WordPress: Development Planning:修订间差异

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The WordPress community often has ideas about the future direction of WordPress.  Many proposal are mailed to the [[WordPress:Mailing_Lists#Hackers|wp-hackers mailing list]], where the developers discuss the features and develop them into specifications.
WordPress团队通常有关于WordPress未来发展方向的计划。许多提议都发送到[[WordPress:Mailing_Lists#Hackers|wp-hackers 邮件列表]],开发人员在这里讨论新功能,并且将这些功能应用于WordPress。
WordPress团队通常有关于WordPress未来发展方向的计划。许多提议都发送到[[WordPress:Mailing_Lists#Hackers|wp-hackers 邮件列表]],开发人员在这里讨论新功能,并且将这些功能应用于WordPress。
== Goal ==
== 目的 ==
== 目的 ==
The goal of this page is to facilitate collaboration on feature specifications.

Currently, many feature requests remain as mailing list debates, where status isn't tracked, and specification refinement doesn't occur.  Part of the problem is that it's difficult to keep track of who has requested what, what things have already been discussed into the ground, and what the latest status of a potential feature is.

== Process For Feature Requests ==

== 功能请求的过程==
== 功能请求的过程==
This describes a process for feature requests.  Note that not all features will follow this process.  Rather, this provides a set of steps that someone can use to request an enhancement to WordPress to maximize the odds that the feature will be implemented.

=== Research The Idea ===

=== 调查情况 ===
=== 调查情况 ===

If there is an enhancement you'd like to see in WordPress, your first step should be to do a little research.  In particular, see if someone else has already had the idea, and if so, help them through this process (or take over if they are stalled).  Places to search:
* Codex (this wiki)
* [[WordPress:Mailing Lists#Hackers|wp-hackers mailing list]]
* [[WordPress:Submitting Bugs|Bug/Enhancement Submissions]]
** [http://trac.wordpress.org/query?status=new&status=assigned&status=reopened&component=Administration&component=General&component=Optimization&component=Security&component=Template&component=WordPress.org&component=XML-RPC&severity=enhancement&order=id Active Enhancement Tickets]
** [http://trac.wordpress.org/query?action=view&status=closed&resolution=invalid&resolution=wontfix&component=Administration&component=General&component=Optimization&component=Security&component=Template&component=WordPress.org&component=XML-RPC&severity=enhancement&order=id Rejected Enhancement Tickets]
** [http://trac.wordpress.org/query Other search]

* Codex (这个wiki)
* Codex (这个wiki)
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=== Discuss The Idea ===
=== Discuss The Idea ===
=== Discuss The Idea ===
Now that you're convinced you have a truly novel idea, your next step should be to discuss your idea with the development community.  Bounce the idea off of other developers on [[WordPress:IRC]] and/or the [[WordPress:Mailing_Lists#Hackers|wp-hackers mailing list]].

既然现在你已经确定你拥有全新的想法,接着你应该与发展小组探讨你的想法。在[[WordPress:IRC|在线聊天系统]]和/或者[[WordPress:Mailing_Lists#Hackers|wp-hackers 邮件列表]]上与其他开发人员一起探讨你的想法。
既然现在你已经确定你拥有全新的想法,接着你应该与发展小组探讨你的想法。在[[WordPress:IRC|在线聊天系统]]和/或者[[WordPress:Mailing_Lists#Hackers|wp-hackers 邮件列表]]上与其他开发人员一起探讨你的想法。
=== Log Your Idea ===

=== 记录你的想法===
=== 记录你的想法===
It's very easy for an idea to fall through the cracks if you rely solely on mailing lists or IRC.  A quick way to make sure your idea is on record is to list it on this wiki.  List your idea below, or on the page for the upcoming version of WordPress.


=== File a Feature Enhancement in Trac ===
=== File a Feature Enhancement in Trac ===
=== File a Feature Enhancement in Trac ===
If you really want to make sure that your idea doesn't fall through the cracks, the '''best''' way to inject your idea into the planning process is to [http://trac.wordpress.org/newticket file a ticket in the Trac bug tracker] (big bonus points for including a patch!).  Be sure to flag the enhancement as an "enhancement" using the "Type" field, and be sure to follow the [[WordPress:Submitting Bugs|bug submission guidelines]].  Don't get too worried about the fact that Trac is often referred to as the "bug system".  It works very well for feature requests, too.

