WordPress:Formatting Date and Time

Seadragon530讨论 | 贡献2008年4月15日 (二) 11:40的版本
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Customizing the Time and Date

Certain WordPress tag functions are used to display or return date and time information; the_date() and the_time() are examples of this. Some of these functions accept a parameter called a format string that allows you to determine how the date is going to be displayed. The format string is a template in which various parts of the date are combined (using "format characters") to generate a date in the format specified.


特定的WordPress标签功能用来显示或者返回日期和时间信息;the_date()the_time()就是例子。这些功能中的一些接受一个叫做format string的参数,允许你确定如何显示日期。format string是一个日期的多个部分组合(使用 "format characters")起来按照指定的格式生成日期的模板。

For example, the format string:

l, F j, Y

creates a date that look like this:

Friday, September 24, 2004

例如format string如下:

l, F j, Y


Friday, September 24, 2004

Here is what each format character in the string above represents:

  • l = Full name for day of the week (lower-case L).
  • F = Full name for the month.
  • j = The day of the month.
  • Y = The year in 4 digits. (lower-case y gives the year's last 2 digits)
(Commas are read literally.)

这里是上边字符串中每个format character的显示结果:

  • l = 星期几的全写(小写字母L).
  • F =月的全写.
  • j = 日.
  • Y = 四位数字显示的年. (小写的y 显示年的最后两位)

WordPress is written in the programming language PHP. The date formatting functions in WordPress use PHP's built-in date formatting functions. Therefore, you can use the table of date format characters on the PHP website as a reference for building date format strings for use in WordPress.

WordPress是使用PHP代码编写的。WordPress中的日期是使用PHP的内建日期格式化功能实现的。这样,你可以使用PHP网页上日期format characters表格作为WordPress中建立日期format strings时的参考。

Event, Calendar, and Time Plugins
