Gallery: 在具Apache的Windows XP上的安装:修订间差异

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(新页面: == Prerequisites == A working WAMP setup, '''Apache 2''' - '''PHP 5''' - '''MySQL 5''' -

2008年11月22日 (六) 12:32的版本


A working WAMP setup,

Apache 2 -

PHP 5 -

MySQL 5 -

Another GPL Project has all these in 1 package if you don't want to do any configuration:

Preparing to Install

Download the Installation package from

Choose ‘typical‘ as it contains the base application, 6 themes and a selection of popular modules which are enough to satisfy the demands of most Gallery user

Unzip the package into a folder called ‘gallery‘ in WWW(web server’s) directory

Read the Read Me, it talks about most of the issues related to installation in detail.

ImageMagick is required for creating thumbnails in Gallery.

Download ImageMagick from Choose package ImageMagick-6.2.9-3-Q16-windows-dll.exe and install it.

GD is another graphics package for Gallery similar to ImageMagick. The GD library is already available as an extension to PHP. So just uncomment(activate) the 'php_gd2.dll' in ‘php.ini‘.

Create a directory called ‘Gallery Data‘ for holding image files. (This should be outside webserver’s root)

Create a database ‘gallery‘.

Create a Database User ‘galleryuser‘ with password ‘yourPassword‘ with ‘ALL Privileges’ on ‘gallery‘ database.


Gallery 2 Installation

Open the web browser and browse to the install directory. Gallery2 will walk you through all the necessary steps. There are 12 steps (detailed in ReadMe) altogether and unless something goes wrong, there’s nothing for you to worry about.

A few thing to note are given below.

During the installation step an Administrator account will be created. Make sure you remember them. This info is written in 'config.php' in gallery directory.

While installing the modules, you may get some warnings as shown below. Mainly because some of the required components were not available in the system.

Install Other Modules

* The Archive Upload module was installed, but needs configuration to be activated
* The Ffmpeg module was installed, but needs configuration to be activated
* The NetPBM module was installed, but needs configuration to be activated
* The URL Rewrite module was installed, but needs configuration to be activated.

You will be prompted to read the 'Security related Issues' towards the end.

img:12965 This is the final screen you will see.

Securing the Installation

Now create a ‘.htaccess‘ file in the Gallery directory with the following contents. This is required for restricting unauthorized access.

<Files ~ “\.(inc|class)$”>
Deny from all

Since windows doesn't allow to creating filenames beginning with ‘.’ , rename it using DOS ren command

G:\WWW\gallery>ren “New Text Document.txt” .htaccess

Thats all! Now, begin creating albums…