如果你真的想要确定你的想法没有被遗漏,将你的想法加入发展计划的'''最好'''方法是[http://trac.wordpress.org/newticket file a ticket in the Trac bug tracker] (big bonus points for including a patch!)。要确定使用"Type" field,将enhancement标记为"enhancement",并且确定遵循了[[WordPress:Submitting Bugs|程序错误递交指南]]。不要太担心这个事实,Trac一般指代为"程序缺陷系统"。Trac也能够很好地配合需求的功能。
如果你真的想要确定你的想法没有被遗漏,将你的想法加入发展计划的'''最好'''方法是[http://trac.wordpress.org/newticket file a ticket in the Trac bug tracker] (big bonus points for including a patch!)。要确定使用"Type" field,将enhancement标记为"enhancement",并且确定遵循了[[WordPress:Submitting Bugs|程序错误递交指南]]。不要太担心这个事实,Trac一般指代为"程序缺陷系统"。Trac也能够很好地配合需求的功能。

=== Write a Formal Proposal ===
=== 编写正式的计划 ===  
=== 编写正式的计划 ===
Developers really appreciate clear and well-organized specifications when implementing a new feature.  Therefore, if you are requesting a new feature, it's in your best interest to ensure that there is a good specification for it. 

A well-written proposal will have the following sections:


;Summary :A concise but complete summary of the feature.  A reasonably smart developer should be able to read this and have an 90% understanding of the feature in question without having to read the rest of the specification.

; Status : Who is working on what, and how far along they are.  Be sure to include the date in any status proposal.  For example:
<pre>(June 25, 2005) - Initial draft is posted, and mail has been sent
to wp-hackers.  See Discussions section for more details</pre>

<pre>(2005年6月25日) –创建了草稿,而且将邮件发送给了wp-hackers。更多的详细信息,请看看讨论部分</pre>
<pre>(2005年6月25日) –创建了草稿,而且将邮件发送给了wp-hackers。更多的详细信息,请看看讨论部分</pre>

:Also, be sure to include a link back to the enhancement request in Trac, and add a comment to the Trac ticket pointing to your proposal.  (You did file your feature request in Trac, didn't you?)
:同时,确定包含了链接,返回到Trac中的enhancement request,并且给指向你的计划的Trac ticket添加评论。(你的确将你的功能request放入了Trac中,是吗?)
:同时,确定包含了链接,返回到Trac中的enhancement request,并且给指向你的计划的Trac ticket添加评论。(你的确将你的功能request放入了Trac中,是吗?)

; Current Behavior : How the feature currently behaves.  If someone stumbles upon your proposal looking for documentation on how a feature currently works, please point them to the right place.
; Implementation Strategy : Details regarding how the feature should be implemented, including specific files/functions to modify, and other design considerations.

; 实施策略 :关于功能应该怎样运行,包括需要更改的特别的文件/函数,以及其它设计问题的详细信息。
; 实施策略 :关于功能应该怎样运行,包括需要更改的特别的文件/函数,以及其它设计问题的详细信息。
; Work Estimate : How much work will this feature require.

; 工作量统计 :实施这个功能需要多少工作量。
; 工作量统计 :实施这个功能需要多少工作量。
; Commitments : List of developers committing to implement this feature, or at least help implement this feature.  Should include timeframes and specific activities whenever possible.

; Commitments :负责运行这个功能或者至少帮助运行这个功能的开发人员列表。可能的话,需要包括时间安排和特别的活动。
; Commitments :负责运行这个功能或者至少帮助运行这个功能的开发人员列表。可能的话,需要包括时间安排和特别的活动。
; Open Items : Any parts of the specification that are known to be incomplete, and other things left to be considered and acted upon.

; Open Items :指示说明中任何未完成的部分,以及其它需要考虑及运行的内容。
; Open Items :指示说明中任何未完成的部分,以及其它需要考虑及运行的内容。

; Discussions : Links to mailing list, IRC logs, and other places where this feature has been vetted.
;讨论:链接到邮件列表,IRC logs,以及其它检查功能的地方。
;讨论:链接到邮件列表,IRC logs,以及其它检查功能的地方。
Create a user page for the initial draft of your proposal (example: <nowiki>[[WordPress:User:Glutnix/Advanced User Permissions System Proposal]]</nowiki>), and put a "<nowiki>{{Proposals}}</nowiki>" template tag in your document.

