WordPress:Press It

Fludlen讨论 | 贡献2008年8月15日 (五) 16:37的版本
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Note: This feature was removed from WordPress 2.5, and was replaced in WordPress 2.6 with the WordPress:Press This function.


You are pouring over your feeds, viewing a website with an article or story that catches your eye, and you want to share that information with your WordPress site viewers. A quick trick is to use the WordPress Press It feature.

你正pouring over你的 feeds,阅读一个网站,网站上有你感兴趣的文章或者故事,而且你想要与你的WordPress站点的读者,一起分享这些文章或者故事。最快的方法,就是使用WordPress 按住 它功能。

WordPress makes it easy to quickly add links and information to your site through the use of a bookmarklet called Press It. A bookmarklet looks like a link in your Favorites, Bookmarks, or Links list but it is much more powerful. It adds the capability to quickly create WordPress post entries on the fly while working on the Internet.

通过使用称为按住它的bookmarklet,WordPress能够快速地向你的站点添加链接和信息。bookmarklet看起来像你的收藏夹Bookmarks, 或者链接列表中的链接,但是bookmarklet功能,更加强大。在网上运行时,bookmarklet能够快速地创建WordPress文章entries。

If you find something of interest on the Internet, you can click the Press It link and a window with your site's Administration Write Post panel will popup with the page you are viewing listed as a link. You can then write about the page, assign a category, and add any other information and then press Save and it will be immediately posted on your WordPress site.

如果你在网上发现了什么有趣的东西,你可以点击按住它链接,你的站点的管理 写文章面板和一个窗口会打开,将你访问的页面,列为一个链接。然后,你可以编写这个网页,分配一个类别,添加其它的信息,然后按住保存,这个信息会立马地出现在你的WordPress站点上。

The Press It bookmarklet is found at the bottom of the Write Posts panel. Drag and drop it onto your


Favorites, Bookmarks, or Links list or toolbar.

收藏夹, Bookmarks, 或者 链接列表或者工具栏中。

To activate, simply click on the "Press It" bookmarklet link. A window will open with the URI of the current site displayed, and the site's title as your post title.


The link is Javascript, and its form is: 这个链接是Javascript,而且形式是:

<a href="javascript:Q='';if(top.frames.length==0)Q=document.selection.createRange()
.text;void (btw=window.open ('$SiteURL/wp-admin/bookmarklet.php?text='+escape(Q)+
'&popupurl='+escape (location.href)+'&popuptitle='+escape(document.title),'bookmarklet'
Press it - $SiteName</a>

<a href="javascript:Q='';if(top.frames.length==0)Q=document.selection.createRange()
.text;void (btw=window.open ('$SiteURL/wp-admin/bookmarklet.php?text='+escape(Q)+
'&popupurl='+escape (location.href)+'&popuptitle='+escape(document.title),'bookmarklet'
Press it - $SiteName</a>

$SiteName is the name of the installation, $SiteURL is the installation directory.


Give it a try. It's really easy, and makes blogging and adding information to your WordPress site fast and easy.
