WordPress:Template Tags/wp list categories

Fludlen讨论 | 贡献2008年6月30日 (一) 17:33的版本
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The template tag, wp_list_categories, displays a list of Categories as links. When a Category link is clicked, all the posts in that Category will display on a Category Page using the appropriate Category Template dictated by the Template Hierarchy rules. wp_list_categories works in much the same way as the two template tags replaced in WordPress 2.1, list_cats()(deprecated), and wp_list_cats()(deprecated).

模板标签wp_列表_类别,显示了关于[[WordPress:Glossary#Category|类别]的一个列表作为一个关于链接的列表。当点击一个类别的链接的时候,关于那个类别的所有文章都会显示在类别网页上,使用了模板层级规则规定的适当的类别标签wp_列表_类别 与WordPress2.1中被取代的两个标题的运行方式基本相同, 列表_cats()(取消的),和wp_列表_cats()(取消的)。

== Usage ==


%%% <?php wp_list_categories('arguments'); ?> %%%

%%% <?php wp_list_categories('arguments'); ?> %%%



Default Usage


$defaults = array(
'show_option_all' => '', 
'orderby' => 'name', 
'order' => 'ASC', 
'show_last_update' => 0, 
'style' => 'list',
'show_count' => 0, 
'hide_empty' => 1, 
'use_desc_for_title' => 1, 
'child_of' => 0, 
'feed' => '', 
'feed_image' => '', 
'exclude' => '', 
'hierarchical' => true, 
'title_li' => __('Categories'), 
'echo' => 1,
'depth' => 0

$defaults = array(
'show_option_all' => '', 
'orderby' => 'name', 
'order' => 'ASC', 
'show_last_update' => 0, 
'style' => 'list',
'show_count' => 0, 
'hide_empty' => 1, 
'use_desc_for_title' => 1, 
'child_of' => 0, 
'feed' => '', 
'feed_image' => '', 
'exclude' => '', 
'hierarchical' => true, 
'title_li' => __('Categories'), 
'echo' => 1,
'depth' => 0

By default, the usage shows: 默认情况下,用法显示:

  • No link to all categories
  • 没有链接连接到所有的类别
  • Sorts the list of Categories in by the Category name in ascending order
  • 以升序的方式,根据类别名称,给类别分类。
  • Does not show the last update (last updated post in each Category)
  • 不显示最近的更新(每个类别中的最后更新的文章)
  • Displayed in an unordered list style
  • 以无序的列表样式显示
  • Does not show the post count
  • 不显示文章数目
  • Displays only Categories with posts
  • 只显示拥有文章的类别
  • Sets the title attribute to the Category Description
  • 将标题属性设置为类别描述
  • Is not restricted to the child_of any Category
  • 没有限制到任何类别的子类别_
  • No feed or feed image used
  • 没有使用feed或者feed图像
  • Does not exclude any Category and includes all Categories ('include' => is not shown above)
  • 没有排除任何类别,也没有包含所有的类别('包含' => 没有在上面显示)
  • Shows the Categories in hierarchical indented fashion
  • 以层级嵌套的方式显示类别
  • Display Category as the heading over the list
  • 显示类别为列表上的标题
  • No SQL LIMIT is imposed ('number' => 0 is not shown above)
  • 没有强加SQL 限制('数字' => 没有在上面显示0)
  • Displays (echos) the categories
  • No limit to depth
  • 显示 (echos)类别
  • 对于深度,没有限制


Include or Exclude Categories


To sort categories alphabetically and include only the categories with IDs of 16, 3, 9 and 5, you could write the following code:


wp_list_categories('orderby=name&include=3,5,9,16'); ?>

wp_list_categories('orderby=name&include=3,5,9,16'); ?>

The following example displays category links sorted by name, shows the number of posts for each category, and excludes the category with the ID of 10 from the list.


