WordPress:New To WordPress - Where to Start

Xxf3325讨论 | 贡献2008年3月24日 (一) 14:43的版本
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如果你刚接触WordPress, 你急着想知道从哪儿开始,你来到了正确的地方。这儿有一个很简单的一步步的计划帮你开始使用wordpress. 请记住,如果你中途需要帮助,这篇文章中列举了许多种帮助方式。欢迎来到令人兴奋的WordPress世界!

在安装了Wordpress,一步步的完成了下面的步骤之后,就要考虑开始第一个插件的安装Codex and 论坛搜索器插件. 这允许你从你的Wordpress管理面板搜索WordpressCodex和Wordpress支持论坛。点击其中的一个搜索结果,在一个新的对话框或制表符中会出现网页,在Wordpress上工作的时候,你可以使文章或讨论处于打开的状态。信息就控制在你的指尖上,这样你向Wordpress的过渡更轻易。


在你将你宝贵的时间和精力投入到安装Wordpress之前,你需要阅读一些文件。Wordpress 是一个极好的产品;使用简单,能量巨大,但它也不一定使每一个人必不可少的合适的软件。就像建房子那样,适当的工作需要有适当的工具。考虑在你空余时间的时候阅读一下 创造一个PDF.





  • 你将把Wordpress安装到一个根目录,下级目录中还是仅仅制作一个测试网站以确信自己想使用Wordpress?
  • Have you made a list of your site Categories? Understand that WordPress can only order Categories alphabetically by name or by ID (order entered through the Manage > Categories screen), so if the display order of your Categories is important to you, start making your list of Categories.


  • Have you made a list of WordPress:Pages you may want to add to your site, such as About, Contact, or Events?





With your installation complete, it's time to set up WordPress so it will work the way you want it to work. As you change various settings, it is recommended you view how those changes impact your site by frequently clicking the View Site link at the top of the Administration Screen. Though you may choose to do these steps in any order, your site will cause you fewer problems if you proceed in the following order:

Take time to explore the WordPress Codex site, the official documentation site for WordPress. You'll find helpful information by reading WordPress:WordPress Lessons, and these helpful documents:

Presentation and Themes

With the new WordPress version 1.5, changing the look of your WordPress website is possible with just a few clicks. Here is a list of resources and information about changing the look of your site with WordPress Themes.

At this point, there may be something about your Theme choice that is bothering you, or, you really want to get your hands dirty understanding how your WordPress Theme works. These simple guides to help customize your WordPress Theme:

If you want to create a new WordPress Theme from scratch, or do major renovations, or even design WordPress Themes for public release, you will need to be familiar with HTML, XHMTL, and CSS. The following documents will get you started:

If you want a custom-made WordPress Theme created especially for you by expert web-designers, it is recommended you search for qualified web-designers on the Internet, or look in your local community, or draw from the List of Recommended Web Page Designers by Laughing Squid.

Adding Plugins

There are many "add-on" scripts and programs for WordPress called WordPress:Plugins that add more capabilities, choices, and options to your WordPress site. WordPress Plugins do many things, including; customizing the results of your site information, adding weather reports, adding spell check capability, and presenting custom lists of posts and acronyms. For more on how to work with Plugins and where to find WordPress Plugins for your site:

Advanced Use of WordPress

Now that you are familiar with the basic features and functions of how WordPress works, it might be time for you to plunge deeper into the power of WordPress. The links below will expand your familiarity with PHP, HTML, XHTML, and CSS:

Need More Help

As simple and easy as it is to use WordPress, if troubles arise, if something is confusing, if things aren't working, don't despair because help is available! Even though WordPress is free and open source, there are literally hundreds of volunteers eager to help you. Here are some helpful resources for WordPress:

And Finally

Now that you're a full fledged WordPress user, consider contributing to the WordPress Codex, Support Forum, Development, and other volunteer efforts that keep WordPress going. WordPress is free and totally supported by volunteers, and your help is needed.