WordPress:Linking Posts Pages and Categories

Fludlen讨论 | 贡献2008年4月19日 (六) 10:53的版本
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There are two ways to link to content pages in WordPress. One uses permalinks and one does not. The method that does not use permalinks works regardless of whether permalinks are enabled for your site.


Linking Without Using Permalinks


If you are not using Permalinks, how do you link to your pages, posts, and categories?

如果你没有使用Permalinks, 你怎样链接到你的网页,文章,和类别中呢?

Using the numeric values found in the ID column of the Posts, Categories, and Pages Administration, you can create links as follows.




To link to a Post, find the ID of the target post on the Posts administration panel, and insert it in place of the '123' in this link:


<a href="index.php?p=123">Post Title</a>

<a href="index.php?p=123">Post Title</a>



To link to a Category, find the ID of the target Category on the Categories administration panel, and insert it in place of the '7' in this link:


<a href="index.php?cat=7">Category Title</a>

<a href="index.php?cat=7">Category Title</a>



To link to a Page, find the ID of the target Page on the Pages administration panel, and insert it in place of the '42' in this link:


<a href="index.php?page_id=42">Page title</a>

<a href="index.php?page_id=42">Page title</a>

Date-based Archives


  • Year: <a href="index.php?m=2006">2006</a>
  • Month: <a href="index.php?m=200601">Jan 2006</a>
  • Day: <a href="index.php?m=20060101">Jan 1, 2006</a>
  • 年: <a href="index.php?m=2006">2006</a>
  • 月: <a href="index.php?m=200601">Jan 2006</a>
  • 日: <a href="index.php?m=20060101">Jan 1, 2006</a>

Links On External Sites


If you are providing a link to your site from outside of your site, be sure to specify a full URL to the correct location:


<a href="http://example.com/index.php?p=123">post title</a>
<a href="http://example.com/index.php?p=123">post title</a>

If you have installed WordPress to a subfolder, such as wordpress, don't forget to add the folder to the link URL: 如果你在一个子文件夹中安装了WordPress, 例如wordpress, 别忘了将文件夹添加到链接URL上:

<a href="http://example.com/wordpress/index.php?p=123">post title</a>

<a href="http://example.com/wordpress/index.php?p=123">post title</a>

Linking Using Permalinks

链接使用 Permalinks

If you are using permalinks, you can use all of the above non-permalink techniques, which will work with permalinks enabled or not. If you have enabled permalinks, you have a few additional options for providing links that readers of your site will find a bit more user-friendly than the cryptic numbers.

如果你正使用permalinks, 你可以使用以上所有的非permalinks方法,这些方法会对激活的或者没有激活的permalinks起作用。如果你激活了permalinks,通过链接时,你就拥有了一些额外的选择,你站点的用户会觉得,比含义模糊的数字,你那样做显得更加友好。

The complexity of the URL depends on the complexity of your permalink configuration. If your permalink configuration (set on the Options > Permalinks Administration Panel) contains many Structure Tags, then the URL will be more difficult to construct.

URL的复杂性取决于你的permalinks配置的复杂性。如果你的permalinks配置(在选项 > Permalinks设置的)包含了许多的结构标签, 那么要创建URL就会变得更难。



For posts, replace each Structure Tag in your permalink structure with the data appropriate to a post to construct a URL for that post. For example, if the permalink structure is:




Replacing the Structure Tags with appropriate values may produce a URL that looks like this:

将结构标签替换为合适的值,可能会产生一个URL, 看起来像:

<a href="/index.php/archives/2005/04/22/my-sample-post/">My Sample Post</a>

<a href="/index.php/archives/2005/04/22/my-sample-post/">我的样本文章</a>

To obtain an accurate URL for a post it may be easier to navigate to the post within the WordPress blog and then copy the URL from one of the blog links that WordPress generates.

要为文章获得一个精确的URL, 导航到WordPress博客内部的文章,然后复制WordPress产生的其中的一个博客链接,会更加地简单。

Review the information at WordPress:Using Permalinks for more details on constructing URLs for individual posts.




To produce a link to a Category using permalinks, obtain the Category Base value from the Options > Permalinks Administration Panel, and append the category name to the end.

为使用permalinks的类别产生一个链接,从选项 > Permalinks管理面板中获取类别基本值,在最后附加上类别名。

For example, to link to the category "testing" when the Category Base is "/index.php/categories", use the following link:


<a href="/index.php/categories/testing/">category link</a>

<a href="/index.php/categories/testing/">category link</a>

You can specify a link to a subcategory by using the subcategory directly (as above), or by specifying all parent categories before the category in the URL, like this:


<a href="/index.php/categories/parent_category/sub_category/">subcategory link</a>

<a href="/index.php/categories/parent_category/sub_category/">subcategory link</a>



Pages have a hierarchy like Categories, and can have parents. If a Page is at the root level of the hierarchy, you can specify just the Page's "page slug" after the static part of your permalink structure:

网页就像类别一样,可以有层级,可以有父母(上一级网页)。如果一个网页在一个在一个层级的根级别上,你只要指定网页的"page slug"到你的permalink结构的后面:

<a href="/index.php/a-test-page">a test page</a>

<a href="/index.php/a-test-page">a test page</a>

Once again, the best way to verify that this is the correct URL is to navigate to the target Page on the blog and compare the URL to the one you want to use in the link.