wp_list_categories('orderby=name&show_count=1&exclude=10'); ?>

wp_列表_类别('orderby=name&show_count=1&exclude=10'); ?>

Display or Hide the List Heading


The title_li parameter sets or hides a title or heading for the category list generated by wp_list_categories. It defaults to '(__('Categories')', i.e. it displays the word "Categories" as the list's heading. If the parameter is set to a null or empty value, no heading is displayed. The following example code excludes categories with IDs 4 and 7 and hides the list heading:


wp_list_categories('exclude=4,7&title_li='); ?>

wp_list_categories('exclude=4,7&title_li='); ?>

In the following example, only Cateogories with IDs 9, 5, and 23 are included in the list and the heading text has been changed to the word "Poetry", with a heading style of <h2>:


wp_list_categories('include=5,9,23&title_li=<h2>' . __('Poetry') . '</h2>' ); ?>

wp_list_categories('include=5,9,23&title_li=<h2>' . __('Poetry') . '</h2>' ); ?>

Only Show Children of a Category


The following example code generates category links, sorted by ID, only for the children of the category with ID 8; it shows the number of posts per category and hides category descriptions from the title attribute of the generated links. Note: If there are no posts in a parent Category, the parent Category will not display.

下面的例子编码产生的类别链接,根据ID分类,只对于ID为8的子类别;显示每个类别的文章数目而且从产生的链接的标题 属性中隐藏了类别描述。注:如果母类别中没有包含文章,就不会显示母类别。

<?php wp_list_categories('orderby=id&show_count=1
&use_desc_for_title=0&child_of=8'); ?>

<?php wp_list_categories('orderby=id&show_count=1
&use_desc_for_title=0&child_of=8'); ?>

Display Categories with RSS Feed Links

显示拥有RSS Feed 链接的类别

The following example generates Category links sorted by name, shows the number of posts per Category, and displays links to the RSS feed for each Category.

下面的例子产生的类别链接,是根据名称分类的,显示了每个类别中的文章的数目,而且为每个类别显示了链接,连接到RSS feed。

wp_list_categories('orderby=name&show_count=1&feed=RSS'); ?>

wp_list_categories('orderby=name&show_count=1&feed=RSS'); ?>

To replace the rss link with a feed icon, you could write: 要用一个feed图标来代替rss链接,你可以编写:

&feed_image=/images/rss.gif'); ?>

&feed_image=/images/rss.gif'); ?>

Markup and Styling of Category Lists


By default, wp_list_categories() generates nested unordered lists (ul) within a single list item (li) titled "Categories".


You can [[WordPress:#Display_or_Hide_the_List_Heading|remove the outermost item and list]] by setting the title_li [[WordPress:#Parameters|parameter]] to an empty string. You'll need to wrap the output in an ordered list (ol) or unordered list yourself (see the examples below). If you don't want list output at all, set the style parameter to none.

你可以通过将title_li [[WordPress:#Parameters|参数]]设置到一个空的字符串中,来[[WordPress:#Display_or_Hide_the_List_Heading|移除最外层的item 和列表]]。你需要自己结果覆盖在一个有序的列表(ol)或者无序的列表上(请看看下面的例子)。如果你不想要这些list output,将样式参数设置为没有

If the category list is generated on a Category Archive page, the list item for that category is marked with the HTML class current-cat. The other list items have no class.

如果类别列表是在类别归档网页上产生的,关于那个类别的list item被标记有HTML class current-cat。其它的list item没有class。

<li class="current-cat">
  [You are on this category page]
  [Another category]

<li class="current-cat">
  [You are on this category page]
  [Another category]

You can style that list item with a CSS selector :

你可以使用一个CSS 选择器来设计那个list item:

