WordPress:Combating Comment Spam

Fludlen讨论 | 贡献2008年6月16日 (一) 14:20的版本
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Comment spam is a fact of life if you have a blog. Using WordPress, you have not only solid built-in tools to prevent comment spam, there are also a wide range of comment spam protection and defense plugins and methods to choose from if you feel you need additional coverage and protection.


There is no "one size fits all" method that will protect your comments; spammers use many tactics. Consider using multiple defenses. Remember spammers change the way they attack so you must keep your choices updated.


Disclaimer: The plugins and codes listed are not endorsed by anyone other than the plugin author. No responsibility is taken by WordPress for anything untoward that may occur.


Criteria for listing: For any code to be listed here, it must have already been posted to the WordPress Support Forum OR to the Hackers mailing list, and then received an independent follow-up message of "works as expected for me without error."

罗列标准:列在这儿的任何代码,首先必须发表在WordPress 支持论坛或者Hackers mailing list杀那个,然后收到一个独立的信息,"如我期望的那样,无错误地运行。"

ANY code or links added to this page that have not satisfied the above criteria will be deleted.


Akismet Comment Spam Fighter

Akismet 评论垃圾广告斗士

Current versions of WordPress come with Akismet installed by default. Akismet uses a unique algorithm combined with a community-created database to "learn" which comments are comment spam and which are legitimate.


To enable Akismet on your WordPress blog, go to the Plugins panel and activate the Plugin. A menu is added to the Comments Panel and holds a list of "caught" comment spam.


If comment spam gets through Akismet's net, mark it as comment spam in your Comments Panel. Do not delete it. By marking it "comment spam", the information is sent to Akismet and added to the community-created database.


Frequently, check through the caught comment spam in the Akismet Panel to look for false/negatives, legitimate comment spam that has been caught by Akismet. Mark it as Not Spam and click Despam at the bottom of the page to remove these comments from the list.

要经常地在Akismet 面板上检查截获的评论垃圾广告,并且查找Akismet截取的合法的评论,false/negatives comment。并将这种评论标记为不是 垃圾广告,并且点击网页底部的非垃圾 广告来从列表中移除这些评论。

My Comments Get Caught By Akismet


Akismet learns by those who mark comment spam as comment spam and legitimate spam is despammed. If your comments are being caught by Akismet, remove them from the Akismet Panel. It might take two or three times, but it will learn and automatically not designate your comments as spam.


Commenters on your blog may have their comments caught by Akismet. If you do not regularly check your Akismet Panel, have an easy way of allowing readers to email you if their comment did not appear.


With updates to the database and major changes to the software, this process may have to be repeated.


If you continue to have problems with Akismet catching your comments or too many of your readers' comments, contact Akismet for more assistance.


Combating Comment Spam FAQ

抗击评论垃圾广告 常见问题解答

Default Comment Spam Tools


The following are the default comment spam tools that come with every installation of WordPress, in addition to the Akismet WordPress Plugin.

下面是每次安装WordPress时,所拥有的默认评论垃圾广告工具,此外还有Akismet WordPress插件。

Number of Links in Posts


To change the number of links in comment posts, which may help stop comment spammers who include dozens of links in their comment posts, you can change the setting for the number of links permitted in a comment.


  • In the section which covers the number of links in a post, it is set to 2 by default. You could lower to one.
  • 在规定一篇文章中有多少链接的部分,这个链接数目默认设置为2。你可以将这个数字降低为1。

NOTE: Do not set this to zero or leave the field blank. It will send every comment to moderation -- not the desired effect.


Spam Words


If you encounter a word or phrase that is not in the Spam Words list, you can add it. You can also add the spam words found on the WordPress:Spam Words list to the list that comes with your WordPress installation.


  • 垃圾广告词文本区框中,你可以添加额外的垃圾广告词
  • Added words are to be on a single line with a single line break after them with no spaces in between the words. If you include a blank line, every single comment will be moderated.
  • 添加的词之间没有空格,是在一行之中,词的后面有一行将其与其它内容分开。如果你包含了一个空白的一行,每个单一的评论都要得到审核。
  • When a comment contains any of these words in its content, name, URI, e-mail, or IP, WordPress will hold it in the moderation queue.
  • 如果评论内容中包含有名称,URI,电子邮件或者IP中的任何一个单词,WordPress就会将评论设置到审核队列中。

Comment Blacklist


Included on your Options > Discussion panel is a section called the Comment Blacklist. This is a list of words completely blacklisted from your blog.

在你的选项 > 讨论面板上包含一个称为评论黑名单的部分。这是你的博客上完全不能出现的一列词。

Be very careful what you add here. If a comment matches something here it will be completely nuked and there will be no notification. These "nuked" comments will not appear on your blog, but they will remain in your database marked as [spam]. Comments that are marked as [spam] are held in your database to educate "intelligent" anti-spam plugins, such as Akismet.


