WordPress:Migrating Plugins and Themes to 2.5

Fludlen讨论 | 贡献2008年9月19日 (五) 11:54的版本
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When a new major version of WordPress is released, such as WordPress 2.1 or 2.2, you may find that your Themes and Plugins no longer work the way you are used to. It could be that they are completely broken, because something in WordPress that was fundamental to them changed, but it's also possible that you can get them working again by updating some settings, or maybe just a small edit.


This article is part of a series on WordPress:Migrating Plugins and Themes. It covers changes between WordPress WordPress:Version 2.3 and WordPress:Version 2.5, and what you need to do to Plugins and Themes to get them working in Version 2.5. (Note: There was no WordPress version 2.4 - it was skipped.)


If the Theme or Plugin you are using was developed by someone else, there are several places to look for information:


  • Your Plugin or Theme's home page
  • 你的插件或者主题的主页

If you are the author of your Theme or Plugin, or if you have modified or customized your Theme, then this article will help you upgrade your Theme/Plugin for 2.5. If your Theme or Plugin is distributed publicly, after getting it working you may want to add it to the Compatibility lists above, so your users will know it is working and which version they should be running.


Fixing Up Your Theme or Plugin


There is one major new functionality addition in WordPress:Version 2.5 for Themes (Avatars), and several changes that affect plugins (the rest of the sections below).




WordPress 2.5 has built-in support for "avatars", which are small icons for people who comment on your blog, retrieved from a web service. The default service is Gravatar; plugins can override this.


If avatar functionality is enabled in the administrative menus, the avatar can be displayed by the theme next to each comment. Theme authors can add lines like this inside the comment loop of the comments.php file, to support this new functionality (see the Default and Classic themes in WordPress 2.5 for examples):


<?php if(function_exists('get_avatar')){
  echo get_avatar($comment, '50');
} ?> 

<?php if(function_exists('get_avatar')){
  echo get_avatar($comment, '50');
} ?> 

The first input to the get_avatar function can be the comment author's email address, the author's WordPress user ID, or a complete comment data structure. The second argument is the size of avatar to display, up to 80 pixels. There is also an optional third argument giving the default avatar image file to display if the comment author doesn't have one.


Admin Menu Changes


The main change affecting plugins in the (at time of writing) upcoming WordPress version 2.5 is the complete overhaul of the administration screens and menus of WordPress. The menus have been reorganized slightly; most plugins will probably still function correctly, if they used the standard methods of WordPress:Adding Administration Menus, but some may need to adjust.


Admin Screens


Any plugin that had added a section to the post editing screen, or other administration screen, will probably find that the formatting and markup changes on the administration screens in WordPress 2.5 have made their section so that it no longer "blends in" and looks like it belongs with the built-in WordPress sections on the screen. Also, some of the hooks that plugins would have used in versions 2.3 and earlier to add information to various screens have been removed, in favor of a new API which uses the function add_meta_box to define a section that can be added to the post, page, or link editing screen. (Until this function has its own documentation page, you can find it, and its documentation header, in wp-admin/includes/template.php).

任何将部分添加到文本编辑界面或者其它管理界面的插件,可能发现WordPress2.5版本中格式和标记的变化使得它们的部分不再"调和" 而且看起来像是界面上内置的WordPress部分。同时插件在2.3版本以及更早的版本中使用的一些用于向各种界面添加信息的hooks已经被移除,有利于新的使用函数 add_meta_box定义可以添加到文章,页面或者链接编辑界面的部分的API。(只有这个函数拥有自已的文档页面,你才可以找到,它的文档标题,在wp-admin/includes/template.php中)。

So, plugin authors will either need to release a new version of their plugins for WordPress 2.5, or (preferably) put some decision logic into their plugin that will detect the version and use the right formatting. A good way to do that is to detect whether the new function add_meta_box has been defined. For example:

if (function_exists('add_meta_box')) {
 // 2.5 logic, calling add_meta_box to define the screen
} else {
 // 2.3 logic, calling add_action( 'dbx_post_advanced' ) or similar


if (function_exists('add_meta_box')) {
 // 2.5 logic, calling add_meta_box 定义界面
} else {
 // 2.3 logic, calling add_action( 'dbx_post_advanced' ) 或者类似的

Note: Be sure to run the function_exists test late in the WordPress initialization process! That function is not loaded at the time of plugin initialization. So it is suggested that you do this inside of an 'admin_menu' action, or the new 'admin_init' action.

注意:在稍后WordPress初始化过程中确定运行了function_exists测试!这个函数不是在插件初始化的时候载入的。因此,建议你在'admin_menu' action或者新的'admin_init' action内容操作。

Activation Global Scope

Activation Global Scope

Another change that might affect some plugins is that in WordPress 2.5, the Activation hooks for plugins are run in non-global scope within a function (they used to be run in the global scope). This means that if your plugin has an activation hook, and the function it calls relies on global variables that are defined within your plugin file, you may find that they are not working properly. All you need to do is, at the global scope level in your plugin, add a "global" declaration for those variables, and you should be OK. For instance:


global $my_plugin_variable;
$my_plugin_variable = 3;

function my_plugin_activation_function() {
   global $my_plugin_variable;

   // rest of activation function

global $my_plugin_variable;
$my_plugin_variable = 3;

function my_plugin_activation_function() {
   global $my_plugin_variable;

