WordPress:Permalinks Options SubPanel

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Settings → Permalinks[ ]

By default WordPress uses web URLs which have question marks and lots of numbers in them, however WordPress offers you the ability to create a custom URL structure for your permalinks and archives. This can improve the aesthetics, usability, and forward-compatibility of your links.

For a more in depth description of the way this structure is specified, see the WordPress:Using Permalinks article. For an introduction to Permalinks, read the Pretty Permalinks section of WordPress:Introduction to Blogging.

设置 → Permalinks[ ]

默认情况下,WordPress使用的网络URLs,有问号和许多数字,但是WordPress使你能够为你的permalinks和归档创建自定义的URL结构。 这可以提高美感,使用性能和你的链接的向前兼容性。

关于这个结构的更深入的描述,请看看文章使用Permalinks。 关于Permalinks的介绍,请阅读博客介绍中的Pretty Permalinks部分。

640px|right|Settings Permalinks SubPanel

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Customize Permalink Structure[ ]

自定义 Permalink 结构[ ]

A number of tags are available, and here are some examples to get you started.

Common settings
Check one of the radio buttons corresponding to the correct Permalink Structure for your blog.
  • Default - An example of the default structure is http://www.sample.com/?p=123


;普通设置: 选择一个与你的博客的正确的Permalink结构相应的单选按钮,。

  • 默认 –默认结构的一个例子,在http://www.sample.com/?p=123
  • Day and name - An example of the day and name based structure is http://www.sample.com/2008/03/31/sample-post/
  • Month and name - An example of the monthe and name based structure is http://www.sample.com/2008/03/sample-post/
  • Numeric - An example of the numeric structure is http://www.sample.com/archives/123
  • 日期和名称 –日期和名称为基础的结构是http://www.sample.com/2008/03/31/sample-post/
  • 月份和名称 –月份和名称为基础的结构是http://www.sample.com/2008/03/sample-post/
  • 数字的 –数字的结构的一个例子,是http://www.sample.com/archives/123
  • 自定义结构 – 这个框,规定了你想要使用的自定义结构。 一个例子是/archives/%year%/%monthnum%/%day%/%postname%/。 看看使用Permalinks文章,看看关于Permalink 结构标签的深入讨论。
You may enter custom bases for your category and tag URLs here. For example, using /topics/ as your category base would make your category links like http://example.org/topics/uncategorized/. If you leave these blank the defaults will be used. Again, see the WordPress:Using Permalinks article for further discussion of Permalink Structure Tags.

;可选择的:你可以为类别和标签URLs,在这里输入自定义基础。 例如,使用/topics/作为你的类别基础,会使你的类别链接看起来像http://example.org/topics/uncategorized/。 如果你将这些保留为空白,就会使用默认设置。 再次看看使用Permalinks文章, Permalink 结构标签的深入讨论。

  • Category base - Enter a custom prefix for your category URLs here.
  • Tag base - Enter a custom prefix for your tag URLs here.

也注意: 对于以点号(".")如".htaccess"开始的文件,在大多数服务器上,都是默认隐藏的。查看你使用的FTP软件的用户指南或者常见问题,查找怎样使得软件显示这些隐藏文件,以及怎样使用软件更改文件权限,重新命名文件,等等。 更多关于这方面的信息,请看看更改文件权限

comment out的结尾 -->

Save Changes[ ]

Click the Save Changes button to ensure any changes you have made to your Settings are saved to your database. Once you click the button, a confirmation text box will appear at the top of the page telling you your settings have been saved.

保存更改[ ]

;点击保存更改按钮,确保你对设置所作的任何更改保存在你的数据库中。 你点击按钮后,在网页的顶上方会出现确认文本框,通知你,你的设置已经得到了保存。

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