WordPress: Importing Content:修订间差异

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== Roller ==
== Roller ==
You can fairly easily import data from Roller using the MovableType import script. First, you need to export your blog from Roller database, then use it to create entries in your new blog. Pictures you need to copy to appropriate content directory yourself. Modify the $user, $oldresources, $newresources, and $connection variables in a beginning of script, store it on somewhere on you web host where php execution is allowed, and you will get the dump of your Roller blog in MovableType Import format in return. You can just use wget to store it into file. Then follow the instructions for MovableType import...
* [[WordPress:Importing From Roller|从Roller中引进]] 是完整而复杂的。 这应该能对Roller pre-2.0发行起作用。在2.0版本之后,评论表变成了roller-comment.将选中的陈述改为roller_comment.
* 也在博客[http://nullpointer.debashish.com Null Pointer]中看看[http://nullpointer.debashish.com/migrating-a-roller-blog-to-wordpress 另一种方法]解释
* [[WordPress:Importing From Roller|Importing From Roller]] is complete and comprehensive. This should work for Roller pre-2.0 release. After Version 2.0, the comment table is changed to roller_comment. Just change the select statement to roller_comment.
* Also have a look [http://nullpointer.debashish.com/migrating-a-roller-blog-to-wordpress another technique] explained at the blog [http://nullpointer.debashish.com Null Pointer].

== Textpattern ==
== Textpattern ==

2008年3月28日 (五) 13:51的版本

WordPress目前支持的引进数据是以文章的形式,以及由内容发布平台支持的大多数详细资料与特写. 在你的WordPress的管理界面上的”引进”标签下,你可以看到绝大多数以下的引进脚本. 如果你遇到了具体的问题,在 WordPress支持论坛上搜索以下有可能得到一个解决办法或者尝试一下常见问题解答抄本.没有列在这儿的博客系统用户,想要切换到WordPress 也可以到WordPress支持论坛上寻求帮助. 帮你了解WordPress和其它现有软件的不同,我们推荐你回顾一下WordPress特征 ,更多的请回顾和WordPress一起工作.


引进b2文章到你的WordPress博客上的脚本位于你的wordpress/wp-admin/import-b2.php站点上. (注: 在Wordpress 2.0.2上,这不再是真的.在wordpress/wp-admin/import上有一个b2.php文件,但这个是空的.) 在 Wild Mind ,你可以找到一个短的b2到WP教程.

b2 演变

目前有两种方法可以将b2演变安装引进这个部分讨论的Wordpress. 在数据库之间的直接引进 关于从b2evo中引向for importing from b2evo to WordPress 2.x的一个非WordPress脚本可以得到(WordPress 1.x的(遗赠引入者). 说明:

  1. 安装WordPress
  2. 下载文件,移动.txt扩展名,并且上传到你的wp-admin目录下
  3. 运行脚本,输入你的b2evo数据库名和密码

好了! 关于脚本和使用的详细信息可以从这个拥有讨论和更新的论坛主题中查找. 目前这个脚本自从2006年9月,就没有再更新,与目前的(v1.9)b2演变数据库结构不相调和. 通过活字输出格式引进 第二种方法是重新的外包装b2演变博客,这样当看它的消息来源时,它看起来是活字输出格式. 这种方法对于Wordpress的所有版本和b2演变的最新版本都应该适用,在这个网页上得到了全面的描述.


WordPress 2.2及更高的WordPress用户可以从Blogger中引进.更早的版本不能从博客中引进,因为”新的”blogger 是由Google发行的,使所有的旧的引进者都无效了. 只有WordPress2.2和之后的版本才有”新的Blogger”的支持. 如果你没有准备好,你必须使用新的Blogger和Blogger上一个Google账户. 如果你仍然在使用旧的Blogger, 引进的就不能工作. 开始引进者, 转到 管理->引进->Blogger并且遵循以下的指示.




  • 看一下将一个Dotclear 博客引进一个WordPress 2 的 教程


e107 CMS



将Greymatter文章引进你的Wordpress的博客的脚本位于wp-admin/import-greymatter.php. 脚本相当地老。它最初写是为了从Greymatter中引进b2. 出现过引进的脚本不能对WordPress1.5起作用的情况。在这些情况下,你可以试试这个工作区:

  • 安装WordPress1.2
  • 从Greymatter中引进
  • 然后将WordPress升级为最新的版本

你也可以在http://wordpress.org/support/topic.php?id=24110 中阅读论坛线程,得到其它的工作区。


有一个脚本 ,允许从Jogger.pl中引进条目和评论-波兰语,Jabber推动的博客系统。评论和指南是波兰语(因为Jogger大多是波兰语),如果你有什么问题,可以随时在评论作者的博客中提出。


