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Custom Fields Module

Ability to define and display additional data for albums and items.


Add your own attributes (e.g. people, location, price, etc.) to albums and data items (images, videos, etc). All Gallery 2 items already have fields for title, summary, description, keywords, origination date, name (folder / file name), ... But if that is not enough, you can add your own attibutes too. E.g. add the Custom Field Location to your albums and assign a value for that field to all your albums such that visitors of your website can see where these images were taken.


  • Add multiple Custom Fields to albums / items independently
  • Set site-wide default Custom Fields and you can override them for each album
  • Show the Custom Fields next to each thumbnail in the album view and / or show them as a block in the sidebar, next to the album or in the photo page.
  • Search module can search against custom fields (all together, no search yet against a particular field).


  • Download the module from the download page if necessary. The minimal and typical package of G2 don't include this module.
  • Install and activate the module in site admin -> plugins
  • Configure which fields should be available
    • Set some default Custom Fields in site admin -> custom fields
    • Override these defaults in Custom Fields tab for any album (browse to an album, click Edit Album)
  • Assign Custom Field values to your albums and items
    • Browse to an album or item and click on Edit Album / Edit Photo / Edit Movie depending on what item it is and then click on the Custom Fields tab. There you can assign values. An example: If you have a Custom Field for Location you can now add the value Washington and the visitors of your site will finally see Location: Washington next to the photo.
  • Define what should be shown where
    • Fields selected for summary display are shown next to thumbnails.
    • Fields selected for detail display are included in a block that is made available to themes.
    • In site admin -> themes -> matrix (or your active theme) you can define whether you want to show the Custom Field block in the sidebar or / and on album pages / photo pages.

Requested Features

- Ability to edit custom fields on "Edit Captions" page for an album so that multiple photos within an album can be edited without clicking through to each one.

- It's great that one can limit the entry field by creating a dropdown. Now I'd like to add this to the advanced search function. So one can easily filter out all files with these specific atributes. Would this be possible? I dont's know if I should add this request here or at the search module of maybe you guys could work together on this? See also:

- Aligning information of custom fields. Now the information follows the custom field name and you can not present information like in tables.

- If the value of a custom field is a URL, make value a hyperlink. Example: If custom field is called 'More Information' and the value of the custom field is '' then make the text value a hyperlink. An extra option could specify whether to open links in the same or a different window.

- Optionally switch off the "Custom Fields" header or replace it with some other text.


- increase custom fields length to be more than 255 characters


Currently there are no known issues for this module.