WordPress:Hosting WordPress

Xxf3325讨论 | 贡献2008年3月25日 (二) 10:14的版本
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Most hosting providers and personal installations on Unix/Linux systems should be able to host WordPress under very common configurations. 大多数在Unix/Linux系统下的主机供应商 和个人安装,应该能在非常常见的配置下,托管WordPress.

Server requirements 服务器必备的条件


 .(可选择的)Apache mod-rewrite模块(for clean URIs称为Permalinks)


.PHP版本4.2或更高 .MySQL版本4.0或更高 .(可选择的)Apache mod-rewrite模块(for clean URIs称为Permalinks)

Recommended setup

We recommend Linux with either the Apache or LiteSpeed web-servers as the most robust platforms for running WordPress, but any server that supports PHP and MySQL will do. If your host doesn't support one of these platforms, and mod_rewrite, you will probably be better off switching to one of the many hosting providers that do offer those choices.

It is also essential that your host allows remote connections.

Hosting providers

Hosting is a commodity these days and with a little digging it's easy to find a host that supports the above. If you're looking for hosting suggestions, please try:

Install4Free - WordPress installed for free on your host!

If you have a hosting provider or website which meets all the requirements, but don't feel comfortable doing the installation yourself, request a free installation at WordPress Install4Free.