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PHP and MySQL Requirements


You certainly need PHP (version 4.1 or newer) and MySQL (version 3.23.23 or newer) to power your WordPress blog. PHP is the scripting language that drives all of WordPress, and without PHP, your server will not be able to interpret the pages that create your weblog. MySQL is a relational database, and WordPress works only with MySQL. Other databases are not supported at the moment.


MySQL 4.1.7

MySQL 4.1.7

Do NOT use this version of mysql if you are trying to get WordPress installed using a Windows platform. Read this post originally made to the forums:


"To all those having problems installing Wordpress on your own Windows 2000 (and other Win OS versions) workstation - and maybe some host servers, too: Do not use MySQL 4.1.7 - it is the problem if you get "Error establishing a database connection!". It does not seem compatible with the other components. Use MYSQL 4.0.22 instead.

"写给所有在Windows 2000 (或者其它Win OS 版本)平台上安装Wordpress遇到问题的人们- 可能也有一些主机服务器: 不要使用MySQL 4.1.7 – 会产生问题 "错误建立数据库连接!"。似乎与其它部分不兼容。请使用 MYSQL 4.0.22 代替。

Thanks to the Reply by ADAMANT in response to the POST of Nov 6, 2004 02:21:29 by ANTOINE, the Wordpress installation really did become only 5 minutes, after two days of frustration:


I started with Windows 2000, PHP 4.3.9, Apache 1.3.33 and MySQL 4.1.7. I spent two days checking my wp-config.php literally 100 times; making changes; troubleshooting my database, using every known name for my host (localhost,, <IP address>, computer name, etc...) to no avail. I kept getting:

我从Windows 2000,PHP4.3.9,Apache1.3.33和MySQL4.1.7开始。我花了两天的时间逐字检查了我的wp-config.php100次;做出更改;发现并且解决我的数据库问题,为我的主机使用每个已知的名称(localhost,, <IP 地址>,电脑名,等等...)但是没有用。我还是收到:

"Error establishing a database connection!" ...

"错误建立了数据库连接!" ...

I knew it wasn't my config. So thanks to ADAMANT's suggestion, I uninstalled MySQL 4.1.7 and downloaded and installed MySQL 4.0.22 from mysql.org. After installing and configuring the new (old) MySQL, which took approximately 7 minutes (very easy), I ran the install.php once again and YES!! it actually took less than 5 minutes for the Wordpress install.


NOTE: the Apache web site says NOT to use Apache 2 in production. So, after all my wasted time with the latest MySQL, I suggest the following to those who can control their environment: PHP 4.3.9, Apache 1.3.33 and MySQL 4.0.22. On Windows at least, they all work well together."

注:Apache网站显示不在产品中使用Apache2.因此,我浪费了这麽多时间处理MySQL后,我给那些能够控制环境的人,建议以下内容: PHP 4.3.9, Apache 1.3.33 和 MySQL 4.0.22。至少在Windows上,他们一起运行很好。" Steven

[UPDATE: MySQL 4.1.7 uses a new password encryption system that is incompatible with prior methods. If you want to get WordPress working with a 4.1.7 database, you need to make sure your user password is set as an old-style password (password-old instead of password, if you're using mysqladmin). -- Nabil] Note : The above are actual user comments, and may be subjective in their content. It is hoped that it will be of help to some users who face the specific problems that are addressed by this question..


[更新:MySQL4.1.7使用新的密码加密系统,这个系统与先前的方法不兼容。如果你希望WordPress在4.1.7数据库上能够运行,你需要确定你的用户密码设置为旧样式的密码(如果你使用mysqladmin,旧样式的密码而不是密码)。--Nabil] 注:以上内容是真正的用户评论,而且内容可能有些主观。希望这写评论,遇到评论中提到的相同问题的用户,有帮助。

Why does WordPress use MySQL?

为什么WordPress 使用 MySQL?

MySQL is extremely fast. It's also the most widely available database server in the world. Open-source and free, MySQL is supported by thousands of low-cost Linux (and Windows!) hosts, which means a very low barrier to entry for anyone wanting to start a WordPress (or database-driven) website. MySQL's documentation is useful, cogent and thorough. (Though it may be intimidating if you're new to all this.) Add to all that the fact that users are able to directly manipulate MySQL with WordPress:phpMyAdmin, developed expressly for that purpose, and it's obvious that MySQL is the best choice. Of course, WordPress insists on the best.


There are several other excellent database storage engines, such as PostgreSQL and SQLite that WordPress is interested in supporting in the future. Suppporting multiple databases is trickier than it sounds and is not under active development, although there are plenty of architectural discussions about the best approach to take. Approaches for increasing the number of supported databases are discussed at WordPress:Using Alternative Databases. There is a PostgreSQL port of WordPress available called WordPress-Pg.