   // 激活函数的其余部分

Hook Changed: restrict_manage_posts

已更改的Hook: restrict_manage_posts

The behavior of the restrict_manage_posts hook was changed between WordPress 2.3 and WordPress 2.5. See the March 2008 comments and attachments on http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/6196 for an explanation of the change, and sample plugins for 2.3 and 2.5 illustrating the change.

restrict_manage_posts hook 操作在WordPress2.3和WordPress2.5版本之间发生了变化。请看看2008年3月的评论和http://trac.wordpress.org/ticket/6196上的附件,查找对变化的解释,以及2.3和2.3的插件样本,显示了变化。

TinyMCE Upgrade to Version 3

TinyMCE 升级到3版本

The upcoming WordPress version 2.5 includes TinyMCE 3 which is a complete rewrite of the editor. There are many changes in the API and all WordPress plugins that add button(s) to it have to be updated. Good places to start are:

即将发行的2.5版本包括TinyMCE 3,这是编辑器的完全重写。API发生了许多变化,所有向API添加按钮的WordPress插件需要更新。下面是一些推荐开始操作的站点:

Of course adding a button that will insert some code at the cursor location is still quite easy. The "pagebreak" plugin can be used as an example.


For loading the plugins there is a new filter $mce_external_plugins that takes an array 'name' => 'url' and inserts it in the zipped TinyMCE. It's best to use absolute url (with or without the host name), as using relative needs some settings in the init array to stay at the default values (that can be changed by a WordPress plugin), so it would be possible to break the loading of external plugins that use relative url. TinyMCE would still not load a plugin from another domain.

载入插件,有个新的 filter $mce_external_plugins,带有数组'name' => 'url'并且将其插入解压后的TinyMCE。最好使用绝对的url(有或者没有主机名),因为使用相对的url,在init数组中需要一些设置,保持默认参数值(可以由WordPress插件更改),因此有可能破坏使用相对的url的外部插件的载入。TinyMCE仍然不会从另一个域名中载入插件。

The gzip compressor has changed too. Now it gathers all parts of TinyMCE and outputs the zipped file all in one step. The action "mce_options" is still supported, but deprecated. The action "tinymce_before_init" is replaced by a filter "tiny_mce_before_init" that is applied to the array with all settings for TinyMCE. Also the zipped file is cached on disk to save some memory/server resources. This cache is invalidated by any change to the init array or by changing the ver=[number] arg when calling tiny_mce_config. The version is filtered by "tiny_mce_version" defined in /wp-includes/script-loader.php, so a plugin can change it.

Gzip压缩器也更改了。现在gzip收集了TinyMCE的所有部分,并且一次输出所有压缩文件。action "mce_options"仍然得到支持但是已取消。action "tinymce_before_init"由使用TinyMCE的所有设置应用到数组的filter "tiny_mce_before_init"所取代。同时,压缩的文件储存在磁盘上以节省一些内存/服务器资源。更改了init数组或者调用tiny_mce_config时,更改了ver=[number] arg,都会使得存储无效。版本由定义在/wp-includes/script-loader.php中的"tiny_mce_version"过滤,因此插件可以更改。

There are changes in loading language files too. The language codes are only ISO 639-1, which is just the first 2 letters from WordPress locale, like de, fr, es, etc. TinyMCE will load langs/[lang].js when a plugin is loaded and if the plugin has a popup, it will load langs/[lang]_dlg.js when the popup is opened.

载入语言文件也发生了变化。语言代码只是ISO 639-1,是WordPress本地化语言的前两个字母,如de, fr, es,等等。当载入插件而且插件有弹出窗口的时候,TinyMCE会载入langs/[lang].js,如果弹出窗口是打开的,TinyMCE会载入langs/[lang]_dlg.js。

The loading of the default language strings is different too. Now they all are defined in tinymce/langs/wp-langs.php, so they can be included in the main .pot file and translated to all languages available in WordPress. A plugin can use any of the strings there, check the tinyMCE.i18n js object when TinyMCE is loaded, to see how to reference them.

载入默认语言字符串也不同。现在,这些都定义在tinymce/langs/wp-langs.php,因此可以包含在主要的.pot文件而且翻译为WordPress中的所有语言。插件可以使用那里的任何字符串,载入TinyMCE的时候,检查tinyMCE.i18n js object,看看怎样reference them。

Database changes


Changes to database schema from Version 2.3 to 2.5.


  • Table: comments
  • 表格:评论
Changed comment_approved to varchar(20) NOT NULL default '1'

:将comment_approved更改为varchar(20) 不是零默认 '1'

Added KEY comment_approved_date_gmt (comment_approved,comment_date_gmt)
Added KEY comment_date_gmt (comment_date_gmt)

:添加comment_approved_date_gmt (comment_approved,comment_date_gmt)

已添加 KEY comment_date_gmt (comment_date_gmt)
  • Table: links
  • 表格:链接
Changed link_visible to varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'Y'


  • Table: options
  • 表格:选项
Changed autoload to varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'yes'

:将autoload 更改为varchar(20)不是零默认'是的'

  • Table: posts
  • 表格:文章
Changed post_status to varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'publish'
Changed comment_status to varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'open'


Changed ping_status to varchar(20) NOT NULL default 'open'


  • Table: term_relationships
  • 表格:term_relationships
Added term_order int(11) NOT NULL default 0

:已添加term_order int(11)不是零默认0