
Fludlen讨论 | 贡献2008年9月22日 (一) 15:59的版本
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WPMUDev.org is dedicated to WPMU, and for sharing themes, plugins, localizations and more.

WPMUDev.org是专门用于WPMU的,用来分享主题, 插件, 本地化等等。

You can create a project to share your work, and this work is then downloadable by others. No one else can upload a modified version of your work.


WPMU does not impose any constraints on the files uploaded as the WordPress:WPMU Development Methodology does not demand any:


  • There are no constraints on the file names uploaded (so one version of a plugin can be called, e.g. fimii-wpmu-stats-0.2.1.tgz and the following fimiiwpmustats-0.3rc2.tgz)
  • 对于已上传的文件名没有任何限制(因此可以调用一个版本的插件,如fimii-wpmu-stats-0.2.1.tgz和下面的fimiiwpmustats-0.3rc2.tgz)
  • There are no constraints on the file contents uploaded, e.g. tgz's can contain wp-inst/ directory prefix, or no prefix at all.
  • 对于已上传的文件内容没有任何限制,例如,tgz的可以包含wp-inst/目录前缀,也可以不包含前缀。

The files downloaded are prefixed by a number (meaning undocumented.) e.g. 126428064_randomblog.zip


You can't edit a comment after you have posted it. This can lead to a string of successive comments such as those by Misera on http://wpmudev.org/project/User-Themes : had this been a wiki then Misera would have had the means to delete obsolete comments and restructure the successive comments into a couple of tightly coherent ideas.