为你的计划的草稿创建个用户页面(如:<nowiki>[[WordPress:User:Glutnix/Advanced User Permissions System Proposal|用户:Glutnix/高级用户权限系统计划]]</nowiki>,并且将"<nowiki>{{Proposals}}</nowiki>"模板标签放入你的文档。
为你的计划的草稿创建个用户页面(如:<nowiki>[[WordPress:User:Glutnix/Advanced User Permissions System Proposal|用户:Glutnix/高级用户权限系统计划]]</nowiki>,并且将"<nowiki>{{Proposals}}</nowiki>"模板标签放入你的文档。
When there are multiple proposals for the same feature, it's also helpful to have a page that serves as a summary for the feature area.  These pages should document "Current Behavior" as well as contain a list of proposals in the area.

=== Submit a Patch ===

If you are familiar with [[WordPress:Glossary#PHP|PHP]] and [[WordPress:Glossary#MySQL|MySQL]], and you desire to help in fixing the bugs and issues that exist in WordPress, the most effective way to [[WordPress:Contributing to WordPress#Submitting Patches|submit a patch]].

如果你熟悉[[WordPress:Glossary#PHP|PHP]] 和[[WordPress:Glossary#MySQL|MySQL]],而且你希望帮助解决WordPress中的程序缺陷问题,最有效的方法是[[WordPress:Contributing to WordPress#Submitting Patches|递交补丁]]。
如果你熟悉[[WordPress:Glossary#PHP|PHP]] 和[[WordPress:Glossary#MySQL|MySQL]],而且你希望帮助解决WordPress中的程序缺陷问题,最有效的方法是[[WordPress:Contributing to WordPress#Submitting Patches|递交补丁]]。
== Status ==

== 状态 ==
== 状态 ==
Currently, the development process is underway for [[WordPress:Version 2.2]].  Many features are listed on that page.

当然,[[WordPress:Version 2.2|2.2版本]]正在开发中。许多功能列在这个页面上。
当然,[[WordPress:Version 2.2|2.2版本]]正在开发中。许多功能列在这个页面上。
== Proposals ==

== 建议==
== 建议==
This section contains a list of development discussions which could evolve into future WordPress features or general improvements.

* [[WordPress:User:Glutnix/Advanced User Permissions System Proposal]]

* [[WordPress:User:Glutnix/Advanced User Permissions System Proposal|用户:Glutnix/高级用户权限系统建议]]
* [[WordPress:User:Glutnix/Advanced User Permissions System Proposal|用户:Glutnix/高级用户权限系统建议]]
=== Feature Area Discussions ===

===功能区讨论 ===
===功能区讨论 ===
These are general summaries of feature areas, and not specific feature proposals, per se.  Use these pages to further organize the development of new features, especially when there are multiple proposals that cover the same area:

* [[WordPress:User:Matt/WYSIWYG]] - list of possible solutions for addition of WYSIWYG editing features

* [[WordPress:User:Matt/WYSIWYG|用户:Matt/WYSIWYG]] – 列出WYSIWYG编辑功能的可能方法
* [[WordPress:User:Matt/WYSIWYG|用户:Matt/WYSIWYG]] – 列出WYSIWYG编辑功能的可能方法
* [[WordPress:User:RobLa/Access Control Development]] - page to keep track of discussions, proposals, current status and the general direction of the access control features in WordPress

* [[WordPress:User:RobLa/Access Control Development|用户: RobLa/权限控制发展]] –了解讨论,方案,当前状态情况的页面,以及WordPress中权限控制功能的基本方向。
* [[WordPress:User:RobLa/Access Control Development|用户: RobLa/权限控制发展]] –了解讨论,方案,当前状态情况的页面,以及WordPress中权限控制功能的基本方向。
=== Email Conversations Needing Formalization ===

Below are several Email threads which could/should be written up as more formal proposals:

