WordPress:Manage Categories SubPanel

Xxf3325讨论 | 贡献2008年8月16日 (六) 19:36的版本 →‎类别表格
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表格的顶上方是个删除按钮。任何类别的复选框中的删除按钮得到点击,这个类别就会被删除。删除一个类别,不会删除那个类别中的文章。属于已经删除的类别的文章,会重新分配到默认文章类别(请看看管理 > 设置 > )。当类别删除后,界面的顶上方,会弹出信息,显示"类别已经删除了"。


  • [ ] –点击(选中)复选框,点击删除按钮的时候,'选择'需要删除的类别。
  • Name - 类别名称.记住每个名字必须是唯一的。在类别名上点击编辑类别
  • 描述 – 类别可能有一个随意的描述。默认情况下,当访客将鼠标悬浮在类别链接的上面的时候,访客就能够看到类别描述。
  • 文章 – 属于那个类别的文章。

Add Category


This part of the SubPanel, which is conveniently linked to from the top of the [[WordPress:#Table of Categories|Table of Categories]], allows you to create a new Category. There are four pieces of information associated with each new Category: the name, slug, category parent, and description.

子面板的这个部分,从[[WordPress:#Table of Categories|类别表格]]的顶上方能够轻易地链接到这个部分,你可以在这里创建一个新的类别。每个类别有四个相关的信息:名称,slug,母类别,和描述。

Category Name
To reiterate, the Category Name must be unique.


Category Slug
The Category slug must be unique. The Category Slug is used in the URL. For example, setting a Category Name of "Recipes" and a Category Slug of "food" would show all "Recipes" posts with a URL like example.com/blog/food/.
类别Slug:类别 slug必须是唯一的。类别Slug用在URL中。例如:设置类别名为"食谱",类别Slug为"食物",会显示所有关于"食谱"的文章,URL是example.com/blog/food/
Category Parent
Use this drop-down if you want to make this Category a sub-Category; you will select the sub-Category's Parent here. For example, you may have a Category called "Photos" but want to add further clarification about the subject of a particular "Photos" post. You could add "Oregon Coast" and "Ice Storm" as sub-Categories to the "Photos" Category; "Photos" would be the Parent of these two new sub-Categories.

;母类别:如果你想要将这个类别设置为子类别,请使用这个下拉列表;你将会在这里选择母类别。例如,你可能拥有一个称为"照片"的类别,但是想要给"图片"文章,添加更详细的类别,你可以添加"Oregon 海岸" 和"冰暴"作为"图片"类别的子类别;"图片"类别就是这两个新的类别的母类别。

Sub-Categories show up on your blog's page just like Categories, except they will typically be nested under their Parent Categories. When someone visits your site and clicks the "Photos" Category link, all posts in "Photos" and all its sub-Categories will be displayed. Clicking the "Oregon Coast" Category link only displays those post in that sub-Category. If you assign a post to a sub-Category (e.g. "Oregon Coast"), you can choose to assign that post to the sub-Category's parent ("Photos") or not. Either way, all "Oregon Coast" posts will show up in the "Photos" Category page. The only difference is that the list of Categories of which a particular post is actually a member. In the WordPress Default 1.6 Theme (Kubrick), this list is shown below the text of each post.

子类别在你的博客网页上像类别一样显示,只是子类别一般嵌套在母类别的下面。当有人访问你的站点,并且点击When "图片" 类别链接的时候, "图片" 和and 图片所有子类别 中的文章都会显示。点击"Oregon海岸" 类别链接,只会显示子类别中的文章。如果你在给子类别分配了一篇文章(例如 "Oregon 海岸"子类别),你可以选择将这篇文章是否分配给母类别("图片") 。在任何方式中, "Oregon海岸" 的所有文章会在"图片" 类别网页中显示。唯一的区别在于,列出每篇文章真正所属于的类别。在WordPress1.6默认主题中 (Kubrick),这个列表在每篇文章文本的下面显示。
Category Descriptions are optional. Some themes take advantage of Category Descriptions, others do not, so having Descriptions may or may not modify the way Categories are displayed for your site. Even if they are not used by your site's theme, you may still find them useful from an administration point of view.


Add Category
The most important part of the Add New Category box. Once you've entered in all the information about your new Category, use this button to save it.


Edit Category


This part of the SubPanel only displays when you click on a Categories' Name in the [[WordPress:#Table of Categories|Table of Categories]]. It is possible to edit four pieces of information associated with each Category: the name, the slug, the parent, and the description.

当你在[[WordPress:#Table of Categories|类别表格]]中点击类别的名称的时候,子面板的这个部分才会显示。可以编辑与每个类别有关的四个部分的信息:名称,slug,母类别,和描述。

Category name
To reiterate, the Category name must be unique.


Category Slug
Again, the Category slug must be unique.

;类别Slug:此外,类别slug 必须是唯一的。

Category Parent
Use this drop-down if you want to make this Category a sub-Category; you will select the sub-Category's Parent here. For example, you may have a Category called "Photos" but want to add further clarification about the subject of a particular "Photos" post. You could add "Oregon Coast" and "Ice Storm" as sub-Categories to the "Photos" Category; "Photos" would be the parent of these two new sub-Categories.
母类别:如果你想要将这个类别变为子类别,请使用这个下拉列表;你可以在这里选择母类别。例如,你可能拥有一个称为"图片"的类别,但是你想要关于"图片"文章的更细的类别。你可以添加"Oregon 海岸" 和 "冰暴"作为"图片"的子类别;"图片"就是这两个子类别的母类别。
Category descriptions are optional. Some themes take advantage of Category descriptions, others do not, so having Descriptions may or may not modify the way Categories are displayed for your site.


Edit Category
Once you've changed the Category information, use this button to save the changes.


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