WordPress:Function Reference/add action

Fludlen讨论 | 贡献2008年7月21日 (一) 15:32的版本
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Hooks a function on to a specific action. See Plugin API for a list of hooks for action.

Hooks函数到一个特别的action。请看看Plugin API|插件API关于hooks for action的列表。



%%% <?php add_action($tag, $function_to_add, $priority = 10, $accepted_args = 1); ?> %%%

%%% <?php add_action($tag, $function_to_add, $priority = 10, $accepted_args = 1); ?> %%%



To email some friends whenever an entry is posted on your blog:


function email_friends($post_ID)  {
   $friends = 'bob@example.org, susie@example.org';
   mail($friends, "sally's blog updated" , 'I just put something on my blog: http://blog.example.com');
   return $post_ID;

add_action('publish_post', 'email_friends');
function email_friends($post_ID)  {
   $friends = 'bob@example.org, susie@example.org';
   mail($friends, "sally's blog updated" , 'I just put something on my blog: http://blog.example.com');
   return $post_ID;

add_action('publish_post', 'email_friends');



(string) The name of the action you wish to hook onto.
(string)你想要hook onto的action的名称。
(callback) The name of the function you wish to be called. Note: any of the syntaxes explained in the PHP documentation for the 'callback' type are valid.
(callback)你希望调用的函数的名称。注:the PHP documentation for the 'callback' type中解释的任何语法都是有效的。
How important your function is. Alter this to make your function be called before or after other functions. The default is 10, so (for example) setting it to 5 would make it run earlier and setting it to 12 would make it run later.
How many arguments your function takes. In WordPress 1.5.1+, hooked functions can take extra arguments that are set when the matching do_action() or apply_filters() call is run. For example, the action comment_id_not_found will pass any functions that hook onto it the ID of the requested comment.
你的函数拥有多少个参数。在WordPress1.5.1+,hooked 函数可以获得,matching do_action() 或者apply_filters() call运行时,设置的额外参数。例如,action comment_id_not_found会传递任何hook onto it需要的评论ID的函数。