
宝宝不哭讨论 | 贡献2011年10月18日 (二) 14:25的版本 (以内容“{{MediaWiki top}} ==CharInsert== Charinsert插件的功能时使得MediaWiki可以解释<charinsert></charinsert>标签,从而实现,在编辑界面时,点击此...”创建新页面)
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CharInsert[ ]



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2、进入特殊页面--->系统界面,修改编辑界面下的文本所在的name,直接修改Mediawiki:Copyrightwarning,尝试加入<charinsert>代码在其中加入符号,举例如下: 中文标点:<charinsert>”+“ ‘+’ 【+】《+》 <+></charsert>


DynamicPageList[ ]

Dynamic Page List (DPL)是MediaWiki的一个插件,它可以按照一定的规则显示特定目录的文章。

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  1. 把DynamicPageList目录上传到extensions目录中
  2. LocalSettings.php 中增加一行:
  3. There is a special feature in DPL which needs another extension: If you use page inclusion and want to use images as link symbols for the original source you must install the LinkedImage extension. For details see there.
  4. In some special cases (when DPL queries refer to uncategorized pages) DPL needs a special database view in the MySQL database. You should run the database statement which creates that view if you want to use DPL statements which refer to uncategorized pages. Many installations work well without that and you can postpone this step until you really need it. If DPL cannot execute a DPL statement without that view it will issue a corresponding warning.
    You must have admin rights in your database to execute the "create view" statement; if you defined a database table prefix at installation time of your wiki, you must use that prefix in the statement, otherwise delete "prefix_" before you issue the statement:
CREATE VIEW prefix_dpl_clview AS 
 SELECT IFNULL(cl_from, page_id) AS cl_from, IFNULL(cl_to, '') AS cl_to, cl_sortkey 
  FROM `prefix_page` LEFT OUTER JOIN `prefix_categorylinks` ON page_id=cl_from

Note that you may get a misleading error message from the SQL interpreter (1084 syntax error) if you do not have sufficient privileges to create that view.

If you are using this extension with IIS on a Windows box, make sure to give Read & Execute rights to the user IUSR_MACHINENAME (Anonymous Internet Guest Account) for the extensions directory and the DynamicPageList2.php file itself.



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