WordPress:Include Tags

Fludlen讨论 | 贡献2008年7月11日 (五) 17:31的版本
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The Template include tags are used within one Template file (for example index.php) to execute the HTML and PHP found in another template file (for example header.php). PHP has a built in include() statement for this purpose, but these WordPress template tags make including certain specific files much easier.

模板include tags是用在模板 文件内(例如index.php)以执行其它模板文件内的HTMLPHP (例如header.php)。PHP有一个内置的include()声明,但是这些WordPress模板标签使得包含某些特别的文件变得更加简单。

See WordPress:Using Themes and WordPress:Theme Development for more information about Templates and Themes.


The Header Template


<?php get_header(); ?>

<?php get_header(); ?>

This tag includes the file header.php from your current theme's directory. If that file is not found, it will instead include wp-content/themes/default/header.php.


The Footer Template


<?php get_footer(); ?>

<?php get_footer(); ?>

This tag includes the file footer.php from your current theme's directory. If that file is not found, it will instead include wp-content/themes/default/footer.php.


The Sidebar Template


<?php get_sidebar(); ?>

<?php get_sidebar(); ?>

This tag includes the file sidebar.php from your current theme's directory. If that file is not found, it will instead include wp-content/themes/default/sidebar.php.


<?php get_sidebar('right'); ?>

<?php get_sidebar('right'); ?>

Causes the template TEMPLATEPATH . 'sidebar-right.php' to be included. Note: the ability to specify a particular sidebar, meaning more than one sidebar template can be used in a theme, was added with WordPress:Version 2.5.

导致模板TEMPLATEPATH . 'sidebar-right.php'被包含其中。注:能够规定一个特别的工具条,指的是一个主题中可以使用多个工具条模板,是在2.5版本中添加的。

The Comments Template


<?php comments_template(); ?>

<?php comments_template(); ?>

This tag includes the file comments.php from your current theme's directory. If that file is not found, it will instead include wp-content/themes/default/comments.php. To display comments on the main index or archive pages, you'll need to set the $withcomments variable to "1" before calling this tag.


Including Any Template


WordPress offers the above tags for including those specific WordPress:Templates, but there is also a convenient way to include any file. To do so, you will need to use the include PHP function, and a constant WordPress conveniently defines for you to make things easy: TEMPLATEPATH.

WordPress提供了上述标签,用来包含这些特别的模板,但是还有一个更简便的方法,能够包含任何文件。要使用这种方法,你需要使用include PHP函数,和一个WordPress能够方便地为你定义的一个恒量,使得问题变得更加简单:TEMPLATEPATH

Suppose you want to include a file called header2.php. Just insert the following line in your template where you want that file's information to appear.


<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/header2.php'); ?>

<?php include (TEMPLATEPATH . '/header2.php'); ?>

You could, for example, use this as a means of including a different header instead of the normal header.php which would be included with [[WordPress:#The Header Template|get_header()]].

例如,你可以使用这个作为包含一个不同的标题而不是正常的header.php的方式,header.php可能包含在[[WordPress:#The Header Template|get_header()]]

NOTE: TEMPLATEPATH is a reference to the absolute path to the current theme directory (without the / at the end). For information on referencing URIs rather than including files, see Referencing Files From a Template.

: TEMPLATEPATH是一个到达当前主题目录的绝对路径的一个reference(结尾没有/)。关于referencing URI而不是包含文件的信息,请看看从一个模板中Referencing 文件



The following is a very simple example of a template for an "HTTP 404: Not Found" error (which you could include in your Theme as 404.php).

下面是有关"HTTP 404:没有找到"错误模板的一个非常简单的例子(可能包含在你的主题中作为404.php)。

<?php get_header(); ?>

<h2>Error 404 - Not Found

<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>

<?php get_header(); ?>

<h2>Error 404 - Not Found

<?php get_sidebar(); ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>



These tags do not accept any parameters. 这些标签不接受任何参数。 模板:No Param Tag Footer

模板:没有 Param标签 页底文字