WordPress:Uploading WordPress to a remote host

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(This is part 2 of the Using FileZilla guide.)

( 这是使用FileZilla指南的第2部分。)

To upload (or delete) files and folders to your web host, you will need an FTP application. One of many free options that are at your disposal is FileZilla. Though written using screenshots from a Windows XP machine, using FileZilla, the following instructions carry over to just about every FTP client with a GUI (Graphical User Interface). You may want to read how to Set up FileZilla for your server, before you read the following.

要向你的网络主机上传(或者删除文件),你需要FTP应用软件。你可以处理的许多免费选项之一就是FileZilla。虽然是使用Windows XP系统的屏面截图编写的,使用FileZilla,将下面的说明执行到每个拥有GUI(图形用户界面)的FTP client上。在阅读这些说明之前,你可能需要阅读怎样设置 FileZilla处理服务器。

Uploading Files


How your server is setup differs from host to host. The screen shots you see here show two generic hosts:


left|thumb|300px|Figure 1: Host example #1 right|thumb|300px|Figure 2: Host example #2

left|thumb|300px|图 1: 主机例子 #1 right|thumb|300px|图 2: 主机例子 #2

Your screen could have htdocs or public_html where the screenshots show mainwebsite_html.


To install WordPress double-click the one that is web-root directory for webpages on your server. This is usually named htdocs, public_html, mainwebsite_html, www, web, or something very similar. The other folders are not of consequence in installing WordPress.

要安装WordPress,请双击你的服务器网页的根目录。这个目录通常命名为htdocs, public_html, mainwebsite_html, www, web,或者其它相似的名称。安装WordPress时,其它文件夹并不重要。

You should now see listing of files and folders that are contained inside your server's root folder. Just how many there are depends on what and how much you have on your website.


The point of this exercise is to upload WordPress, so let us continue down that road:


Right click in the server window: 在服务器窗口中点击:

center|thumb|400px|Figure 3 : Server window

center|thumb|400px|图3 : 服务器窗口

Click Create Directory, enter the name you want, and click Okay.


NOTE: The name you choose will be where your WordPress weblog will appear, and although it can be changed later, it's much better to avoid that by choosing what you want now. For example, if your website has the URL http://example.com and you want your weblog to be located at http://example.com/blog, then name the new folder blog.


In this example, we have created the directory blog. 在这个例子中,我们已经创建了目录博客

center|thumb|256px|Figure 4 : Newly created directory

center|thumb|256px|图4 : 新创建的目录

Now the directory blog has been made, double-click on it to open it.


center|thumb|406px|Figure 5 : The new and empty directory

center|thumb|406px|图5 : 新的空目录

Nothing there yet ... but note the folder with the dots following it -- clicking that takes you back up a folder level.


Upload WordPress


Before you begin to upload WordPress, it is essential to have downloaded WordPress, and unzipped it, on your local computer. When you unzip the downloaded .zip file, a folder called wordpress will be created. Please note the location of this folder in your computer. You may also want to prepare the downloaded files for installation, by reading WordPress:Installing WordPress and completing the relevant steps, such as editing wp-config-sample.php.

在你开始上传WordPress之前,已经拥有已下载的 WordPress,并且将其解压到了你的本地电脑上,这一点,很重要。当你解压downloaded .zip文件的时候,会创建一个称为wordpress的文件夹。请注意这个文件夹在你的电脑上的位置。你可能准备将已下载的文件,安装,请阅读安装WordPress,完成相关的步骤,例如编辑 wp-config-sample.php

In Area 2 of Using Filezilla -> Figure 1, find your way to where you have the WordPress folder on your computer after unzipping the zip file that you downloaded.

使用Filezilla -> 图 1的第二个区域,在解压了你下载的文件夹后,查找你将WordPress文件夹放在电脑的什么位置,

center|thumb|383px|Figure 6 : Folder navigation - top window

center|thumb|383px|图6 : 文件夹导航 - top window

When you have found it and clicked the wordpress folder, the window underneath that will show the contents of said folder:


center|thumb|382px|Figure 7 : Folder navigation - bottom window

center|thumb|382px|图7 : 文件夹导航 - bottom window

Hold the SHIFT key , and press the DOWN arrow on the keyboard to highlight all the files and folders in that window.


Now RIGHT-click, and choose Upload from the menu. Now watch ...... everything should be uploaded straight to your website.


Once that has happened, then whatever is in the server window should be on your computer window. The blog folder on the server, and the wordpress folder on your computer should be identical with regards to the contents.


Click on folders -- such as wp-admin -- in both windows and check that each window has the same list of files and folders.

点击文件夹—例如wp-admin --在两个窗口中,核实每个窗口都有相同的文件和文件夹列表。

center|thumb|509px|Figure 8 : Files in each folder should be the same

center|thumb|509px|图8 : 各自文件夹中的文件应该是相同的

This concludes the guide for uploading files to your server, using an FTP client, FileZilla, especially with regard to installing WordPress.

这样结束了使用FTP client, FileZilla,将啊文件上传到你的服务器上的指南,特别是有个安装WordPress方面。

You may want to read more about Changing File Permissions and seeing hidden files on the server.
