WordPress:Customizing Feeds

Seadragon530讨论 | 贡献2008年4月19日 (六) 17:35的版本
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If terms like feed, syndication, and RSS make your head spin, stop right now and read an Introduction to Syndication. That will give you a good overview of feeds and syndication. We have an article on WordPress:WordPress Feeds to help you understand the basics, if you need them, but from here on, this article assumes that you know the basics of what feeds are and how they are used.

如果象feedsyndication, 和 RSS这些词语让你头脑发晕,现在就停下来读读Syndication介绍。这会给你一个 feed总览,包括syndication。如果你需要的话,我们有一个关于WordPress Feeds的文章,帮助你理解基础,从这里开始,本文假设你懂得feed是什么和如何使用它们。

Customized feeds give your readers more information about you and your blog: you can include the names of additional collaborators on your blog posts, or a link to your Friend-of-a-Friend file. Contrariwise, it can also help you restrict the information available for syndication, by removing extraneous data or providing a machine-readable version of your copyright statement.


How WordPress Produces Feeds

WordPress uses a set of feed templates to display your site's feeds, in much the same way as it uses theme templates to display your content. These feed templates are located in the main WordPress directory; they are not compatible with the Theme system.



The following feed templates are included with WordPress:

Displays your entries in RSS 2.0 format.
Displays your entries in RSS 0.92 format.
Displays your entries in RDF/RSS 1.0 format
Displays your entries in Atom format.
Displays comments - either the most recent comments on all posts, or the comments on a specific post - in RSS 2.0 format.


使用RSS 2.0 格式显示你的登陆口。
使用RSS 0.92格式显示你的登陆口。
使用RDF/RSS 1.0格式显示你的登陆口。
使用 Atom格式显示你的登陆口。
显示评论 – 可以是所有文章的最新评论也可以是某个特定文章的评论 - RSS 2.0 格式。

Customizing Your Feeds

There are a variety of ways to customize your feeds, through the use of third-party software you install and add-on to your WordPress site, or by manually changing the feed templates to meet your needs.



Third-Party Software

Some third-party web services can help you manage and customize your feeds. Using such services can be a simple way to do things like counting the number of people who read your feed, or combining your blog's feed with your Flickr photostream.

Such services include:


一些第三方软件网页服务可以帮助你管理和定制你的feed。使用这种服务可以说是一种方便的方法去做一些如计算阅读feed的人数,或者用Flickr photostream合并blog的feed这一类的事情。


Customizing Feed Templates

Editing your feed templates is much the same as editing your theme templates. However, feed templates are not integrated into the WordPress theme system; if you would like different versions of your feeds, you'll need to create extra feed templates or apply this patch to your WordPress installation.


编辑你的feed模板很大程度上和编辑你的主题模板一样。尽管如此,feed模板并没有统一到 WordPress模板系统中;如果你想要不同的feed,你需要创建额外的feed模板或者再你的WordPress安装中应用这个补丁

Many specialized template tags exist specifically to format your content in a way that complies with the RSS standards. They include:

Let's look at some examples of how to use these template tags with your WordPress site feeds.

很多特殊存在的专门的模板标签是用来根据RSS标准格式化你的内容的 。包括:

Make PubDate Work with Wordpress 2.2

With regards to the below, wp-rss2.php no longer has the pubDate command, but /wp-includes/feed-rss2.php does on lines 20, and 22.

If you are American, I suggest replacing said lines with the below:

<pubDate><?php echo mysql2date('m-d-Y', get_post_time('Y-m-d H:i:s', true), false); ?></pubDate>

让PubDate 在Wordpress 2.2中使用

从下边的 内容可以看出,wp-rss2.php不再有pubDate命令,但是在20和22行的/wp-includes/feed-rss2.php命令中包含。


<pubDate><?php echo mysql2date('m-d-Y', get_post_time('Y-m-d H:i:s', true), false); ?></pubDate>

Make PubDate Work with Non-English Dates

The default RSS 2.0 feed in WordPress 1.5 displays the date elements of posts using some language-specific terms, i.e., day and month names. If you're using a localized version (non-English) of WordPress, some feed readers may not correctly interpret these names, causing errors in display and/or validation. If you are using a WordPress version later than 1.5.1, the problem with international dates in feeds has been fixed.

让PubDate 可以用于非英语的日期

WordPress 1.5中,默认RSS2.0feed使用一些语言相关的条目显示文章的日期元素,如日和月的名字。如果你用地方版本(非英语)的WordPress,一些feed读取器可能不能正确的分隔这些名字,导致显示错误或者非法操作。如果你使用WordPress 1.5.1之后的版本, feed的国际时间的问题已经被修正了.

To solve this problem in prior versions of WordPress, open wp-rss2.php and change the entry pubDate element from:

<?php echo mysql2date('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', get_the_time('Y-m-d H:i:s')); ?>


<?php echo mysql2date('r', get_the_time('Y-m-d H:i:s')); ?>


<?php echo mysql2date('D, d M Y H:i:s +0000', get_the_time('Y-m-d H:i:s')); ?>


<?php echo mysql2date('r', get_the_time('Y-m-d H:i:s')); ?>

The 'r' is a generic PHP date format that does not rely on translated strings.

'r'是一类不依赖于标准字符串的PHP 日期格式

Adding Entry Titles to Your Comments Feed

This example sets the title of each item in your comments RSS feed from By: Harriet to Harriet on Sample Post, which helps provide some context when reading the main feed of all comments on your blog. Because the_title_rss doesn't work outside WordPress:The Loop, it's necessary to duplicate part of its function in your template.


这个例子是:在你的RSS feed中,从By: HarrietHarriet on Sample Post,设置每个项目的标题。这对阅读blog上所有评论的主feed时提供一些上下文是有帮助的。因为the_title_rss不能工作在Loop之外,它的功能在你的主题中是必须的部分

The following code should be put in wp_commentsrss2.php, just after the beginning of the comment loop:


  /* First, grab the title of the entry on 
     which the comment was posted */
  $title = get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID);

  /* Now sanitize the formatting for RSS */
  $title = apply_filters('the_title', $title);
  $title = apply_filters('the_title_rss', $title);
<title><?php comment_author_rss() ?> on <?php echo $title ?></title>

Alternatively, this plugin will achieve the same result without hacking your wordpress install.


Checking Your New Feed

To see your new feed, you can use any of the many feed readers available on the Internet. While your feed might look good to you in the different readers, it might still have problems.



Feed formats are designed to be read and manipulated by machines; errors in your feed template can make your feed unreadable to some or all feedreaders. So after you make all your changes, it's a good idea to check that your feed meets the relevant standards. Validation services include:


More Information and Resources


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