WordPress: WPMU SVN Repository:修订间差异

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(新页面: === WPMU Core Code === Wordpress MU development code is hosted at Automattic, at http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress-mu/ The latest version can be seen at: http://svn.automattic.com/wor...)

2008年9月22日 (一) 14:29的版本

WPMU Core Code

Wordpress MU development code is hosted at Automattic, at http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress-mu/

The latest version can be seen at: http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress-mu/trunk/

It's possible to see the past state of wpmu releases through wpmu's tags. http://svn.automattic.com/wordpress-mu/tags/

Instead of installing from tgz or zip file, you can get Subversion to look after all the stock files in your installation. This means when a new release comes out you don't need to look through everything to work out what has changed. Instead you can simply ask SVN to update to the latest version.

SVN maintains both tagged versions (these roughly correspond to releases), and the HEAD version (latest bleeding edge beta). Unless you are actively developing you are advised to Run of a tagged copy.

Running off the SVN head


You can run WPMU off the SVN head by:

Note the WordPress:WPMU Development Methodology - there can be bugs trying to run the HEAD of the SVN checkout.

Running off a tagged version

Rather than running off the HEAD of SVN, which can include unconcluded or incomplete changes, some people favour running off a tagged version, and then, once a later version has been complete and released, switch the install to use a later tag.

Tagged versions are selected just like a checkout of the HEAD.

Updating WPMU to run off a later tag

This will replace all files that were associated with the tagged files from the repository (in our example, from 1.5.1) to the newer version, 2.6.

Naturally you can use the same method to go backwards, to an older version.


WP Plugin SVN Code

Although the code for (some?) plugins is held in


There is no known way of keeping those plugins up to date with the latest stable releases. Note also that whereas wpmu core is under the strict watchful eye of donncha, the plugins repository is open to submission by anyone. You take your chances!

Vendor Branches

Subversion has the mechanism to help you bring in a third party codebase into your own repository. This is described here:

and here:

It would be useful if someone reconciled this for use with wpmu and wp-plugins and one's own code.

Some potentially useful strategies:

Ideally we could do with a strategy that takes the best of these two. Perhaps you'd like to add a how-to onto Codex?