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* 某图片识别程序搜索整个图片数据库并识别面孔及对象。该程序则对图片各类区域作出建议,并提交给具有足够权限查看这些图片的用户。具有权限的用户可以确认图片识别程序的分析并通知程序识别的正确与否;还可以为正确识别结果添加批注,并在识别错误时,告知程序图片区域的实际情况。
* 某图片识别程序搜索整个图片数据库并识别面孔及对象。该程序则对图片各类区域作出建议,并提交给具有足够权限查看这些图片的用户。具有权限的用户可以确认图片识别程序的分析并通知程序识别的正确与否;还可以为正确识别结果添加批注,并在识别错误时,告知程序图片区域的实际情况。
;Drawing on/annotating an image:
* A user wants to spice up an image by adding some speech bubbles containing some text. The user can choose to have the speech bubble always displayed or triggered to display on certain events (such as mouseover a certain region). The speech bubble display in itself can trigger other events that react with other annotation objects (so a sequence of speech can be displayed).
* A user wants to search for images where incredibly witty new things have been drawn on the image.
;Image recognition:
* An image recognition program trawls through the image database and recognises some faces and objects. The program makes suggestions on what various regions of the images are to a user with sufficient priviledge to view them. The privilidged user can verify the image recognition programs analysis and choose to notify the program that it's recognition is correct or false, the user can also choose to add annotations based on any correct recognition and notify the program what the actual image area was when recognition was false.
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