* [http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wiki-tech/2005-June/thread.html Wiki integration] - discussed on new wiki-tech mailing list
* [http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2005-June/thread.html#1268 Call for 3 column theme] - email discussion started June 7, 2005
* [http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2005-May/000858.html Fix for getSelection issue]
* [http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2005-April/thread.html#614 Pingback block-level awareness]
* [http://wordpress.org/pipermail/hackers/2005-March/004233.html Category project]
* [http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wiki-tech/2005-June/thread.html Wiki 综合] - 在新的wiki-tech 邮件列表上讨论
* [http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wiki-tech/2005-June/thread.html Wiki 综合] - 在新的wiki-tech 邮件列表上讨论
* [http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2005-June/thread.html#1268 Call for 3 column theme] – 电子邮件讨论从2005年6月7日开始
* [http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2005-June/thread.html#1268 Call for 3 column theme] – 电子邮件讨论从2005年6月7日开始
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* [http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2005-April/thread.html#614 Pingback block-level awareness]
* [http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2005-April/thread.html#614 Pingback block-level awareness]
* [http://wordpress.org/pipermail/hackers/2005-March/004233.html 类别项目]
* [http://wordpress.org/pipermail/hackers/2005-March/004233.html 类别项目]
== General Feedback and Process Discussions ==

== 一般的反馈和过程探讨==
== 一般的反馈和过程探讨==
In addition to specific WordPress features, below are conversations regarding general process feedback.

* [http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2005-April/thread.html#708 Making it better (community feedback on some criticism)]
* [http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2005-June/thread.html#1428 WordPress 1.6]
* [http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2005-June/001468.html Matt Mullenweg's June 23, 2005 email to wp-hackers] - this was the starting point for the email conversations list above.
* [http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2005-April/thread.html#708 将其变得更好 (关于一些批评的团队反馈)]
* [http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2005-April/thread.html#708 将其变得更好 (关于一些批评的团队反馈)]
* [http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2005-June/thread.html#1428 WordPress 1.6]
* [http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2005-June/thread.html#1428 WordPress 1.6]
* [http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2005-June/001468.html Matt Mullenweg在2005年6月23日向wp-hackers发送的电子邮件] – 这是上述列出的电子邮件交流的开始。
* [http://comox.textdrive.com/pipermail/wp-hackers/2005-June/001468.html Matt Mullenweg在2005年6月23日向wp-hackers发送的电子邮件] – 这是上述列出的电子邮件交流的开始。

2008年9月10日 (三) 14:09的最新版本

WordPress团队通常有关于WordPress未来发展方向的计划。许多提议都发送到wp-hackers 邮件列表,开发人员在这里讨论新功能,并且将这些功能应用于WordPress。

目的[ ]



功能请求的过程[ ]


调查情况[ ]


Discuss The Idea[ ]

既然现在你已经确定你拥有全新的想法,接着你应该与发展小组探讨你的想法。在在线聊天系统和/或者wp-hackers 邮件列表上与其他开发人员一起探讨你的想法。

记录你的想法[ ]


File a Feature Enhancement in Trac[ ]

如果你真的想要确定你的想法没有被遗漏,将你的想法加入发展计划的最好方法是file a ticket in the Trac bug tracker (big bonus points for including a patch!)。要确定使用"Type" field,将enhancement标记为"enhancement",并且确定遵循了程序错误递交指南。不要太担心这个事实,Trac一般指代为"程序缺陷系统"。Trac也能够很好地配合需求的功能。

编写正式的计划[ ]



(2005年6月25日) –创建了草稿,而且将邮件发送给了wp-hackers。更多的详细信息,请看看讨论部分
同时,确定包含了链接,返回到Trac中的enhancement request,并且给指向你的计划的Trac ticket添加评论。(你的确将你的功能request放入了Trac中,是吗?)
Open Items
讨论:链接到邮件列表,IRC logs,以及其它检查功能的地方。

为你的计划的草稿创建个用户页面(如:[[WordPress:User:Glutnix/Advanced User Permissions System Proposal|用户:Glutnix/高级用户权限系统计划]],并且将"{{Proposals}}"模板标签放入你的文档。


递交补丁[ ]


状态[ ]


建议[ ]


功能区讨论[ ]


需要形式化的电子邮件交流[ ]


一般的反馈和过程探讨[ ]
