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最后版本 您的文本
第1行: 第1行:
* 保持可扩展性。
* Keep extensible.
*: 希望该模块具有可扩展性,这样没有在此版本中出现的特点可以在将来加入。管理员也可仅启用想要的特点,从而减少页面载入时间,客户端操作时间以及资源占用。
*: It is hoped that this module will be extensible so that features not envisioned here can be included later and so that administrators can enable only the features they desire, minimising page load time, client side operation time and resource usage.

; 图片区域:
; Image regions:
* 图片区域是图片上具有重要性的特定区域。该图片区域存在于同一张图片的所有版本之中(即源图片的所有派生)。注意派生图片的比例和定向可能与原始图片不同。
* An image region is a specific area of an image that has some importance. This image region exists on all versions of the same image (i.e. on all derivatives of the source image). Note that a derivative image may have a different scale AND orientation to the original.
* 图片区域是由一个矩形DIV所表示的,也可以是是图片边界内的其他2d形状。
* An image region is represented by a rectangular DIV or other 2d shape within the bounds of the image.
: 应可以将某个矩形DIV选择转为某个合适的2d形状。
: It should be possible to convert a rectangular DIV selection into a proper 2d shape.
* 所有图片区域无论形状都有一个2d划界的框架,这使得冲突检测更便捷。
* All image region's no matter what shape will have a 2d bounding box, which will make collision detection faster.
* ?? 图片区域统筹在2d空间中显示为一个复杂的3维物体。图片区域可在2d空间中定义物体的3d属性,而不仅仅是显示一个2d区域,比如面孔,头部和身体的旋转。?? 这是否可以作为批注/其他关联?
* ?? An image region usually represents a complex 3 dimensional object in 2 dimensional space. Rather than just representing a 2d area, the image region may define the 3d properties of the object in the 2d space, such as the rotation of a face, head and torso. ?? Should this instead be an annotation/other association?
* ?? 图片区域应能提供该区域的可缩放视图,以备页面中再次使用。
* ?? An image region should be able to provide a scalable view of that region for re-use in the page.

; 图片区域集:
; Image region sets:
* 一个图片区域集(image region set)是一组相关的图片区域。因为3d物体可以在2d空间中以不相交的区域表示出来,所以我们需能够将分离的图片区域链接在一起。(比如,当某人被标记了,而他的胳膊藏在某人背后,这种图片区域组合机制就变得重要了。我们标记整个图片区域集而不是分别标记各独立的2d图片区域)。
* An image region set is a grouping of related image regions. Because a 3d object may be represented by disjoint regions in 2d space, we need to be able to link separate image regions together. (This becomes important when, for instance, a person is being tagged and their arm goes behind someone else. We tag the image region set rather than each individual 2d image region)

第65行: 第65行:
* By an image region. When an image region is first created (or edited) and tags/notes are being applied, a convienient place to get the appropriate options is right next to the image region (or maybe just a modal dialog)
* By an image region. When an image region is first created (or edited) and tags/notes are being applied, a convienient place to get the appropriate options is right next to the image region (or maybe just a modal dialog)

:When adding/editing the following operations will probably be needed for both image regions and annotations.
* 拖动
* Dragging
** 强制的
** Constrained
* 改变比例
* Scaling
** 强制的
** Constrained
** 宽高比
** Aspect ratio
** 最小值和最大值
** Min and Max
* Z-ordering(分层)
* Z-ordering (layering)
* 组合/拆分
* Grouping/ungrouping
** 多个组织中的图片区域?
** Image region in multiple groups?
** 为形状设定操作(Union, Intersection, Negation)保留算符?
** Set operations for shapes (Union, Intersection, Negation) Keep the operators?
* 节点移动(当不为一简单矩形时,某形状的各点都可以单独移动)
* Node moving (when not a simple rectangle, points of the shape can be moved individually)
** 强制的。某形状是否会阻止某节点被移动到特定的位置以维持形状?
** Constrained. Does a shape stop a node being moved to certain places to maintain the shape?
* 旋转
* Rotation
* 3d操作
* 3d manipulation

:Certain modes (and sub-modes) will be in use when interacting with the image. The mode will determine the behaviour.
* 查看。
* Viewing.
* 编辑:
* Editing:
** 编辑图片区域。
** Editing image regions.
** 编辑标记。
** Editing tags.
** 编辑注释。
** Editing notes.
** 编辑非图片区域的批注(涂鸦?)
** Editing non-image region annotations (drawings?)
* 用户建议(某不具任何关联的图片区域能够被建议?可能不行):
* User suggestions (Can an image region be suggested without anything associated to it? Probably not):
** 建议标记。
** Suggesting tags.
** 建议注释。
** Suggesting notes.
** 建议图画。
** Suggesting drawing.
* 查看建议?查看形式可能与你编辑建议时的样式不同。
* Viewing suggestions? Viewing may look different to when you are editing suggestions.
* 管理(建议回复)。
* Moderating (Suggestion response).
** 显示谁/什么作出了建议。可以限制对某特定的提出建议者的查看。
** View shows who/what made the various suggestion. Can limit view to a specific suggester.

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===Client side===
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