WordPress:WordPress MU

Fludlen讨论 | 贡献2008年9月20日 (六) 17:19的版本
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WordPress MU, or WordPressµ, is the multi-user version of the famous WordPress blogging application. It is ideal for people who want to set up a large network of blogs. Please see forums at MU.WordPress for discussion.

WordPress MU,或者WordPressµ,是著名的WordPress博客软件的多用户版本。对于那些想要创建大的博客网络的人而言,这是个很好的选择。请看看MU.WordPress上的论坛讨论。

WordPress MU is the underlying software that powers the WordPress.com hosted blogging service. WordPress MU is also used by newspapers, magazines, blog networks, universities and large companies running corporate blogging systems behind firewalls.

WordPress MU是支持托管博客服务的WordPress.com的潜在软件。报纸,杂志,博客网络,大学和许多在防火墙后面运行联合的博客系统的公司都使用WordPress MU。

Using the WordPress multi-user edition, you will be able offer your users an opportunity to sign up for a new blog. They will be able to securely manage their templates and settings without affecting any other users. You can have unlimited users with unlimited blogs, and users can have various roles (admin, editor, author, contributor, subscriber) on each other's blogs. One or more Site Administrators can perform site-wide management tasks, including adding users and blogs, altering permissions and granting access to themes.




WordPress MU is a unique WordPress product. Plugins and themes are controlled by a central system administrator. So unlike the single-user version of WordPress, individual MU bloggers cannot upload their own plugins and themes, only select from the ones made available by the system administrator. Individual themes can be made available to all blogs or just to specific ones.

WordPress MU是独特的WordPress产品。插件和主题由中央系统管理员控制。因此与单一用户版本的WordPress不同,单独的MU博客作者不能够上传自己的插件和主题,只能够从系统管理员那里挑选插件和主题。所有的博客或者某些特别的博客都可以拥有单个的主题。

Host Benefits


  • Ability to create a hosted "community" of users.
  • 能够创建托管的用户"区"。
  • Ability to host thousands of users on one site.
  • 能够在一个站点上托管成千上万个用户。
  • Opportunity to provide free hosting as an alternative to paid hosting services.
  • 除了付费的托管服务之外,能够提供免费托管。
  • Ability to limit sign-up to specific email domains if required.
  • 如果必要的话,能够显示将注册限制为特别的电子邮件域名。
  • Various options for adding plugins and administration features.
  • 添加插件和管理功能的不同选项。
  • Customization of the administration panels.
  • 自定义管理面板。
  • Ability to add WordPress Themes, increasing user choices.
  • 能够添加WordPress主题,增加用户选择。
  • Ability to control WordPress Themes, limiting user choices per site needs.
  • 能够控制WordPress主题,根据站点需要,限制用户选择。
  • Security precautions and protections in place.
  • 适当的安全预防和保护。
  • Easy addition of comment spam protection through plugins.
  • 能够通过插件轻易地添加评论垃圾广告预防。

User Benefits


While WordPressMU users are blogging with a limited version of WordPress, and currently are able to choose from a list of included WordPress Themes and have little customization, there are still a lot of benefits.

虽然WordPress MU用户在限版本的WordPress上写博客而且现在可以从包含的WordPress主题列表上选择主题并且简单地自定义主题,还有其它许多优势。

  • No installation or setup. Enter user name and password and blog.
  • 不需要安装或者设置。输入用户名和密码,开始写博客。
  • A chance to test drive WordPress at little or no risk.
  • 没有或者只冒着很小的奉献测试运行WordPress。
  • Choose WordPress Themes that have been tested and are ready for use - no fuss, no muss.
  • 选择已经得到测试,可以使用的WordPress主题-不用麻烦。
  • Part of a community, with potential for community relationships through competition and awareness.
  • 用户区的一员,通过竞争和学习,了解区内关系。
  • Comment spam protection built-in.
  • 内置的防止评论垃圾广告。

WordPress MU is designed for hosts to offer hosting of WordPress blogs to individual users. The full version of WordPress is still free and available for download, and it is designed to offer full customization for the single or multi-user blogs and/or multiple blogs by a single administrator.

WordPress MU是为向单个的用户提供WordPress托管的主机设计的。WordPress完整的版本仍然是免费的,可以下载,是用来为单个的或者多用户的博客和/或者单个管理员的多个博客提供完全的自定义服务。

Support and Installation


WordPress:Installing WPMU has some documentation on installing.


For support and information on installing and using WordPress MU, visit the WordPress MU website and support forum. A WordPress MU system is more complex to maintain than a single-user WordPress system, so timid or casual user beware.

关于安装和使用WordPress MU的信息,请访问WordPress MU网站和支持论坛。WordPress MU系统比单个用户的WordPress系统更难维护,因此胆小或者粗心的用户要注意了。

If you are a WordPress MU user click on the Feedback button in your Dashboard. Some help may be found within the WordPress Codex in the articles listed in the next section or in Donncha's FAQ.

如果你是个WordPress MU用户,点击你的Dashboard上面的反馈按钮。在WordPress Codex中的另一个部分的一些文章中或者在Donncha's FAQ中,你可能会找到一些帮助信息。

  • WPMUDEV.org是个储存库,用来上传WPMU相关的贡献内容。
  • 可以从WPMU SVN储存库中检查代码。不要要求check-in的权利-如WordPress相似,WPMU不支持贡献。请将你的贡献递交到WPMU Trac
  • If you don't want to submit a change to the core, you can share a WordPress:WPMU Hack here on Codex.
  • 如果你不想更改核心内容,你可以在Codex上分享WPMU Hack

There is the WordPress:WPMU IRC Channel for real time help and chat.

有个WPMU IRC Channel用于即时帮助和聊天。

This link returns recent changes to WPMU Related Codex pages.

这个链接将最近更改返回到WPMU 相关的Codex页面

Support Articles for WordPressMU Users

WordPressMU 用户的支持文章

The following is a list of documentation on the WordPress Codex that may help answer your questions about posting, creating categories and WordPress:Pages, and managing your WordPress blog on WordPressMU.

下面是WordPress Codex上的文档列表,可能帮你解决有关发表,创建目录和页面的问题,并且管理你在WordPressMU上的WordPress博客。

For answers to specific questions on WordPress MU, check out the WordPress MU Support Forum.

关于WordPress MU上的特别问题的解答,请查看WordPress MU 支持论坛。 To report bugs, see the WordPress:Debugging WPMU guidelines


WordPress:WPMU Adoption Articles pulls together some threads useful for gaining traction on your WPMU site.


WordPress:WPMU FAQs lists various FAQ sources.

WPMU FAQa列出了不同的FAQ资源。

For answers to specific questions about using Wordpress.com, visit the WordPress.com FAQ and the Wordpress.com Support Forums.

关于使用Wordpress.com的特别的问题的答案,请访问WordPress.com FAQWordpress.com 支持论坛

Other Helpful Resources


* Wordpress MU 插件和Hack