WordPress:WordPress Housekeeping

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更新 WordPress

如果一个新的WordPress版本出现,我们建议你进行更新。这些新版本通常包括新的先进的功能和修正。你不用在新版本出来后立即重新安装。你可以等一段时间。建议查找WordPress更新,并至少每三个月,最多六个月更新一次。查看 WordPress或者WordPress 下载可以获得最新版本。





每三到六个月,检查最新版本的插件。这从管理 > 插件 面板中很容易实现. 在左边是链接到插件作者主页或者是插件资源的和文档的栏目,有时还可能是WordPress 插件库. 注意列表中的版本号,点击链接访问页面,查看是否你正在使用最新版本。如果不是,考虑下载和安装最新的版本吧。


很多时候插件不适合你的站点或者你不再需要它,但你还把它放在那以防万一.这可能会在你的 管理 > 插件面板中遗留下太多东西,导致你的插件列表拖动起来又长又麻烦。如果放的时间太长,有可能会由于WordPress版本更新导致插件失效。每三到六个月检查一次插件面板,清除你不需要的东西。

插件管理界面|拇指通过访问插件作者的站点开始插件家务管理工作,看看屏幕左边是否有关于如何通过插件面板卸载插件的介绍。一些插件要求添加标签和代码到你的模板文件,有的要求对WordPress 管理文件做出更改. 确定并阅读插件卸载说明,来删除站点上每个这样的更改,这样你的站点在插件关闭时就不会出现错误。


移除插件时,要从 管理 > 插件 面板确认插件处于未激活状态。到站点的wp-content/plugins 文件夹 (通常带有FTP 程序)查找你想要删除的插件的文件名。选择文件并删除。



WordPress 经常添加新的插件。也许某个插件可以做你现有插件做的工作,但是做的更好呢?也许某个插件可以让你的WordPress 站点受益更大呢?

每三到六个月搜索下网路,或者访问WordPress 插件网站,查看是否有新的可以改进你的站点的插件可用。如果他们替换了你已经安装过的插件的功能, 确定并且按照插件作者的删除说明或者本文中[[WordPress:#Delete Old or Unwanted Plugins| 删除旧的或者不需要的插件]]这部分的小提示进行操作。


和插件一样,很多使用者喜欢尝试所有不同的WordPress 主题。 一些使用者的 管理 > 界面主题列表中可能有二十或者更多种主题. 如果你正在使用它们,为什么不做些关于主题的家务管理呢?

管理界面面板|thumb想要移除一个主题,查看 管理 > 界面 面板来确认你目前没有使用那种主题。

然后打开网页(使用FTP 程序),查看wp-content/themes/文件夹,找到你想删除的主题。在wp-content/themes/文件夹中把文件夹高亮显示并删除。



Theme Template Files

While you were designing your template files, you probably added a few things you commented out because they didn't work right or you weren't sure you really needed them, but left them there just in case you wanted them later. If you still don't want them, go through your template files and delete those commented out codes and tags.


While you were designing your template files, you probably added a few things you commented out because they didn't work right or you weren't sure you really needed them, but left them there just in case you wanted them later. If you still don't want them, go through your template files and delete those commented out codes and tags.


[[WordPress:#Site Optimizaton|Optimizing your templates and style sheet]] is part of the normal activity of website designers and developers. While you have your template files open, take a moment to clean out some unwanted spaces. Having spaces before a code is fine, but there may be hidden ones after your code lines that just make the file size larger. There also might be three blank lines before some of the code when a single blank line might be all you need to separate some code from the pack. Delete those blank lines, but take care not to remove any spacing that should be left. Familiarity with PHP and HTML helps with this process.

[[WordPress:#Site Optimizaton|优化你的模板和样式表]]是网页开发者和设计者应该做日常工作的的一部分. 当你打开模板文件时,花点时间清楚不需要的空格。在代码前加上空格没问题,但是在你的代码后有可能隐藏着其他空格,这会让你的文件尺寸变大。同样还有可能在某写代码之前,一行开始的时候有三行空行,也许你只是想分开某些代码。删除这些空行,但是注意不要删除一些应该保留的空格。精通PHP和 HTML 对此有所帮助。

Cleaning the Style Sheet

Just as with your template files, it may be time to do a little housekeeping on your styles.css file in your Theme folder. There is [[WordPress:#Site Optimizaton|more information on optimizing your style sheet]] below, but start first by cleaning out the unwanted stuff in your style sheet.


和模板文件一样, 也许是时候对你主题文件夹中的styles.css文件做一些家务管理了。下边有[[WordPress:#Site Optimizaton|更多有关优化样式表的信息]],但是首先从清除样式表中不需要的部分开始。

Look for comments you've made to remind you of the things you did and changed. Do you still need them to remind you of modifications you made, or can they be deleted?

找到你所做的提醒你自己做了哪些和改变了什么的注释 ,你还需要它们提醒你修改的东西还是可以被删除了?

Look for triple space lines between style sections and delete those down to one blank line to clean up your file size.

Is your style sheet a jumble of style references? Is it grouped alphabetically and are you tired of hunting through lines of code to find everything in your core structure (header, content, sidebar, footer) when it might be more convenient to group these together? Or maybe you have it grouped by section and similarity and you want it sorted alphabetically. Either way, it might be time to do a little housekeeping and arrange your style sheet the way that works best for your needs.