还有一些其它的非常棒的数据库储存引擎,如PostgreSQL 和SQLite,WordPress希望将来能够支持这些引擎。支持多个数据库比听起来复杂,而且当前正在发展中,有许多关于支持多个数据库的方法讨论。关于支持多个数据库的方法讨论在使用其它的数据库中。WordPress拥有的PostgreSQL端口称为WordPress-Pg

Upload Path


When you specified the upload path, you used backslashes.


Use forward slashes "/" to specify the directory.


  1. 使用你已经更改的用户名和密码登录到WordPress。


Delete Files


There are no files that you must delete.


There are no risks to your WordPress files or your database by leaving all the files exactly as they were when you uploaded them.


However, it is safe to delete the following:


  • license.txt
  • Readme.html
  • the import*.php files
  • license.txt
  • Readme.html
  • the import*.php 文件

Rename Folder


If you have not installed WordPress, you can rename the folder with the WordPress files.


If you have already installed WordPress, and you want to rename the folder, login to the weblog as the administrator and change the following settings in Options->General :


  • WordPress address (URI):
  • Blog address (URI):
  • WordPress 地址 (URI):
  • 博客地址(URI):

Once you have done this, you can rename the directory or folder with the wordpress files in it.


Safe Mode


Most definitely! There are no known issues with any version of WordPress when PHP is running in Safe Mode.




In order to accept incoming pingbacks, you have to set 'allow_url_fopen = On' in php.ini.

为了要接受即将到来的pingbacks,你需要设置'allow_url_fopen = On' in php.ini.

403 Error

403 错误



You cannot seem to login after using the right username and password, into your admin account.


You get an error message like :


You are not authorized to view this page
You might not have permission to view this directory or page using the credentials you supplied.
If you believe you should be able to view this directory or page, please try to contact the Web 
site by using any e-mail address or phone number that may be listed on the personal.rbhemauer.com
home page. You can click Search to look for information on the Internet. 
HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden

你没有得到授权浏览这个页面 你可能没有权限浏览这个目录或者页面,请使用你支持的权限 如果你相信你能够浏览这个目录或者页面,情是这个联系网站,使用列在personal.rbhemauer.com主页上的电子邮件地址或者电话号码。你可以点击搜索,查找因特网上的信息。 HTTP错误403-禁止

Solution:If your account is hosted on a Windows server, it could be a problem with the Directory Indexes. The default configuration of the server is to load index.htm, index.html, default.htm, default.html, default.asp files.

解决办法:如果你的帐户托管在Windows服务器上,可能是目录索引的问题。服务器默认配置是要上传index.htm, index.html, default.htm, default.html, default.asp文件。

Wordpress is done in PHP so the default page is index.php. Now this is not part of the default configuration so we need to add it. To do this, you need to click on Web Options in the Control Panel. Then scroll down to the Directory Indexes section to add index.php to the Directory Indexes.


You could also contact your webhost for support in this matter.


Create Database


In the setup of WordPress, it will ask to setup the database. The appropriate answers are "Yes" and "No".

创建WordPress时,会要求你创建数据库。合适的答案是"是的" 和"不是"。

  • If your hosting plan allows only one MySQL database, you will probably need to answer "Yes".
  • 如果你的托管方案只允许一个MySQL 数据库,你可能需要回答"是的"。
  • If you have multiple databases you can use, you will need to create the database, and then assign that name to DB NAME in wp-config.php so that WordPress knows which database to use when installing.
  • 如果你可以使用多个数据库,你需要创建数据库,然后将这个数据库名递交到wp-config.php中的DB名,这样,WordPress知道安装的时候,使用哪个数据库。

PHP Version

PHP 版本

To get information about your server, you can use the PHP Info function:


  • Paste this into a new Notepad / BBEdit file
  • 将这个粘贴到新的Notepad / BBEdit文件
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
  • Save as info.php
  • 作为info.php保存
  • Upload to server. Visit in your browser (www.example.com/info.php)
  • 上传到服务器。在你的浏览器中访问(www.example.com/info.php)
  • That will give you info about your php version and mod_rewrite.
  • 这个站点会向你提供有关你的php版本和 mod_rewrite的信息。

Multiple Blogs


See: WordPress:Installing Multiple Blogs




WordPress works best on Apache 2.x To see your version, the phpinfo script above will tell you what version of Apache your server is running.

WordPress在Apache 2.x上能够最好地运行。要查看你的版本,上述的phpinfo 脚本会提示你的你的服务器正在运行哪个版本的Apache。

Note: If you are running WordPress 1.5 on Apache 1.3.x you will have trouble WordPress:Using Permalinks with the %category% permalink structure. "If you are using Apache 1, do not use %category% in your permalink structure."

注意:如果你在Apache 1.3.x上运行WordPress1.5,你使用Permalinks会遇到%category% permalink结构的问题。"如果你正在使用Apache 1 ,请不要在到你的premalink结构中使用%category%。"