WordPress:How WordPress Processes Post Content

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WordPress processes text entered in the Write Post Panel multiple times before the text is finally displayed on a web page within your WordPress blog. The processing of the text filters out the unwanted code and conforms the text to a form that the browser can interpret. Without attention to detail and familiarity with WordPress's post content filtering, this can cause unwanted changes.


The majority of the conversion and filters are found in the wp-includes/formatting.php file. See the file source code for specific code functions and features.

可以在wp-includes/formatting.php文件中找到大多数conversion 和filters。请看看文件源代码上特别的代码函数和功能。

Come typical problems some users have with these filtering and processing functions are:


  1. Empty paragraphs, closing span tags, and line break (BR) elements are removed upon saving.
  1. 在保存的时候,空段落,关闭span标签,和行分隔符(BR)elements得到移除。
  1. Classes are removed from elements.
  1. Classes从elements中移除。
  1. DIV elements are converted to P elements.
  1. DIV elements转变为P elements。
  1. Javascripts and code are converted to displayable code rather than actionable code. See WordPress:Using Javascript for information on how to incorporate Javascript into a blog post.
  1. Javascript和代码转变为可显示的代码而不是可运行的代码。请看看使用Javascript,关于怎样将Javascript合并到博客文章的信息。

The following is step-by-step list of how WordPress processing post content text before the final publish.




WordPress:TinyMCE is the editor used by WordPress, known as the Rich Text Editor. Not all WordPress bloggers use it, but if you do, it will change various codes upon saving an entry to prepare it for publishing.


wpautop() WordPress Function

wpautop() WordPress 函数

wpautop() is a core WordPress function that automatically processes, fixes, and modifies the text of a post.


It puts in line breaks, paragraph tags, opens and closes tags that aren't opened and closed, and cleans up duplicate HTML tags.




Texturize (wptexturize()) is a text filter enabled by default that modifies posted text or comments to present a more readable and visually attractive output.

Texturize (wptexturize())是默认运行的文本编辑器,能够更改已发表的文本或者评论,呈现更易读的并且视觉上更吸引人的文本。

While it creates aesthetically pleasant text, it might create difficulties when posting code examples in a programming language. In such situations modification of the text is not desirable because it might create syntactically incorrect code.


A few examples include: 一些例子包括:

"quoted text" becomes “quoted text”
'quoted text' becomes ’quoted text’
          --- becomes —
           -- becomes –
          ... becomes …
          (c) becomes ©
          (r) becomes ®
         (tm) becomes ™
           '' becomes ”
           `` becomes “
  president's becomes president’s
  presidents' becomes presidents’
          12' becomes 12′
          12" becomes 12″
          2x4 becomes 2×4

"quoted text" becomes “quoted text”
'quoted text' becomes ’quoted text’
          --- becomes —
           -- becomes –
          ... becomes …
          (c) becomes ©
          (r) becomes ®
         (tm) becomes ™
           '' becomes ”
           `` becomes “
  president's becomes president’s
  presidents' becomes presidents’
          12' becomes 12′
          12" becomes 12″
          2x4 becomes 2×4

Convert Smilies

转变 Smilies

The convert_smilies() function converts combinations of characters into smilies or emoticons within the post, page, and comment text. For example, if smilies are enabled, WordPress will recognize :D and turn it into a smiling face.

convert_smilies()函数将字符集转变为文章,网页,或者评论文本中的smilies 或者emoticons。例如,如果激活了smilies,WordPress就能够读懂:D,并且将这个字符,转变为笑脸。

The key to making smilies work is to create a space before and after the keystroke combination. If place up against the text, it will not convert.

使得smilies运行的关键在于,在一次按多个键之前之后,创建空格。如果放置在文本旁边,之间没有空格,字符就不能够转变为smilies。 If conversion of smilies is not desired, turn it off through the Options > Writing panel.

如果不需要转变smilies,可以通过选项 > 写面板,关闭smilies。

Convert Characters


The formatting.php code file contains numerous functions which help publish character entities, accents, and non-English characters to a form recognizable by the web browser.


Generally, these work excellently, however, your browser may not recognize various language characters unless that language is activated in your web browser. See your browser's documentation for more information on adding language character recognition to your browser.


Methods to Prevent Processing


There are a variety of Plugins to change the filtering process WordPress uses by default. It is highly recommended that you do not change the core programming but use WordPress Plugins to change all or some of the content processing. See the WordPress Plugins Directory for various Plugins that change the post content filtering process.

有许多插件,可以更改WordPress默认使用的filtering 处理过程。强烈建议你不要更改核心程序,而是使用WordPress插件,更改所有的或者一些内容处理过程。请看看WordPress 插件目录更改文章内容过滤过程的不同的插件。

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