 .current-cat { ... }

.current-cat { ... }



(string) A non-blank values causes the display of a link to all categories if the style is set to list. The default value is not to display a link to all.
(string) Sort categories alphabetically, by unique Category ID, or by the count of posts in that Category. The default is sort by category name. Valid values:
  • ID
  • name - default
  • count
  • ID
  • 名称 - 默认
  • 数目
(string) Sort order for categories (either ascending or descending). The default is ascending. Valid values:
  • ASC - default
  • DESC
  • ASC - 默认
  • DESC
(boolean) Should the last updated timestamp for posts be displayed (TRUE) or not (FALSE). Defaults to FALSE.
* 1 (true)
* 0 (false) - default
* 1 (正确的)
* 0 (错误的) - 默认
(string) Style to display the categories list in. A value of list displays the categories as list items while none generates no special display method (the list items are separated by <br> tags). The default setting is list (creates list items for an unordered list). See the markup section for more. Valid values:
(string)样式用来显示列进的类别。列表的参数值显示类别为list items,然而没有没有产生特别的显示方法(list item由<br>标签分开)。默认设置是列表(为一个无序列表创建了list items)。更多的内容,请看看the markup 部分。有效的参数值:
  • list - default.
  • none
  • 列表 - 默认的。
  • 没有
(boolean) Toggles the display of the current count of posts in each category. The default is false (do not show post counts). Valid values:
  • 1 (true)
  • 0 (false) - default
  • 1 (正确的)
  • 0 (错误的) - 默认
(boolean) Toggles the display of categories with no posts. The default is true (hide empty categories). Valid values:
  • 1 (true) - default
  • 0 (false)
(boolean)显示不包含有文章的类别。默认是真的 (隐藏空类别)。有效的参数值:
  • 1 (真的) - 默认
  • 0 (假的)
(boolean) Sets whether a category's description is inserted into the title attribute of the links created (i.e. <a title="<em>Category Description</em>" href="...). The default is true (category descriptions will be inserted). Valid values:
(boolean)设置是否将类别的描述插入到创建的链接的标题属性中(例如 <a title="<em>Category Description</em>" href="...)。默认是真的(会插入类别描述)。有效的参数值:
  • 1 (true) - default
  • 0 (false)
  • 1 (真的) - 默认
  • 0 (假的)
(integer) Only display categories that are children of the category identified by this parameter. There is no default for this parameter. If the parameter is used, the hide_empty parameter is set to false.
feed (string)
Display a link to each category's rss-2 feed and set the link text to display. The default is no text and no feed displayed.
feed (string)
显示链接连接到每个类别的rss-2 feed并且设置显示链接文本。默认是不显示文本和feed
(string) Set a URI for an image (usually an rss feed icon) to act as a link to each categories' rss-2 feed. This parameter overrides the feed parameter. There is no default for this parameter.
(string)为一个图像设置一个URI(通常是一个rss feed 图标)作为链接,连接到每个类别的rss-2 feed。这个参数废除了feed参数。没有关于这个参数的默认值。
(string) Exclude one or more categories from the results. This parameter takes a comma-separated list of categories by unique ID, in ascending order. See the example. The child_of parameter is automatically set to false.
(string) Only include the categories detailed in a comma-separated list by unique ID, in ascending order. See the example.

(boolean) Display sub-categories as inner list items (below the parent list item) or inline. The default is true (display sub-categories below the parent list item). Valid values:
  • 1 (true) - default
  • 0 (false)


  • 1 (真的) - 默认的
  • 0 (错误的)
(string) Set the title and style of the outer list item. Defaults to "_Categories". If present but empty, the outer list item will not be displayed. See below for [[WordPress:#Display or Hide the List Heading|examples]].
(string)设置外部列表item的标题和样式。默认为"_类别"。如果呈现了,但是是空的,就不会显示外部列表item 。请看看下面的[[WordPress:#Display or Hide the List Heading|例子]]。
(integer) Sets the number of Categories to display. This causes the SQL LIMIT value to be defined. Default to no LIMIT.
(整数)设置需要显示多少个类别。这定义了SQL LIMIT 参数值。默认没有LIMIT。
(boolean) Show the result or keep it in a variable. The default is true (display the categories organized). Valid values:
  • 1 (true) - default
  • 0 (false)
  • 1 (正确的) - 默认
  • 0 (错误的)
(integer) This parameter controls how many levels in the hierarchy of Categories are to be included in the list of Categories. The default value is 0 (display all Categories and their children). This parameter added at WordPress:Version 2.5
  • 0 - All Categories and child Categories (Default).
  • 0 -所有的类别和子类别(默认)。
  • -1 - All Categories displayed in flat (no indent) form (overrides hierarchical).
  • -1 -所有的类别显示为flat(而不是缩进)形式(取消层级)。
  • 1 - Show only top level Categories
  • 1 -只显示最高级别的类别
  • n - Value of n (some number) specifies the depth (or level) to descend in displaying Categories
  • n -n的值(某个数字)规定了显示的类别的深度(或者层级)


the_category, the_category_rss, single_cat_title, category_description, wp_dropdown_categories, wp_list_categories, in_category, get_category_parents, get_the_category get_category_link,

