WordPress:Dashboard SubPanel

Fludlen讨论 | 贡献2008年8月2日 (六) 09:29的版本
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The Dashboard is a tool to quickly access the most used areas of your blog's Administration. In addition, the Dashboard gives you glimpses in other areas of the WordPress community.


The WordPress:Dashboard SubPanel provides you a number of links to start writing [[WordPress:#Post|Posts]] or [[WordPress:#Page|Pages]], statistics and links on the number of posts, pages, [[WordPress:#Categories|Categories]], and [[WordPress:#Tags|Tags]]. A Recent Comments box shows the number of [[WordPress:#Comments|Comments]] awaiting moderation and a list of the recent comments. Configurable boxes of Incoming Links, and RSS feeds from the WordPress Development Blog, the Plugins blog, and Planet WordPress are also displayed.

Dashboard 子面板向你提供了许多链接,能够使你开始编写[[WordPress:#Post|文章]] 或者[[WordPress:#Page|网页]],文章,网页,[[WordPress:#Categories|类别]], 和 [[WordPress:#Tags|标签]]的数目的统计数据和链接。最近的评论框显示了等待审核的[[WordPress:#Comments|评论]]数目和最近的评论列表。引入的链接的结构框和来自WordPress发展博客,插件博客的RSS feeds,同时也显示了Planet WordPress。

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Right Now


The Right Now red banner highlights two links, Write a New Post, and Write a New Page, that enable you to immediately jump to those important functions.

立刻红色的标语突出了两个链接,写一篇新的文章, 和 编写一个新的网页,能够使你立马使用这些重要的功能。

Next, content statistics are display, in the form of links that direct you to the specific area to manage that content. Example:


You have 50 posts, 8 pages, 3 drafts, 2 scheduled posts, contained within 14 categories and 25 tags.

你拥有50 篇文章, 8 个网页, 3 份草稿, 2 个即将写的文章,包含在14 个类别25个标签中。

You use the WordPress Default theme with 5 widgets. Change Theme This is WordPress version 2.5.

你用5 widgets使用WordPress默认主题。更改主题这是WordPress2.5版本。

Recent Comments


A list of the most Recent Comments on your blog is detailed in this box. A link to see All comments is available in the top right corner. If there are comments that need moderation, a link is provided to do that. In addition, each comment listed provides a link to view the post or view the comment.


See All
In the form of a link, takes you to http://blogsearch.google.com to see all the incoming links for your blog.


Incoming Links


Incoming Links shows the 'external' Links to sites referring to your blog. In the top right corner of the box, links allow you to see All the Incoming Links, Edit the RSS feed information that provides the Incoming Links, and a RSS link to the actual feed.

引入的链接,显示提及你的博客的'外部'链接。在框的右上角,链接能够使你看到所有引入的链接,编辑提供了引入链接的RSS feed信息,以及一个RSS链接,链接到真正的feed。

See All
In the form of a link, takes you to http://blogsearch.google.com to see All the Incoming Links for your blog.
When clicked, you can control the information displayed in the box. Click the Cancel button to cancel the Edit.


Enter the RSS feed URL here: - enter the feed source to acquire your incoming links
在这里输入RSS feed URL : –输入feed来源,得到你引入的链接
How many items would you like to display? - end how many incoming links should be displayed
Display item date? - check this box to display the date on each incoming link
显示链接日期? –选中这个框,显示每个引入的链接的日期
Save - click this button to save your Edit changes.
保存 –点击这个按钮,保存你编辑后的内容。
The actual link to the feed being used for Incoming Links.


WordPress Development Blog

WordPress 发展博客

This Dashboard box lists "the latest news from the official WordPress development blog." Here you can find out what the WordPress developers have been up to recently and keep up with the latest WordPress related news. In addition to software developments such as version announcements and security notices, news about the WordPress community in general is periodically posted. Dashboard框列出了"来自官方的WordPress 发展博客的最新新闻。"从这里,你能够找出WordPress 开发人员最近在做什么,你就会了解最新的关于WordPress的新闻。除了软件发展,例如版本声明和安全注意,关于WordPress团队的新闻一般是定期发表的。

See All
In the form of a link, takes you to WordPress:http://www.wordpress.org/development/ WordPress Development Blog to see all the posts.

;查看所有的:链接带你进入WordPress:http://www.wordpress.org/development/ WordPress 发展博客查看所有的文章。

When clicked, you can control the information displayed in the box. Click the Cancel button to cancel the Edit.
Enter the RSS feed URL here: - URL to the feed, defaults to http://wordpress.org/development/feed/
在这里输入RSS feed URL: – feed的URL,默认为http://wordpress.org/development/feed/
Give the feed a title (optional): - description (title of the box) of this feed, defaults to WordPress Developement Blog.
赋予feed一个标题(optional): – 这个feed的描述(框的标题),默认为WordPress发展博客。
How many items would you like to display? - use the pulldown box to select the number of items to display.
你想要显示多少篇文章? – 使用下拉列表框,选择将要显示的文章的数目。
Display item content? - check this box to display an excerpt of the content.
显示文章内容? –选中这个框,显示内容摘录。
Display item author if available? - check this box to display the post author
如果文章有作者,显示文章作者? – 选中这个框,显示文章作者。
Display item date?- check this box to display the date on the post
显示文章日期?- 选中这个框,显示文章日期
Save - click this button to save your Edit changes.
保存 – 点击这个按钮,保存编辑后的内容。
The actual link to the feed being used.



The Plugins box displays the Most Popular, Newest, and Most Recently Updated Plugins, as seen at WordPress Extend Plugins site].

插件框显示大多数受欢迎的,最新的,最近更新到插件,如WordPress 扩展插件站点]中的插件那样。

See All
In the form of a link, takes you to WordPress Extend Plugins ] to see a all the plugins.


The actual link to the feed being used for Incoming Links.


Other WordPress News

其它的 WordPress 新闻

And in this box, there are titles of posts and links to other blogs devoted to the WordPress community.


See All
In the form of a link, takes you to WordPress:http://planet.wordpress.org// Planet WordPress to see all the posts.

;查看所有的:链接带你进入WordPress:http://planet.wordpress.org// Planet WordPress查看所有的文章。

When clicked, you can control the information displayed in the box. Click the Cancel button to cancel the Edit.
Give the feed a title (optional): - description (title of the box) of this feed, defaults to Other WordPress News.
赋予feed一个标题 (optional): – 这个feed的描述(框的标题),默认为其它的WordPress新闻。
Enter the RSS feed URL here: - URL to the feed, defaults to http://planet.wordpress.org/feed/
在这里输入RSS feed URL: – feed的URL,默认为http://planet.wordpress.org/feed/
How many items would you like to display? - use the pulldown box to select the number of items to display.
你想要显示多少篇文章? – 使用下拉列表框,选择你想要显示多少篇文章。
Save - click this button to save your Edit changes.
保存 – 点击这个按钮保存编辑的内容。
The actual link to the feed being used.


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