Choose your blacklist words wisely!


Remember that partial words can match, so if there is any chance something here might match it would be better to put it in the moderation box. Blacklisting a word such as tramadol will automatically delete any comments containing tramadol, tramadols, bigtramadol, etc. But, blacklisting a word such as ass will automatically delete comments containing ass, asses, assistance, passionate, assumption, etc.

要记住也可以部分匹配,因此如果评论中有什么内容与黑名单中的词匹配,最好将这个评论放到审核框中。将一个例如tramadol的词归入黑名单,会自动地删除任何包含tramadol, tramadols, bigtramadol,等等的评论。但是,将一个如ass的词归入评论,会自动地删除含有ass, asses, assistance, passionate, assumption,等的词。

Moderate All Comments


Depending upon the amount of comments and control you want over comments on your WordPress site, you may want to moderate all comments on your site.


In the Options > Discussion panel, check the box next to An administrator must approve the comment (regardless of any matches below). 在选项 > 讨论面板上,选中一个管理员必须批准评论(不管下面有什么匹配)旁边的框。

Pre-approve Comments from Old Commenters


You can also set your Options > Discussion panel options to allow previously approved comments to avoid moderation. Check Comment author must have a previously approved comment.

你也可以将你的选项 > 讨论面板设置来允许先前批准的评论,避免审核这样的评论。选中评论作者必须有一个先前批准过的评论

Restrict Comments to Registered Users


If you allow only registered users to comment, you can restrict comments to only registered users.


  • Under Membership:, select Users must be registered and logged in to comment.
  • 成员资格:下面,选择用户必须注册并且登录到评论

Inform Users When Comments are Moderated


When people submit comments, they expect them to appear on your blog immediately. Implementing comment moderation and not telling people will almost certainly result in some people repeatedly submitting the same comment as they think it has disappeared. To prevent this from happening, and to avoid disgruntled and confused readers, inform people that their comment is under review by doing the following:


If you use popup comments, edit comments-popup.php and if you do not, edit comments.php.


Look for the following code:


<input name="submit" type="submit" tabindex="5" value="<?php _e("Say it!"); ?>" />
<input name="submit" type="submit" tabindex="5" value="<?php _e("Say it!"); ?>" />

Change that to the following, adding your own customization: 将上述的代码,更改,添加你自己的自定义内容:


Comment moderation is in use. Please do not submit your comment twice -- it will appear shortly.


<input name="submit" type="submit" tabindex="5" value="<?php _e("Say it!"); ?>" />

Spam Plugins


There are many plugin options to choose from to add to WordPress' built-in comment spam protection and found in the Official WordPress Plugin Directory and WordPress Plugin Database.

有许多关于的WordPress内置的评论垃圾广告防御的插件,可以在官方 WordPress 插件目录WordPress 插件数据库中找到。

Comment Spam Hacks

评论垃圾广告 Hacks

The following are not recommended for average users. They involve editing WordPress core files. BACKUP your files first.


Delete wp-comments-post.php
The ultimate end-all solution to your comment spam troubles. This will effectively disable comments and is good for stopping comment spam floods. No one will be able to comment on your WordPress site.

;删除wp-comments-post.php :这是解决你的评论垃圾广告问题的最后解决方案。这个方法会有效地消除评论并阻止泛滥的评论垃圾广告。没有人能够在你的WordPress站点上评论。

Delete wp-trackback.php
The ultimate end-all solution to your trackback spam troubles. This will effectively disable trackbacks and is good for stopping trackback spam floods. This will mean that no one will be able to trackback your posts, so do this after consideration.

;删除wp-trackback.php :解决你的trackback垃圾广告的最后方法。这个会有效地消除trackbacks同时有利于阻止trackback垃圾广告的泛滥,因此考虑后再执行这个步骤。

Denying access with .htaccess
While drastic, you can make modifications in your .htaccess file if you are using an Apache server. Check the Internet and Apache for more information.


Use nofollow
The nofollow attribute is another method used to strip spammers of their page ranks. According to Google, "when Google sees the attribute (rel="nofollow") on hyperlinks, those links won't get any credit when we rank websites in our search results." Under WordPress v1.5, the nofollow attribute is automatically added to all links in the comments section.

;使用nofollow: nofollow属性是另一种方法,用来阻止spammers的网页的排名。根据Google,"当Google在hyperlinks上看到了属性 (rel="nofollow") 的时候, 当我们在我们的搜索结果中排名网站的时候,这些链接不会得到资格和信任。"

See Also


External Resources