Date-based Archives


  • Year: <a href="/index.php/archives/2006">2006</a>
  • Month: <a href="/index.php/archives/2006/01/">Jan 2006</a>
  • Day: <a href="/index.php/archives/2006/01/01/">Jan 1, 2006</a>

  • 年: <a href="/index.php/archives/2006">2006</a>
  • 月: <a href="/index.php/archives/2006/01/">Jan 2006</a>
  • 日: <a href="/index.php/archives/2006/01/01/">Jan 1, 2006</a>

Links on External Sites


Permalink structures should begin with a slash, meaning that they are anchored at the root of the site's URL. You should be able to prepent the protocol and server name to any link that begins with a slash to build a successful full URL.

Permalink 结构应该以一个斜线为基础,意思是它们被锚定在站点的URL的根上。你应该能够perpent协议和服务器名到任何以一个斜线为开始的链接的,来创建一个成功的完整的URL。

For example, this category link: 例如,这个类别链接:

<a href="/index.php/categories/parent_category/sub_category/">subcategory link</a>

<a href="/index.php/categories/parent_category/sub_category/">subcategory link</a>

Becomes this category link using a full URL: 变成了这个类别链接,使用一个完整的URL:

<a href="http://example.com/index.php/categories/parent_category/sub_category/">subcategory link</a>
<a href="http://example.com/index.php/categories/parent_category/sub_category/">subcategory link</a>

Combining Links with Template Tags


You can customize your links in the header, footer, or sidebar to be combinations of link types. This example features links to two categories, the main index page, a post, a static page, and uses the Pages template tag.


Note carefully that the wp_list_pages() template tag generates its own List Item (LI) so it doesn't need to be wrapped in a LI tag. This template tag is also set to list only the parent Pages and not their subPages or "children".


<ul id="linklist">
  <?php _e('Check It Out'); ?>
  <ul id="pageslist">
    <a title="Home Page" href="index.php">Home</a>
    <a title="Blog" href="index.php?cat=7">Blog</a>
    <a title="Life Story" href="index.php?p=12">My Life Story</a>
   <?php wp_list_pages('exclude=4&depth=1&sort_column=menu_order&title_li='); ?>
    <a title="Links and Resources" href="index.php?cat=33">Links</a>
    <a title="Site Map" href="sitemap.php">Site Map</a>

<ul id="linklist">
  <?php _e('Check It Out'); ?>
  <ul id="pageslist">
    <a title="Home Page" href="index.php">Home</a>
    <a title="Blog" href="index.php?cat=7">Blog</a>
    <a title="Life Story" href="index.php?p=12">My Life Story</a>
   <?php wp_list_pages('exclude=4&depth=1&sort_column=menu_order&title_li='); ?>
    <a title="Links and Resources" href="index.php?cat=33">Links</a>
    <a title="Site Map" href="sitemap.php">Site Map</a>

Using such a customized list, you can also add CSS classes to change the look of each of the links, or style the entire section. It's up to you.


Absolute versus Relative Links


Absolute links define absolutely where to find the target of the link.
Relative links define the location of another document in relation to the current document.


Absolute Link Examples


Full URIs of the form http://example.com/wordpress/index.php are absolute links. 形式http://example.com/wordpress/index.php的完全URLs是完全链接。

Absolute links can also point to your own server. When doing so, you may safely omit the http://domain.com prefix, and link to the target with a full path:


The leading slash means "At the very top of this domain is a directory named wordpress, and inside this directory is a file named index.php".


/wordpress/index.php 第一个斜线的意思是"在这个域的最顶上方是一个目录,目录名是wordpress,在这个目录的里面,是一个文件,这个文件名是index.php".

A document at


contains a link of the form


The link above, when clicked, will take the viewer to


http://example.com/wordpress/index.php 中的一个文件 包含一个形式的链接 /wordpress/index.php 当你点击上面的这个链接的时候,这个链接会带你来到 http://example.com/wordpress/index.php

Relative Link Examples


Relative links do not start with a slash:


The lack of a leading slash means "Inside the current directory is a sub-directory named wordpress, and inside that directory is a file named index.php".

相关的链接不是以一个斜线开始的: wordpress/index.php 缺少了一个引导的斜线,意思是"在目前的目录中是一个子目录,子目录名是wordpress, 在目录总是一个文件,文件名是index.php".

A document at


contains a link of the form


The link above, when clicked, will take the viewer to


http://example.com/wordpress/index.php 中的一个文件 包含一个这个形式的链接


当你点击以上的链接的时候,这个链接会带你到 http://example.com/wordpress/wordpress/index.php

For more information on absolute and relative links, see the WebReference Tutorial on Absolute and Relative Links.


Dynamic Linking in Templates


Whether you use permalinks or not, in templates you can link to pages or posts dynamically by referring to its unique numerical ID (seen in several pages in the admin interface) with <a href="<?php echo get_permalink(ID); ?>">This is a link</a>. (as shown in WordPress:Template_Tags/get_permalink)

不管你是否使用permalinks,你可以在模板中动态地链接到网页或者文章,只要通过用<a href="<?php echo get_permalink(ID); ?>">提及到文章或者网页的数字的ID(在管理界面的多个网页上可以看到)。这是一个链接</a>. (如[[WordPress:Template_Tags/得到_permalink]所显示的]) 。

This is a convenient way to create page menus as you can later change page slugs without breaking links, as IDs will stay the same. However, this might increase database queries.

这是创建网页菜单的一个方面的方法,因为你不久可以在不破坏链接的情况下,更改page slugs,因为ID都是保持相同的。然而,这可能会增加数据库查询。

Dynamic page menus can also be created by utilizing WordPress:Template_Tags/wp_list_pages child_of parameter or some of the many available plugins.


