自MU的文章导入单一用户的WordPress上。
  1. On WPMU, Admin->SiteAdmin->Sitefeed
  1. 在WPMU, 管理->SiteAdmin->Sitefeed
    1. Change Trigger Blog Id back to the normal number.
    1. 将Trigger 博客 Id更改会普通的数字。

The changes to use the tag-replace-post-link.php plugin (or alternatively, hacks to link-template.php) allows the tag system to load the URL of the individual blog as the permalink instead of what it normally does.

使用tag-replace-post-link.php插件(或者hacks to link-template.php)使得标签系统将单个博客的的URL作为permalink而不是一般的URL载入。

Later: 随后:

http://mu.wordpress.org/forums/topic.php?id=3247&replies=68 http://heftagaub.wordpress.com/2007/03/17/sitewide-tags-for-wpmu-without-core-changes/

http://mu.wordpress.org/forums/topic.php?id=3247&replies=68 http://heftagaub.wordpress.com/2007/03/17/sitewide-tags-for-wpmu-without-core-changes/