WordPress:Manage Pages SubPanel

Fludlen讨论 | 贡献2008年8月2日 (六) 09:58的版本
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Manage → Pages

管理 → 网页

WordPress:Pages are like posts but "live outside of the normal blog chronology" as you are reminded when you visit the Manage Pages SubPanel. Most everything here is essentially the same as for the WordPress:Manage Posts SubPanel.


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Table of Pages


All of your blog's pages are displayed as rows in the table of pages. The table has the following columns:


  • ID - The page's ID number is the unique number WordPress' database uses to identify individual pages. This is exactly like a post's ID.
  • ID –网页的ID数字,是WordPress数据库使用的唯一的数字,用来识别单个的网页。这就如文章的ID。
  • Title - The title of your page.
  • 标题 -你的网页的标题。
  • Owner - Pages are owned, not authored.
  • 拥有者 –拥有网页的人,而不是编写网页的人。
  • Updated - This column shows the time at which the Page was most recently updated.
  • 更新的 –这个栏显示了网页最近更新的时间。
  • View - This link will display the page as the rest of the world sees it.
  • 浏览 –这个链接显示网页,其他人就会看到这个网页。
  • Edit - Edits the page. This takes you back to the WordPress:Write Page SubPanel and allows you to modify what you've written or change any of the page's option settings. You only have this option if you own the page or have a higher user level than the owner.
  • 编辑 – 编辑网页,带你返回到编写网页子面板,能够使你更改你所写的内容或者更改网页的选项设置。如果你拥有这个网页,或者你的用户级别比网页主人的级别高,你才能够拥有这个选项。
  • Delete - Deletes the page. You will get a warning, which is good since posts cannot be undeleted. You only have this option if you own the page or have a higher user level than the owner.
  • 删除 – 删除网页。你会得到一个警醒,这个警醒很好,因为文章删除后,就不能够恢复了。如果你拥有这个网页或者你的用户级别比网页主人的用户级别高的时候,你才能够拥有这个选项。

At the bottom of the table is a link to create a new page. This takes you to the WordPress:Write Page SubPanel.


Sorting Pages


You can sort Pages by search term, author and page type from the Page SubPanel.


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