WordPress:Business Blogging and Shopping

Fludlen讨论 | 贡献2008年4月10日 (四) 15:13的版本
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A recent article How to Turn a Normal WordPress Installation into a Working Online-Shop discusses how to turn a normal WordPress installation into a working online shop. Although the article is very thorough and well written, it is not the easiest method to turn your WordPress installation into a working online shop. The easiest way to achieve this is by downloading and installing the WP e-Commerce plugin.

最近的一篇文章,怎样将一个普通的WordPress安装变为一个网上商店探讨了怎样将一个普通的WordPress安装变为一个网上商店。虽然文章写得非常地彻底非常地好,但其中所提及的方法并不是将WordPress装置变为一个网上运营的商店的最简单的方法。做成这件事的最简单的方法是通过下载和安装WP 电子商务 插件。

e-Commerce Install


Assuming you have a working version of WordPress installed you must do the following: 假定你要安装一个运营版本的WordPress,你必须做以下的事:

  1. Download the e-Commerce plugin
  2. 下载 电子商务插件
  3. Copy the folder to your local plugins directory
  4. 将文件夹复制到你的本地的插件目录上
  5. Activate the plugin and configure it to your liking
  6. 激活插件并且将它配置成投你所好

e-Commerce setup


Once the plugin is installed the most important things to do are: 一旦插件安装了,要做的最重要的事情是:

  1. Set your default shipping country and associated shipping settings
  2. 设置默认的海运国和相关的海运设置
  3. Setup and configure the presentation settings
  4. 创建和配置呈现配置
  5. Setup your receipt notification email address
  6. 创建你的收条通知电子邮件地址
  7. Setup your payment gateway
  8. 设置你的付款方式
  9. Add products
  10. 添加产品
  11. Upgrade to gold if you want to add multiple images to products
  12. 如果你向为产品添加多个图像的话,升级到gold.

PayPal Setup

PayPal 设置

These are the instructions for setting up PayPal for your WP e-Commerce store. 有关于为你的WP电子商务商店设置PayPal的指示说明

  1. Browse to PayPal and sign up using your email address
  2. 浏览到 PayPal 并且用你的电子邮件签署
  3. Under Profile > Shipping Settings check the allow transaction-based shipping values to override the profile shipping settings listed above
  4. 在基本资料>航运设置下查看,允许基于交易的航运价值,凌驾与上面所列的基本航运设置。

Google Checkout Setup

Google 校验设置

These are the instructions for setting up Google Checkout for your WP e-Commerce store 这些指示说明是关于为你的WP电子商务商店设置Google校验

  1. Browse to Google Checkout and click sign up now
  2. 浏览到Google 校验并且点击现在签约
  3. Select whether or not your business has a Google Account for services like AdWords or Gmail?
  4. 选择一下你的商务有没有像关于AdWords或者Gmail服务的Google帐户?
  5. Create your account using your Gmail email address
  6. 使用你的Gmail电子邮件帐户来创建你的帐户

At your WP e-Commerce store's Admin

你的WP 电子商务商店的管理

Now that you have a Google Checkout account setup enter your Google Checkout Merchant ID and Key into the payment gateway settings page in the WP e-commerce admin panel

既然你设置了一个Google校验帐户,在WP电子商务管理面板的付款通道设置页面上,输入你的Google Checkout商人ID和Key。

  1. Under e-Commerce > Gateway Options choose Google Checkout as your payment gateway.
  2. 在 电子商务>付款通道选项 下,选择Google Checkout作为你的付款通道。
  1. In "Google Checkout Merchant ID" enter your Merchant ID.
  2. 在"Google Checkout 商人 ID"输入你的商人ID.
  3. In "Google Checkout Merchant Key" enter your Merchant Key.
  4. 在"Google Checkout商人Key"输入你的商人Key.
  5. Choose your Server Type (Sandbox vs Production), currency, and button style
  6. 选择你的服务器类型(Sandbox vs Production),流通,和按钮类型
  7. Click the button that says "Submit"
  8. 点击显示"Submit"的按钮



Now that you have setup your shop and have a working PayPal account you are ready to start selling! Upload your products and have fun.


For more detailed information on how to use WP e-Commerce you can read (or contribute) to the new WP e-Commerce project Wiki. 关于使用WP电子商务的更多信息,你可以阅读(或者致力于)新的WP电子商务项目Wiki.

Business Blogging


Why stop there? Business blogging is really starting to take off. More and more people are starting to use WordPress to power their websites - especially now that there are so many powerful plugins. Lets take a quick glance at some of the plugins we use to turn your average WordPress install into a business blogging solution


  • Forums. Use bbPress or WP Forum depending on the requirements. Both are easy to install and both have a range of useful features.
  • 论坛。使用bbPress或者WP 论坛,取决于必须的条件。两个的安装都很简单而且都要许多有用的功能。
  • Email Newsletters. Use WP Campaign Monitor because it is simple to install and easy to get the hang of. It also integrates with WP e-Commerce lite.
  • 电子邮件 时事通讯 使用WP 商业性活动监控器因为安装简单,用法简单。它也与WP电子商务lite向结合。
  • Surveys. Information is power. Use the Survey Fly plugin because it is powerful and easy to use. Administrators can download .csv reports that they can manipulate internally using proper spreadsheet software.
  • 调查。信息就是力量。使用调查Fly插件因为它非常地强大而且使用简单。管理者可以下载.csv 报告,它们可以使用合适的电子制表软件在内部操作。
  • Statistics. Use wp-slimstat or wp-slimstat-ex because they are both so easy to install. WP slimstat ex is based on wp-slimstat but full of AJAX goodies.
  • 统计表。使用 wp-slimstat 或者wp-slimstat-ex因为它们安装都简单。WP slimstatex以wp-slimstat为基础但是充满了AJAX goodies.
  • Google Analytics. Google Analytics tells you everything you want to know about how your visitors found you and how they interact with your site. The Google Analytics Plugin for WordPress adds an analytics panel to the WordPress admin website.
  • Google 分析论。Google分析论告诉了你,你想知道的任何事情,关于你的访客是怎样找到你的,和他们是怎样与你的站点联系的。WordPress Google 分析论插件给WordPress管理站点添加了一个分析面板。
  • Search Engine Optimization. Search Everything enables the searching of Pages, Comments and more. No Hacking or modifications necessary, just install, activate the plugin and configure it under Options > Search Everything
  • 搜索引擎最佳化。搜索所有的内容能够搜索网页,评论,以及更多的。不需要改变或者更改,只有安装,激活插件,并将它配置在 选项 > 搜索所有内容下面。

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