
Firebrance讨论 | 贡献2008年9月22日 (一) 13:47的版本
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关键词相册(Keyword Albums)模块










对于多个使用 URL重写模块的关键词,请使用如下URL:



  • 可以使用分号,逗号或空格分割关键词。
  • 可以将关键词相册的链接显示为列表或"云(clouds)"。
    • 词的集合,常出现的词将会以较大的字体显示。
  • 按其他所有区块的方式定位关键词相册区块。
  • 更改某动态相册的排序次序。
  • 如一般相册一样修改所有的相册设定(行,栏目,框架及区块等)。


  • 站点管理(site admin) -> 模块(modules)中安装并激活该模块。
  • 如果自该模块的某较旧版本进行升级的话,你可能需要卸载并重新安装它以获取关键词云进行显示。


  • 在站点管理中配置排序次序,外观主题和外观主题设定。还可以显示带有项目摘要信息的关键词相册链接(一般以缩略图显示)。
  • 模块也提供在外观主题设定中可进行选取的区块。该区块可以显示关键词相册链接的当前项目关键词,或显示一个使用可用关键词的选择列表。所有关键词的列表会被缓存且数据库每日都会更新一次。编辑根相册-> 外观主题标签-> '边栏中显示的区块'。添加关键词相册链接区块。
  • 选取关键词相册链接区块,配置框将会显示出各种参量。选择'显示关键词云'。将该区块移至边栏中随意的位置。


  • 令"linkitems"的迂回方案成为被支持的特点(见后文的注释)。我们无需在创建链接之后对其进行编辑以获得合适的名称,这会省去不少麻烦。能够从关键词相册结果列表中(按标题)选择某个项目。
  • 让相册关键词独立于相片关键词之外。
    • 这可以将二者在不同的域中分离开,或者稍后提供按类型进行过滤的途径(例如我仅需相册标记的族)。
  • 当从左侧窗格的组合框中选取某关键词时,能够仅获得相册或相片。
    • 目前来看,如果我选择了"family",它就会给我相册标记的"family"和相片标记的"family"杂糅在一起。这情有可原,但是最好能够有配置选项对其进行控制。
    • 在选取关键词时,combo具有额外的控制以请求类型(相册,相片或二者皆有)。
  • 能够创建一般的/静态的相册,在其中添加如一般相片和子相册的项目,但也添加一个虚拟项目,这将会带来整个gallery中的所有关键词项目并与真实项目混合显示出来。另外,还能够按仅相册/仅相片的方式进行过滤。
    • with and/or rules
  • 能够接受来自访问者的关键词指示(在付诸实现之前,应当经过你的首肯,除非你对登入者有足够的信任)。
  • 关键词相册的权限(仅已注册用户)
    • 如果你将关键词相册当作含有虚拟项目的一般静态相册的话,这就很简单。但如果你要对动态创建的关键词相册进行权限限制的话,事情可就不是那么简单的了。
      • 相片常被标记上人名,因此经授权的用户就可以搜索好友的相片了。但这往往会招致id失窃或其他由匿名用户带来的不期活动。搜索可被限制给已注册用户,但关键词相册则无访问控制机制。


I and my family (wife, kids) take *a lot* of pictures. It's incredibly cheap, nowadays. From all I take, I really print on paper about 10% or less (the better ones), the rest comes just "because we can". But we save all of them. So, every week or two, I unload a full memory card and start over again. We do that for years now, and we have kind of a timeline of our lives in pictures. A lot of hard drive space (a dedicated big fat disk for that).

In the past, I used gallery1 to put those pictures online so my (and my wife's) parents could see us and our adventures. In the beginning, it was all fun. Upload all pictures and spend hours separating each one in each album (trips, family, friends, hobbies, etc.), publics and privates, rotating, putting comments, etc. Then I started delaying to do everything together on each 3 or 4 full memory cards, and eventually I stopped. Just thinking about doing that was enough to avoid it. Today I have more than a year of pictures offline, because putting them online would be a huge task. Changing the structure of the gallery at this time would be very strange, so I just stopped.

Keywords may be a solution for that. I switched to gallery2, after learning that it had keywords support (which I still don't know exactly how it differs from tags) thinking about doing it this way:

  • Start a new gallery, not importing the old albums
  • Create a (possibly with no direct public access) parent-album called "time-line"
  • Each time I unload a new memory card, I create a new sub-album there (say "from august 20 to september 05")
    • This is easy and quick to do, unload, create album, upload, forget
    • Albuns in this level would be just sequential pictures, with no re-organizing in any way, even private pictures
    • This order of events would be interesting on itself, this is something I do not have today (once I separate them into categories, the original order is lost)
  • Tag each picture so I can group them later, on the keyalbums
    • This will be a huge task, but smaller than before
    • I can do it later if I'm in a hurry, at least I will have photos online for ourselves in timeline the album
    • Visitors that will have access to this timeline albuns would help me tag photos (this would be GOOD!!)
    • There could be a big-nice-easy-interface to put tags, like checkboxing a lot of pictures at once and putting a common tag on them, on a screen with say 10 columns per 50 lines, with mini thumbnails, with all tags available on-screen (or some other nice and fancy ajax thing that could let me drag tags or whatelse), being able to put a different keyword on a different set of photos in each pass, etc.
  • Create static/keyalbums in public places and "add keyword items" inside them to show the photos already organized by the keywords I put on them before
    • this albums would be "live", just changing keywords on the timeline albums would make them re-organize themselves
  • Have a way to manage this albums when they get very big
    • Maybe some criteria that would make just some part show up (like "all photos with keyword XXX but with $date1 < date < $date2)
    • If I do not have that, when my daughter have 15 years (she's 3 now) her keyword album will have 1000 or more pages, not very reasonable
    • Eventually the list of keywords itself will become very big, and it would be very nice to have a page to manage your keywords (and have statistics about how many picutres/albums have each keyword, etc.).
    • Also, with a big number of keywords in place, it becomes necessary to have them available to pick from in all places, rather than having a text box where you can enter them in free form (or maybe both).

I think the point is clear now. Have a way to upload fast and arrange later. If I have more ideas, I will update this list. If anyone have any other idea, please modify the list (or the text). Eventually this bla bla should go away and keep just the list, but I felt better to explain it for now.

I have the opposite need, I have 60,000 images each with multiple IPTC keywords, and would like to either parse that on upload and place the photos in matching albums, or generate virtual albums based on the embeded keywords.


  • 目前尚无有关该模块的已知问题。


  • 点击某相册的"编辑标题(edit captions)"同时为多个项目添加关键词。
  • 另见Gallery:Modules:tags模块。
  • 如果你安装了"linkitems"模块,就可以让"linkitems"指向关键词相册(只要向关键词相册输入完整url作为外部url即可)。Linkitem创建完成之后,你可以编辑项目,即修改项目的标题使其含有你的关键词。不巧的是对缩略图(尚无)解决办法。目前它会显示一个"chain"缩略图。