你的样式表只是一个样式参数的混了集合吗?它是按字母排序的?在可以更方便的组织这些代码的情况下,你已经对从主要代码(header, content, sidebar, footer)一行行的找东西感到厌倦了吗?或者你把它们按照类别和相似程度组织好了,但是想让它们按字母顺序排列。不管哪种方法,你都需要做一些家务管理,用最好的方法按照你的意愿安排你的样式表。

Get a New Theme

Tired of your old theme's look? Maybe it's time to do a little presentation housekeeping and change the look of your WordPress site. With the addition of Themes in WordPress v1.5, changing your site's look is easy.


对旧的主题外观感到厌倦了?可能到了做些家务管理来改变WordPress站点的外观的时候了。在 WordPress v1.5 主题的新增功能的帮助下, 更改站点外观是很容易的.

Check out the various resources for WordPress Themes. If you find one you like, download it and install it according to the theme author's instructions and then activate it from the Administration > Presentation Panel.

查看WordPress 主题的多种资源,如果你找到你喜欢的,下载下来并按照作者的说明安装,然后从管理 > 界面面板中激活使用。

Don't worry, your old theme will still be there. Test drive the new one for a while. You can always go back to the old one. If you are really determined to turn your theme housekeeping efforts into some serious work, check out the article on WordPress:Theme Development to create your own unique theme.


Unwanted Images

Many users upload a lot of graphics to their site that they end up never using. If you find yourself with a lot of unused graphics and images, consider going through them and cleaning house by deleting them. Double check that they are also removed from your hard drive WordPress folder, so you don't add them back in the future.



If you aren't sure you will never need them again, but you aren't using them now and want to remove them from your site if server site space is limited, move them to a folder in your hard drive WordPress folder called backupimages or something similar and store them there, just in case.

如果你不确定你是否不会再用到它们,但是现在不用,并且服务器空间还有限制,所以想从网站上删除, 那就把它们移动到另外一个在硬盘上的叫做backupimages 的WordPress文件夹中,或者其他类似的文件夹储存,以防万一

Site Optimization

If you are using a WordPress Theme you haven't modified, you shouldn't have to worry about optimizing your website. Still, it might help. Site optimization means creating a "lean and mean" website that loads fast, is easy on the bandwidth, validates, and meets web standards.



WordPress stresses that code and style files should validate and be laid out with a lot of tabs so they are easy to read. The World Wide Web Consortium and the Web Standards Organization stresses that all web page code be compliant with their standards. If you are going to get into this, you should familiarize yourself with the most basic of these standards.

WordPress强调代码和样式文件应该有效,使用大量标签设计,这样它们容易阅读。万维网联盟网页标准组织 强调所有的网页代码都适应它们的标准。如果你正打算涉及这方面,你应该熟悉这些标准的基础.

One of those standards is to present a clean and optimized style sheet and XHTML code. We've covered some of the housekeeping cleaning chores associated with WordPress files and functions, but if you really want to streamline your site's code, take it a step further and look into your site optimization options.

那些标准之一就是显示一个干净和优化的样式表和XHTML 代码。我们再WordPress文件和函数的帮助下,涵盖了一些家务管理的清理杂务,但是如果你希望让你的站点代码更优秀,就更进一步来看看站点优化操作吧。

Basically, total site optimization means validating your site's HTML and CSS, testing the site's design across browsers, ensuring web standards are met, including standards for accessibility - but let's start with some simple cleaning.

基本上,全站优化意味着检验站点的HTML 和CSS,通过浏览器测试站点的设计,保证网页达到标准,包括可能达到的标准-让我们从一些简单的清理开始吧。

Every space, character, and bit in your code and style sheets add up to bytes. That sentence came to about 64 bytes. Each byte of information adds up, and the larger they are, the longer they take to load. Do yourself and your users a favor by keeping your file sizes to a minimum. So where do all these bandwidth wasters hide?


If you have set your code to look pretty with lots of indents, have you checked to see if there are any TAB codes at the end of the line before the line break? In some themes, there tend to be a lot of those. You don't need a TAB before a line break, only after, but somehow, these sneak into the code.


Using spaces to line up code adds to the size. A TAB is considered one character in most editors, but the five spaces that copy the TAB indent takes up five characters. Using double spaces instead of single spaces in your code and styles adds up, too.


Using a good search and replace capable text editor, you can quickly clean these up, making your styles and code optimized for fast loading.


There are a lot of ways of optimizing your code and styles, and here are some resources for more information on creating lean and mean code:


Optimization Resources Code


Speeding Up Your Site


Maintenance Schedule

In the article, Lessons: WordPress Site Maintenance, we cover website maintenance, but take a moment now to go through this list of WordPress housekeeping chores and add them to your calendar so you can clean up your site on a regular basis, keeping your WordPress site a lean and clean site to visit.


课程: WordPress站点维护这篇文章中, 我们提到了网站维护,现在花点时间来看这个WordPress 家务管理列表并把它们加入到你的日程表中,这样你可以在规律的基础上清理你的站点,保证你的站点是一个简洁并且内容丰富的网站。