
Firebrance讨论 | 贡献2008年9月17日 (三) 16:30的版本
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我曾多次被问到我的网站的样子是如何实现的。Gallery在我的网站 http://underwa.ter.net中融合地很好,机关我所使用的外观主题自身无法适用于这样的整合方式。但是我喜欢这样的哇你管主题,因此我根据自己的需要做了修改。我认为如果你真的希望gallery成为自己网站规划中不可或缺的一部分的话,某些形式的修改总是必要的。下面我就分享一下我在整合时的一些心得。







Gallery has quite a bit of information about embedding and integrating. Here are some links I used:

Since I wasn't using an existing CMS, I figured I could use the 'editing theme templates' method of integrating gallery. Basically you change the templates that the theme provides to fit your own design. That's what makes gallery such a wonderful tool, it allows you to seperate functionality from design.


Gallery has a great method to change the templates. Just go to the 'slider' theme directory, and create a directory 'local' in whatever directory the file you want to change exists in. I started by editing theme.tpl so I created a directory 'local' inside the 'templates' directory and copied 'theme.tpl' to that directory. Now I started to edit this template to have a navigation bar. This meant adding some HTML near the top of the templates. You can find the resulting file here. Look for comments marked by the string COR.


Unfortunately, this didnt show me a navbar! Whats going on. Maybe I needed to reload the templates. This is something you always have to do when editing templates. Go the the Site Admin link, go to Maintenance, and find the template cache deletion link. Use it often. It didnt fix my problem though. I looked at the source, and saw that the navbar was actually there. So why didnt I see it? I looked a bit closer at the slider theme and noticed it uses absolute positioning. Basically it put the image on top of my navbar making it invisible. Ok, thats not good.


Im not going to explain CSS or HTML. Buy a book :) I figured I had to change the css to fix this absolute positioning problem. So, I made a directory 'local' in the same directory as theme.css and copied theme.css there. Right at the top of the css file you see the problem. It positions the image area in the top left corner of the screen. Argh. Ok, what if I change it so the top is not at 0 but at 50 px? Ok, that did something. The image area was moved 50 pixels down and I saw my navbar at the top.


Before I continue, I need to explain my navbar, because some people might not understand it. If you do what I did sofar, the navbar will look ugly. It's not a horizontal navbar at all, but an ugly list. Im not going to fully explain how to go from a vertical list to a horizontal navbar. Use google. It is styled using CSS, and I copied the style information from my site CSS file to the theme CSS file. You can see the resulting theme.css here. With that CSS file you see my navbar on top, but the rest of the gallery stuff still looks like plain old slider theme.


Next I figured id have to change the colors of the slider theme to match my own colors. This again means changing CSS information. I need to change all 'background-color' elements to my own background color. Here's the resulting theme.css. Look for color #282828. This is starting to look good.


Things arent quite finished though. First of all I wanted to do some more minor visual changes, but more importantly, there are some layout bugs. In IE (what else is new) the current CSS is not working correctly as the image is now being overlapped by the thumbnail bar, no doubt caused by lowering the image display area 50 pixels. Im also seeing some ugly jumping of the navbar when switching from my own pages to the gallery theme pages. In my own pages I needed to do some CSS tricks to avoid that from happening. It's basically working around CSS implementation differences. I need to add these workarounds to the theme.css file.

To fix the overlapping layout in IE, it wasnt enough to change the CSS. The slider theme extensively uses Javascript, and it's in this JS that we have to fix another problem. It computes the size of the image area, and because we lowered the image area 50px, this computation is now wrong. The changed slider.js can be seen here. The changes are around line 186. I also made another minor change to add a permanent scrollbar on the right. This fixes the jumping navbar problem. There may be better fixes for this, but this is what I did.

if (!getstr && !document.slide) return;
var w = data_iw[image_index], h = data_ih[image_index],
aw = image_area.offsetWidth, ah = image_area.offsetHeight, a=0;
  ah = ah - 6;
  aw = aw - 6;
  if(app_is_ie) {
    ah = ah - 80;
if (w > aw || h > ah) {
if ((a = h/w) < ah/aw) {
w = aw; h = Math.round(aw*a);

Argh, this didnt work. The changed javascript wasnt being executed. I quickly noticed that I also need to change header.tpl in the templates directory. Copy it to the local dir and make it load slider.js from the local dir. Here's my header.tpl. I also had to make another small change in theme.tpl, as it has a line to hide the scrollbar, and I wanted to force the scrollbar to avoid jumping of the screen. You can decide for yourself if you want or need this. I commented out the line:

{* { overflow: hidden; }*}



  • 首先我希望图片周围有边界。这可以通过CSS来达成。在theme.css 文件的顶部某处加入下面的语句。
div#image img {
  border: 3px solid #ffffff;

  • 我希望gallery的明朝位于导航条的左侧。这就意味着要修改theme.tpl,也就是导航条添加之处。我加入了以下语句行。如果你是管理员的话,它还会添加一个下拉框。请别忘了清除模板缓存:)
{if !empty($theme.item.title)}
  {if $user.isRegisteredUser}
    {g->block type="core.ItemLinks"}
  • 修改了CSS文件中的一些字体属性。这并非很重要的。
  • 我不想让普通读者看到维护菜单的扳手图标。所以我修改了slider.tpl,这样一来只有管理员可以看到。参见slider.tpl


That concludes all the changes. I also changed some minor things in the theme configuration inside gallery. Specifically, I limited the max size each image could be viewed at by non-administrators. Experiment with it.