模板:Query String Tag Footer

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Displays a link to the category or categories a post belongs to. This tag must be used within WordPress:The Loop.

显示文章所属的类别的连接。必须在The Loop内,使用这个标签。



%%% <?php the_category('separator', 'parents' ); ?> %%% %%% <?php the_category('separator', 'parents' ); ?> %%%


Separated by Space



This usage lists categories with a space as the separator.


<p>Categories: <?php the_category(' '); ?></p>
<p>Categories: <?php the_category(' '); ?></p>
Categories: [[WordPress:#Examples|WordPress]] [[WordPress:#Examples|Computers]] [[WordPress:#Examples|Blogging]]
类别: [[WordPress:#Examples|WordPress]] [[WordPress:#Examples|电脑]] [[WordPress:#Examples|写博客]]

Separated by Comma


Displays links to categories, each category separated by a comma (if more than one).


<p>This post is in: <?php the_category(', '); ?></p>

<p>This post is in: <?php the_category(', '); ?></p>

This post is in: [[WordPress:#Examples|WordPress]], [[WordPress:#Examples|Computers]], [[WordPress:#Examples|Blogging]]

This post is in: [[WordPress:#Examples|WordPress]], [[WordPress:#Examples|电脑]], [[WordPress:#Examples|写博客]]

Separated by Arrow


Displays links to categories with an arrow (>) separating the categories. (Note: Take care when using this, since some viewers may interpret a category following a > as a subcategory of the one preceding it.)

用箭头显示类别链接(>)分开类别。(注: 使用这种方法的时候,应该注意,有的访客认为类别后面的> 是前面类别的子类别。)

<p>Categories: <?php the_category(' &gt; '); ?></p>

<p>Categories: <?php the_category(' &gt; '); ?></p>

Categories: [[WordPress:#Examples|WordPress]] > [[WordPress:#Examples|Computers]] > [[WordPress:#Examples|Blogging]]
类别: [[WordPress:#Examples|WordPress]] > [[WordPress:#Examples|电脑]] > [[WordPress:#Examples|写博客]]

Separated by a Bullet


Displays links to categories with a bullet (•) separating the categories.

使用bullet (•)分开类别,显示类别链接


Post Categories: <?php the_category(' &bull; '); ?>

%%% %%%

文章类别: <?php the_category(' &bull; '); ?>


Post Categories: [[WordPress:#Examples|WordPress]] • [[WordPress:#Examples|Computers]] • [[WordPress:#Examples|Blogging]]
文章类别: [[WordPress:#Examples|WordPress]] • [[WordPress:#Examples|电脑]] • [[WordPress:#Examples|写博客]]



(string) Text or character to display between each category link. The default is to place the links in an unordered list.

;分隔符: (string)链接类别之间显示的文本或者字符。默认是将链接放在无序列表上。

(string) How to display links that reside in child (sub) categories. Options are:
  • 'multiple' - Display separate links to parent and child categories, exhibiting "parent/child" relationship.
  • 'multiple' -分开显示母类别和子类别的链接,显示为"母/子"关系。
  • 'single' - Display link to child category only, with link text exhibiting "parent/child" relationship.
  • 'single' -只显示子类别链接,链接文本显示为"母/子"关系。
Note: Default is a link to the child category, with no relationship exhibited.



the_category, the_category_rss, single_cat_title, category_description, wp_dropdown_categories, wp_list_categories, in_category, get_category_parents, get_the_category get_category_link,

模板:PHP Function Tag Footer



模板:PHP 函数标签页底文字

模板:查询 字符串 标签 页底文字

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