将LiveJournal文章引进你的WordPress博客的脚本位于wp-admin/import-livejournal.php(管理->引进->LiveJournal). 在WordPress2.1.1和WordPress2.3及更高中,也可以得到。它位于wp-admin/import/livejournal.php LiveJournal引进者需要你将你的LiveJournal帐户上的全部条目以XML格式输出。关于输出LiveJournal的说明可以在LiveJournal export instructions中找到。这些工具似乎要你一个月一次的输出你的定期杂志。然而,输出工具会在一个单一的文件中愉悦地接受所有的条目,所以你可以将它们都保存在同一个文件中。你可能要在Livejournal输出工具返回的页面上,“查看一下源文件”,以看看XML的来源。然后你可以复制,将这个粘贴到你要输出的文件上。

Live Space (MSN Space)


Motime - Splinder

有许多品牌的博客主机供应商Tipic Inc. 使用一个叫做Spleender的python脚本,你可以引进文章(不是评论),看一个英语个案研究或者一个意大利语的完整的文件。 你可以引入评论,文章,和分类也可以使用WP插件Splinder/Motime Importer, 看一个 英语快速指导或者全部用意大利语写的文件.


有一个脚本:使用*Linux*服务器,从Pivot1.2中向WordPress引进posts 还有一个脚本,已经得到了更新,以对WordPress2.0起作用:WordPress的Pivot输出器。它试着保存用户和目录。 然而,Pivot也有一个极好的RSS支持,WordPress可以引进RSS例子

Movable Type

从Movable Type中引进,选择 管理 标签,然后选择引进 sub-tab.你也可以手工运行引进.php程序。它位于你的站点的wordpress/wp-admin/import.php上。选择链接Moveble Type和TypePad.

Nucleus CMS




  • 从Roller中引进 是完整而复杂的。 这应该能对Roller pre-2.0发行起作用。在2.0版本之后,评论表变成了roller-comment.将选中的陈述改为roller_comment.
  • 也在博客Null Pointer中看看另一种方法解释


The script for importing Textpattern posts into your WordPress blog is located at wp-admin/import-textpattern.php.

Another script may be found on the WordPress Forum on this forum thread.

(Update March 31, 2007) The wordpress textpattern.php import script seems to be buggy. Therefore, another script(hack of the wordpress-included one) and step-by-step importing instructions are to be found over here.


The WordPress:Importing from Movable Type to WordPress works for TypePad blogs, too. The only difference is in the process of exporting entries from the TypePad blog. Contact TypePad support for instructions on exporting entries from TypePad. Once you have the exported entries, follow the instructions in WordPress:Importing from Movable Type to WordPress to complete the import into WordPress.




To import from a WordPress export file into a WordPress blog follow these steps.

  1. Log into that blog as an administrator.
  2. Go to Manage: Import in the blog's admin panels.
  3. Choose "WordPress" from the list.
  4. Upload this file using the form provided on that page.
  5. You will first be asked to map the authors in this export file to users on the blog. For each author, you may choose to map to an existing user on the blog or to create a new user
  6. WordPress will then import each of the posts, comments, and categories contained in this file into your blog


xanga.r is a program that parses xanga pages to get the post and comments. Then it can output them in the WordPress rss 2.0 xml format for WordPress to import.

Xanga Archives

If you had paid for Xanga Premium and saved your archive files before switiching to WordPress, an importer can be found here.


These are the instructions to import your posts from Zoomblog:

  1. Go to your Zoomblog account and export your blog data (it generates an XML file).
  2. Download the Zoomblog importer from here. Save it as zoomblog.php and upload it to your wp-admin/import directory.
  3. Login into WordPress and go to Manage:Import:Zoomblog.
  4. Choose the Zoomblog XML export file and it should be done.

It imports all posts and comments, and creates new categories, though, unfortunately, there's no way to figure out the proper category name, so you'll have to edit them afterwards. It does not deal with multiple authors.

Importing from an RSS feed


2.0 introduced this as an option in the Admin menu under "Import".

First, save the RSS feed you wish to import someplace on your local machine. This would be the source and would come from the site that has the content you wish to import into your WP blog. A simple way to get the feed into a text file is to find the RSS link for that site, click it and view it in your browser, then copy/paste that to a text file. Or, of course, use your preferred tools.

Click the "Browse" button and navigate to the file containing the feed you wish to import and click "Import" to let it run.

Note: Depending on the feed and format, you may not get the entire thing loaded on the first attempt. One option is to determine how much got imported (Manage -> Posts) and remove those sections from your saved RSS file and then re-import. Lather, rinse, repeat as necessary.

Pre 2.x

WordPress also has a generic RSS importer, which you can find in your WordPress source at wp-admin/import-rss.php. If your current blogging system can export in a valid RSS format, you can import that into WordPress.

Importing the RSS data is done by running the import-rss.php script from the server. For security reasons you have to edit the script to point to the file where the RSS data is stored.

If you have your blog at http://example.com, you can place your file, for example oldblog.xml, in the wp-admin directory on your site.

Edit import-rss.php by changing the value of RSSFILE in the beginning of the script. After you have changed this, run the script by accessing the script with your browser, in this case you’ll go to http://example.com/wp-admin/import-rss.php.

If the script finds your file, a link marked Begin RSS Import occur, and by pressing this link the import will start.

The RSS data are now imported, and you can remove the RSS file and restore the script.