WordPress:Mailing Lists

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The WordPress project has a number of email lists focused on different facets of development. Note that none of these lists is appropriate for user support. The best place for user support is the Support Forums.


[[WordPress:#Managing Preferences Using Email|Help for managing your subscription preferences]]

[[WordPress:#Managing Preferences Using Email|帮助管理订阅]]

Mailing Lists[ ]

邮件列表[ ]

Announcements[ ]

声明[ ]

This list is meant for major announcements regarding the WordPress project, like new releases. You can join this list using the form at the bottom of any page on WordPress.org. The announcement list is one-way and very low traffic. 列表指的是关于WordPress项目的主要声明,向新的WordPress版本。你可以加入这个列表,使用WordPress.org上任何网页底部的表格。声明列表是单行的而且流量很低。

Documentation[ ]

文件[ ]

The wp-docs list was created to facilitate coordination and collaboration between members of the community who want to contribute to WordPress documentation. No coding skills required, just a lot of patience. The list tends to be low-traffic, but can have bursts of activity.


Hackers[ ]

Hackers[ ]

The wp-hackers list is meant for people interested in extending WordPress either through plugins or improvements to the core code. Serious discussion that determines the future direction of the WordPress codebase takes place here. The list can be fairly high traffic at times, if you don't want to subscribe check out the summary.

wp-hackers列表适用于那些有兴趣通过插件或者通过更改核心代码来扩展WordPress的人们。认真的讨论决定了WordPress codebase未来的方向,在这里确定。列表有时候,流量会很高,如果你不想订阅,请查看总结



A hackers list for the XML-RPC topic relating to WordPress.


Testers[ ]

Testers[ ]

The wp-testers list is meant for people to discuss the current nightly or alpha/beta version of wordpress. If you want to discuss the latest nightly or a certain bug report left on the trac, feel free to drop in.


Support Forum Volunteers[ ]

支持论坛志愿者[ ]

The WordPress WordPress:Support Forum Volunteers work hard to help users answer questions about WordPress. Discussions pertaining to providing support to users and WordPress Forum issues and activities are found in the WordPress Support Forum Mailing list. Support questions will not be answered. If you would like to volunteer to help on the WordPress Forum, we recommend you sign up for the wp-forums mailing list.

WordPress 支持论坛志愿者努力工作,回答用户关于WordPress的问题。讨论关于向用户提供帮助,WordPress邮件列表上发现的WordPress论坛问题和活动。支持问题不会得到回答。如果你需要在WordPress论坛上得到志愿者帮助,我们建议你加入wp-forums 邮件列表

It is for Support Volunteers Only.

只支持志愿者。 For specific WordPress support questions, please direct your inquiries to WordPress Support Forum.

特别的关于WordPress的问题,请将你的疑问输入WordPress 支持论坛

Polyglots[ ]

Polyglots[ ]

The wp-polyglots mailing list has been created keeping the needs of translators in mind. If you are interested in translating WordPress to suit your locale and language preferences, or would like to get involved in discussions regarding the same, consider joining this list.

创建wp-polyglots mailing list是要记住翻译人员的需求。如果你感兴趣于将WordPress翻译为你的本地语言或者你喜欢的语言,或者感兴趣与将WordPress翻译为某个特别的语言,可以加入这个列表。

Professional[ ]

专业的[ ]

Sometimes there are professional consulting opportunities surrounding some aspect of the WordPress codebase for people who are familiar with the program. This list is for people looking for WordPress consulting to connect with professionals who provide it. This is the list for you if you are looking for professional paid help regarding WordPress

有时候,有一些专业的咨询机会,关于WordPress codebase的某个方面,熟悉程序的用户可以利用。人们可以使用列表,查找专业人员有关WordPress的咨询。如果你寻找关于WordPress咨询的付费帮助,你也可以这个列表

SVN / CVS updates[ ]

SVN / CVS 更新[ ]

Updates to the SVN repository are mirrored on the WP- SVN mailing list. Whenever a change is checked in to the WordPress repository an email is sent to the wp-svn list with a listing of each of the lines that changed. This is very useful if you want to follow WordPress development very closely. This is an announcment-only list, which means if you want to discuss a change please use the [[WordPress:#Hackers|hackers]] list.

更新到反映在WP- SVN 邮件列表上的SVN repository。当WordPress知识库中有什么更改的时候,会向wp-svn发送一封邮件,列出更改的那些行。如果你想要紧跟着WordPress的发展,这很有用。这只是个声明列表,意思是如果你想要讨论更改的内容,请使用[[WordPress:#Hackers|hackers]]列表。

The wp-svn list supercedes the old CVS mailing list. wp-svn列表取代了旧的CVS邮件列表。

The archives for the CVS mailing list are available for historic purposes at the following location:


Trac[ ]

Trac[ ]

The wp-trac reports additions and changes to Tickets at Trac, the WordPress bug tracking system.


Managing Preferences Using Email[ ]

使用电子邮件管理Preferences[ ]

You should visit the webpages listed for the mailing lists above, but you can also perform various mailing list related actions by sending emails to specific email address. Please do not send emails to the list asking to be unsubscribed, or removed. Use the webpages for the list or the following email commands :

你应该访问为上述的mailing list列出的网页,但是你也可以通过将邮件发送了某个特别的邮件地址,来执行与actions相关的不同的mailing list。请不要将邮件发送到不可以订阅或者已经删除邮件列表中。为列表使用网页或者下面的电子邮件命令:

These email commands work only when you send mail from the mail account fow which you want to change or update preferences. In the following section <list-name> stands for the name of the list in questions, such as 'hackers' or 'wp-docs'. If in doubt, remember that the <list-name> is the same as the portion that precedes the @wordpress.org in the email address you use to send emails to the mailing list.


You can request help regarding managing preferences and subscription options by sending a mail to <list-name>-request@lists.automattic.com with "help" in the Subject of the email. For example, to request help with preferences and options for the wp-hackers mailing list, you should send an email to wp-hackers-request@lists.automattic.com with the word "help" (without the quotes, of course), in the Subject field of the email.


You can subscribe to the list by sending an email to <list-name>-subscribe@lists.automattic.com with "subscribe" in the Subject of the email.


You can unsubscribe from the list by sending an email to <list-name>-unsubscribe@lists.automattic.com with "unsubscribe" in the Subject Field.


List Etiquette[ ]

列表 规范[ ]

A few reminders that shall keep mailing lists happy and productive places for everyone:


  • Don't berate anyone, it's better not to reply. Be polite.
  • 不要斥责任何人,最好不要恢复。要有礼貌。

  • Give people the benefit of the doubt.
  • 允许人们有疑惑。
  • Remember English isn't everyone's first language.
  • 记住英语并不是每个人的母语。
  • Feel free to reply to someone off-list.
  • 自由地恢复暂时不在列表上的人。
  • Discuss ideas, not people.
  • 讨论问题,而不是讨论某个人。