WordPress:Mailing List Summary

Fludlen讨论 | 贡献2008年9月26日 (五) 17:26的版本
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This content seems stale.? And it is a result when searching for "mailing list". Moved under WAKELESS for him/her to decide/update - Foolswisdom 21:14, 4 Sep 2006 (GMT)

内容看起来过时了?这是搜索"邮件列表"时,出现的结果。Moved under WAKELESS 让他/她决定/更新- Foolswisdom2006年9月4日,21:14(格林尼治标准时间)

TODO List[ ]

TODO 列表[ ]

This is a list that pretty much everyone on the list has agreed should be done.


  • the_content filters. The way they work seems a little bit inconsistent with the_excerpt and the_content, also the way they currently work it makes it a little bit harder for alternative input formatting. One of the suggested solutions is to not filter everytime the post is viewed, but store the filtered output. Michel Fortin has a discussion of the difficulties he had here.
  • the_content filters。这些filters的运行方式与the_excerpt和the_content的运行方式似乎有点不一致,而且这些filters当前的运行方式,使得使用另外的输入格式变得较为困难。一种建议的方法是不要在每次浏览文章的时候,都过滤文章,而且储存已过滤的输出内容。Michel Fortin在这里讨论了他在这里遇到的问题。
  • Theme browser. The theme browser has been implemented, though all the themes are very similar in terms of layout. Some alternative's (three column layouts) would be appreciated.
  • 主题浏览器。虽然就布局而言,所有的主题非常相似,主题浏览器已经运行。一些其它的方法 (三栏布局)更合适。

Current Work[ ]

当前工作[ ]

  • Compose screen. There has been some changes made recently to the compose screen, there has been mixed reactions to how it currently works. Final verdict should probably wait till it's smoothed out. General consensus is that there are definitely ways to improve the existing (1.5) screen.
  • 写作界面。写作界面最近发生了一些变化,写作界面当前的运行方式出现了一些混合的反响。只有平稳过渡后,才有有最终的判断。一般认为有方法,能够改善当前(1.5)界面。
  • User Permissions. There has been some pretty major changes to the whole User Permissions going on, this involves plugin-editable user-roles and capabilities. (Ryan and Owen have been mainly involved) Links: Incomplete spec and more complete spec
  • 用户权限。当前的用户权限发生了一些主要的变化,包括可以编辑插件的用户角色和权限。(只要涉及到Ryan和 Owen) 链接:还未完成的spec更多完成的 spec
  • Plugin De-activation. There has been discussion and a couple of patches regarding a plugin deactivation hook.
  • Plugin De-activation。关于插件停止运行hook,有相关的讨论和补丁。
  • Improved Image Handling. Owen has revealed that he has a patch waiting in the wings with lots of crazy cool image/upload changes. This involves, while posting uploads, automatic thumbnail generation and the removing of the upload tab. He also revealed that this is going to tie in with the user permissions changes, allowing sandboxing of users into their own folder or letting them access a public folder.
  • 已改善的图像处理。Owen透露他有个待用的补丁,拥有许多神奇的图像/上传更改。这包括,发表上传内容的时候,自动生成缩略图,并且移除上传图标。他还透露,这个补丁功能会随着用户权限的变化而变化,使得用户的sandboxing进入用户自己的文件夹或者允许用户访问公共的文件夹。

Recently implemented (from dev list)[ ]

最近执行 (来自 dev列表)[ ]

  • 新的 Wiki 技术 列表。一个新的电子邮件列表http://lists.automattic.com/mailman/listinfo/wiki-tech为wordpress相关的技术创建。
  • 1.5.2 or on to 1.6. It looks like the next major version released will be 1.6, a fair amount of major work has been started. (Obviously this has no actual bearing on what will necessarily happen)
  • 1.5.2 或者直到 1.6。1.6好像是将要发行的新的主要版本,许多主要的工作已经开始展开。(当然,对于真要发生的事,没有多大真正的影响)
  • XMLRPC. Changes have been made to xmlrpc due to certain security vulnerabilities being brought to light. There ended up being a point release to resolve these problems.
  • XMLRPC.因为暴露了一些安全隐患,xmlrpc发生了变化。最终,可能要发行新的版本解决这些问题。
  • High-performance wordpress. There has been discussion about how to work with sites requiring high performance wordpress installations. This will pretty much just end up being a document here on the codex to point people to. Draft here: Ringmaster/WordPress_in_High_Traffic.
  • High-performance wordpress。有关于怎样与那些高性能的wordpress站点合作的讨论。最终,codex上会提供文档,供人们查阅。这里有草稿:Ringmaster/WordPress_in_High_Traffic

Shelved Threads[ ]

Shelved Threads[ ]

 This is stuff that the conversation has been shelved on. This has no bearing on whether or not it will be implemented or not. I'm not fully up to date on the threads so can't summarise it too well. If I get some time, I will go back and try and bring it up to date.
 This was copied straight out of an email that Matt posted.
  • Let's whip WYSIWYG (asking for suggestions)
  • getSelection Workaround (still unanswered)
  • Making it better (community feedback on some criticism)
  • Pingback block-level awareness (request for code)
  • Category project (request for code volunteers)
  • XUL Hackers (request for volunteers)
  • Importer updates. Matt asked for assistance for some housekeeping to be performed on the importers, it's possible that this might be a good way for someone to give ongoing contributions.

  • Let's whip WYSIWYG (寻求建议)
  • getSelection Workaround (仍然没有回答)
  • 将其变得更好(团队对一些批评的反馈)
  • Pingback block-level awareness (需要代码)
  • 类别 project (需要代码志愿者)
  • XUL Hackers (需要志愿者)
  • Importer 更新。 Matt请求帮助维护importers ,这是一些人参与贡献的好机会。