WordPress:Comment Spam

Fludlen讨论 | 贡献2008年6月16日 (一) 14:08的版本
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If you've been on the internet for any amount of time you're probably familiar with "spam" in your email inbox. For the uninitiated, spam is an unsolicited commercial message, or something you didn't ask for trying to sell you something.


So what does this have to do with blogs? Well just like you can get spam messages in your inbox, people will leave spam comments on your blog. However unlike email spam where the target is you, comment spam generally targets search engines.


Comment Spam and Search Engines


Why on earth would a spammer target a search engine on your blog? Let's start from the beginning. Several years ago Google pioneered a search technique called PageRank. Basically what it does is, in addition to looking at the content of a page they index, they also look at who links to a page and what that link says. This technology is what made Google very good at returning relevant results and made it the most popular search engine today. Because their ranking system relies so heavily on PageRank people can sometimes game the system in what's called "Google Bombing."

为什么一个spammer要以你的博客上的搜索引擎为目标?让我们从头开始。几年前,Google首先创建了一种技术叫做PageRank。这种技术的基本用法就是除了查看它们索引的网页的内容之外,还会看看谁链接到了这个网页以及链接显示了什么。这个技术使得Google非常地善于返回结果,同时使得Google称为了当前最受欢迎的搜索引擎。因为它们的排名系统很大程度上依赖于 PageRank,人们有时候可以系统为"Google Bombing。"

A google bomb is when a large number of different websites link to a page with the same link text to influence the ranking of that page for a search term.

一个google bomb指的是当大量的不同的网站用同一个链接文本链接到一个网页的时候,影响了网页上对于那个搜索术语的排名。

This brings us back to the spammers. A spammer might have a site that sells viagra and wants to be at the top of a search for viagra on Google, so to create the effect of a google bomb they leave comments on hundreds or thousands of weblogs linking to their site with the link text "viagra". They don't really care if you see it, in fact they'd rather you didn't because you would delete it, they just want the search engine to see it when they index your page.

这使得我们又返回到了spammers。一个spammers可能有一个出售viagra的站点,而且当Google上有人搜索viagra的时候,这个站点想排在前面,因此要创建一个google bomb的效果,spammers在成千上万个用链接文本"viagra"链接到他们的网站的博客上留下评论。如果你看到这些评论,他们并不会真正地在意,但是事实上他们更希望你没有看到这个评论,因为你会删除评论,他们在索引你的网页的时候,只是想让搜索引擎看到这个评论。

Fighting Comment Spam


WordPress:Comment Moderation is very effective in addressing unwanted comments. The best defense against comment spam is just watching your comments. Under Manage → Comments it shows a listing of the latest comments on any post and you can quickly scan the comment activity on your site. The faster you respond to comment spam on your site, the less likely the spammers will return.

评论审核对于去除不必要的评论非常地有效。在管理 → 评论下面显示了你的博客上任何一篇文章的最近的评论,你可以快速地浏览你的站点上的评论。你越快处理站点山的评论垃圾广告,spammers返回的几率就越小。

On the WordPress:Combating Comment Spam page you will find a list of more proactive measures against comment spam, including links to helpful plugins.


Stealth Spam


A new technique is the spammers will leave a perfectly normal-looking comment except for the commenter's URI or name. The best way to watch out for this is to visit the URIs of people who leave comments on your blog. (This is a good practice anyway.) If one looks suspicious, either delete the comment entirely or leave the comment and delete the URI.


Another way of stealth is to use a div-tag around a bundle of hundreds of links. This becomes more and more common because many software displays directly the given HTML tags and not the HTML code. To avoid this the software must "strip-out", other word: filter the HTML tags while inserting the comment into the database.


The Good News


The good news is that WordPress' built-in tools and history of combatting comment spam mean that most WordPress blogs get very little spam, and when they do it's easy to address. Here's a quote from noted web author Molly E. Holzschlag about comment spam and her switch to WordPress:

好消息是WordPress的内置工具和抗击评论垃圾广告的历史记录显示,到多数博客只会遇到很少的垃圾广告,去除这些就很简单。下面是来自一个有名的网络作者Molly E. Holzschlag 的引用,关于评论垃圾广告和切换到WordPress:

My ISP refused to continue dealing with me because the server molly.com resided on was brought to its knees twice due to spam floods. I was spending up to two hours PER DAY to undo the spam much less post. Since switching to WP, I've had exactly five emails sent to me automagically for moderation. 3 of them were spam, 2 were just enthusiastic posts with multiple links from a reader.

我的ISP 拒绝继续为我处理,因为服务器molly.com因为泛滥的垃圾广告而两次濒临崩溃。我每天花两个小时来解决发表得较少的垃圾广告问题。自从我转到WP,有五封邮件会自动地发给我来审核。其中的三封是垃圾广告,二封只是一个读者的热情洋溢的文章上面有多个链接。