WordPress:Manage Link Categories SubPanel

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Manage → Link Categories

管理 → 链接类别

Each Link in WordPress is filed under one or more Link Categories. This aids in navigation and allows Links to be grouped with others of similar content. In creating Link Categories, recognize that each Link Category name must be unique. If you are using the WordPress Default Theme (one of the two themes delivered with WordPress), Links are shown, grouped by Link Category, in the sidebar. This SubPanel allows you to create new Link Categories, edit or delete existing ones, and organize your Link Categories hierarchically.


640px|right|Manage Link Categories SubPanel


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Manage Link Categories


Next to the Manage Link Categories text at the top of this panel is an [[WordPress:#Add Tag|(add new)]] link to jump to the bottom of this panel to begin adding new Tags. To the right is a search box where you can enter a word, or series of words, and click the "Search Tags" button to search and display all the Tags meeting your search words.

这个面板的顶上方,管理链接类别文本的旁边是个[[WordPress:#Add Tag|(添加新的)]]链接,能够转到这个面板的底部,开始添加新的标签。你可以在搜索框的右边输入一个词,或者一组词,并且点击"搜索标签"按钮,开始搜索并且显示所有与你的搜索关键词相匹配的标签。

Table of Link Categories


This table lists all of your Link Categories by row. Link Categories are displayed alphabetically.


At the top of the table is the Delete button. Any Link Category that has the checkbox set will be deleted when the Delete button is clicked. When the Link Categories are deleted, a splash message will appear at the top of the screen saying "Categories deleted."

这个表格的顶上方有个删除按钮。任何设置了复选框的链接类别,删除按钮点击后,链接类别就会被删除。链接类别删除后,界面的顶上方会显示一条splash 消息,显示"类别删除了。"

The table of categories contains the following columns:


  • [ ] - A checkbox that when clicked (checked), 'selects' that particular Link Category to be deleted when the Delete button is clicked.
  • [ ] –点击这个复选框,同时点击了删除按钮,'选择'需要删除的某个类别。
  • Name - The name of the Link Category. Recall each name must be unique. Click on the Tag's Name to [[WordPress:#Edit Category|edit the Link Category]].
  • 名称-链接类别的名称。记住每个名称必须是唯一的。点击标签名称来[[WordPress:#Edit Category|编辑链接类别]]。
  • Description - Link Categories may have an optional description.
  • 描述 –链接类别可能有个随意的描述。
  • Link - The number of Links which are members of the Link Category.
  • 链接 – 链接类别中拥有多少个链接。

Add Category


This part of the SubPanel, which is conveniently linked to from the top of the [[WordPress:#Table of Link Categories|Table of Link Categories]], allows you to create a new Link Category. There are three pieces of information associated with each new Link Category: the name, the slug, and the description.

子面板的这个部分,在[[WordPress:#Table of Link Categories|链接类别表格]]的顶上方,能够轻易地链接到这里,可以使你创建新的链接类别。每个新的链接类别拥有三个相关信息:名称,slug,和描述。

Category name
To reiterate, the Link Category name must be unique.


Category slug
Again, the Category slug must be unique.


Category descriptions are optional. Some themes take advantage of Link Category descriptions, others do not, so having descriptions may or may not modify the way Link Categories are displayed for your site. Even if they are not used by your site's theme, you may still find them useful from an administration point of view.


Add Category
The most important part of the Add New Link Category box. Once you've entered in all the information about your new Link Category, use this button to save it.


Edit Category


This part of the SubPanel only displays when you click on a Link Categories' Name in the [[WordPress:#Table of Link Categories|Table of Link Categories]]. It is possible to edit three pieces of information associated with each Link Category: the name, the slug, and the description.

当你在[[WordPress:#Table of Categories|链接类别表格]]中点击链接类别的名称的时候,子面板的这个部分才会显示。可以编辑与每个链接类别有关的三个部分的信息:名称,slug,和描述。

Category name
To reiterate, the Link Category name must be unique.


Category slug
Again, the Category slug must be unique.

;类别Slug:此外,类别slug 也必须是唯一的。

Category descriptions are optional. Some themes take advantage of Link Category descriptions, others do not, so having descriptions may or may not modify the way Link Categories are displayed for your site. Even if they are not used by your site's theme, you may still find them useful from an administration point of view.


Edit Category
Once you've changed the Link Category information, use this button to save the changes.


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