All the files that I changed can be viewed here. Changes are usually commented, but you may want to do a diff between the original and my version. I may have also forgotten some changes, as Im doing a long time after the actual work. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message. Remember though, this doc is not meant to fix your own site. It is merely a diary of how I changed my site. You'll almost certainly have to deviate from this document for your own site. And I may also not have chosen the right way to do things, I dont know. But it works for me, so im happy.


Besides changing the theme I also did some other forms of embedding. You can call gallery functions from within any PHP file which allows you to do interesting tricks outside of gallery itself. My site contains several such additions..

  • The homepage has two randomized images. I did that by making two special albums inside gallery, one for me, one for my wife. We can each drop images in that gallery and have them automatically be used for this random image. The code for it. Include() it in your regular php file, and change whatever you have to change to make it work for you.


require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../gallery2/embed.php");
$ret = GalleryEmbed::init(array('embedUri' => '/gallery2','g2Uri' => '/gallery2/','fullInit' => true));
list ($ret, $imageBlockCor) = GalleryEmbed::getImageBlock(array('blocks' => 'randomImage', 'show' => 'none', 'itemId' => '120' ));
list ($ret, $imageBlockJulie) = GalleryEmbed::getImageBlock(array('blocks' => 'randomImage', 'show' => 'none', 'itemId' => '121' ));
if(preg_match('/(<img.*\\>)/', $imageBlockCor, $matches)) {
  $cor = $matches[1];
if(preg_match('/(<img.*\\>)/', $imageBlockJulie, $matches)) {
  $julie = $matches[1];

echo "<a href=\"/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=147\">$cor</a>\n"; echo "<a href=\"/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=148\">$julie</a>\n";

  • The travel page has a list of thumbnails on the right. These are auto-generated! If I add a travel album, it automatically gets displayed there. I do some extra tricks to allow me to only make it visible when im ready. All the albums here are children of 1 specific album, which allows me to traverse that album to fetch all these travel galleries.


require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../gallery2/embed.php");
/* connect to embed library */
$ret = GalleryEmbed::init(array('embedUri' => '/gallery2/index.php','embedPath' => '/gallery2','relativeG2Path' => ,'fullInit' => true));

/* fetch all albums by item id */
list ($error,$albums) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchAlbumTree(69);
/* fetch all thumbnails for these albums */
if(!$error) {
  /* fetch album info for all albums */
  list ($error,$items) = GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById(GalleryUtilities::arrayKeysRecursive($albums));
  if(!$error) {
    $urlGenerator =& $gallery->getUrlGenerator();
    foreach ($items as $item) {
      $title = $item->getTitle();
      $description = $item->getDescription();
      $keywords = $item->getKeywords();
      if(strstr($keywords, "visible")) {
        list($ret, $thumbnails) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchThumbnailsByItemIds(array($item->getid()));
        foreach($thumbnails as $thumbnail) {
          $thumbnailImg = $urlGenerator->generateUrl(array('view' => 'core.DownloadItem', 'href' => "/gallery2/main.php", 'itemId' => $thumbnail->getid()));
          $thumbnailUrl = $urlGenerator->generateUrl(array('view' => 'core.ShowItem', 'itemId' => $item->getid()));
        echo "<div class=\"travelgalleriesgallery\">\n";
        echo "<p><a href=\"$thumbnailUrl\"><img src=\"$thumbnailImg\" /></a></p>\n";
        echo "<p>$title</p>\n";
        $description = unhtmlspecialchars($description);
        echo "<p>$description</p>\n";
        echo "</div> <!-- travelgalleriesgallery -->\n";
function unhtmlspecialchars( $string )
  $string = str_replace ( '&', '&', $string );
  $string = str_replace ( ''', '\, $string );
  $string = str_replace ( '"', '"', $string );
  $string = str_replace ( '<', '<', $string );
  $string = str_replace ( '>', '>', $string );

  return $string;

  • 在文件夹区域中的下拉列表显示所有可查看的文件夹。这些同样都是一特定相册的子,这样我就可以进行traverse。代码:


require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../gallery2/embed.php");
/* connect to embed library */
$ret = GalleryEmbed::init(array('embedUri' => '/gallery2/index.php','embedPath' => '/gallery2','relativeG2Path' => ,'fullInit' => true));

/* fetch all albums by item id */
list ($error,$albums) = GalleryCoreApi::fetchAlbumTree(70);
if(!$error) {
  /* fetch album info for all albums */
  list ($error,$items) = GalleryCoreApi::loadEntitiesById(GalleryUtilities::arrayKeysRecursive($albums));
  if(!$error) {
     echo "<form>\n";
     echo "<select name=\"url\" onchange=\"location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;\">\n";
     echo "<option value=\"#\">View other portfolios</option>\n";
     foreach ($items as $item) {
       $title = $item->getTitle() ? $item->getTitle() :
       $item-> getPathComponent();
       echo "<option value=\"/gallery2/main.php?g2_view=core.ShowItem&g2_itemId=" . $item->getId() . "\">$title</option>\n";
     echo "</select></form>\n";



Cor Bosman